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Commit 0dafd82e authored by Michael Sammler's avatar Michael Sammler Committed by Lennard Gäher
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Revert "Allow configuring whether Caesium checks for alignment"

This reverts commit 4bd010b77812fc67d02a6e595440b24e54ea2ae2.
parent 88a80f92
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......@@ -56,16 +56,6 @@ builddep: builddep/refinedrust-builddep.opam
DUNE_FILES = $(shell find theories/ -type f -name 'dune')
@echo "# Setting default configuration"
@cp theories/caesium/config/default_config.v theories/caesium/config/selected_config.v
.PHONY: config
@echo "# Setting no-align configuration"
@cp theories/caesium/config/no_align_config.v theories/caesium/config/selected_config.v
.PHONY: config-no-align
# Currently, we don't need to do anything special before building RefinedC in opam.
From lithium Require Export base.
From caesium.config Require Export config.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Global Unset Program Cases.
From caesium.config Require Import selected_config.
(** Compile time configuration for Caesium.
NOTE: Do not modify selected_config.v! Instead modify the original
configuration file and then use the Makefile to set the desired
configuration. *)
Module Type config_sig.
(** Should Caesium check that all pointers are well-aligned? *)
Parameter enforce_alignment : bool.
Axiom enforce_alignment_value : enforce_alignment = selected_config.enforce_alignment.
End config_sig.
Module config : config_sig.
Definition enforce_alignment : bool := selected_config.enforce_alignment.
Lemma enforce_alignment_value : enforce_alignment = selected_config.enforce_alignment.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End config.
Class ConfigEnforceAlignment : Prop :=
config_enforce_alignment : config.enforce_alignment = true.
Global Hint Extern 0 (ConfigEnforceAlignment) =>
(exact config.enforce_alignment_value) : typeclass_instances.
(** Default configuration for Caesium.
NOTE: Do not modify selected_config.v! Instead modify the original
configuration file and then use the Makefile to set the desired
configuration. *)
(** See config.v for explanation of the different configurations. *)
Definition enforce_alignment : bool := true.
(name caesium.config)
(package refinedrust)
(flags :standard -w -notation-overridden -w -redundant-canonical-projection)
(synopsis "Configuration of the Caesium language")
(theories ))
(** Configuration for Caesium that disables alignment checking.
NOTE: Do not modify selected_config.v! Instead modify the original
configuration file and then use the Makefile to set the desired
configuration. *)
(** See config.v for explanation of the different configurations. *)
Definition enforce_alignment : bool := false.
(** Default configuration for Caesium.
NOTE: Do not modify selected_config.v! Instead modify the original
configuration file and then use the Makefile to set the desired
configuration. *)
Definition enforce_alignment : bool := true.
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Notation "l 'offset{' ly '}ₗ' z" := (offset_loc l%L ly z%Z)
Global Typeclasses Opaque offset_loc.
(** Proposition stating that location [l] is aligned to [n] *)
Definition aligned_to (l : loc) (n : nat) : Prop := if config.enforce_alignment then (n | l.2) else True.
Definition aligned_to (l : loc) (n : nat) : Prop := (n | l.2).
Notation "l `aligned_to` n" := (aligned_to l n) (at level 50) : stdpp_scope.
Arguments aligned_to : simpl never.
Global Typeclasses Opaque aligned_to.
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Lemma ly_with_align_aligned_to l m n:
is_power_of_two n
l `has_layout_loc` ly_with_align m n.
rewrite /has_layout_loc/aligned_to. move => ??. case_match => //.
move => ??. rewrite /has_layout_loc.
by rewrite ly_align_ly_with_align keep_factor2_is_power_of_two.
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Lemma has_layout_loc_trans l ly1 ly2 :
(ly1.(ly_align_log) ly2.(ly_align_log))%nat
l `has_layout_loc` ly1.
rewrite /has_layout_loc/aligned_to => Hl ?. case_match => //.
rewrite /has_layout_loc/aligned_to => Hl ?.
etrans;[|by apply Hl]. by apply Zdivide_nat_pow.
......@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@ Lemma has_layout_loc_1 l ly:
ly_align ly = 1%nat
l `has_layout_loc` ly.
rewrite /has_layout_loc/aligned_to => ->. case_match => //. by apply Z.divide_1_l.
rewrite /has_layout_loc => ->. by apply Z.divide_1_l.
Lemma has_layout_ly_offset l (n : nat) ly:
l `has_layout_loc` ly
(l + n) `has_layout_loc` ly_offset ly n.
rewrite/has_layout_loc/aligned_to. case_match => //. move => Hl. apply Z.divide_add_r.
- etrans;[|by apply Hl]. apply Zdivide_nat_pow. rewrite {1}/ly_align_log/=. destruct n; lia.
move => Hl. apply Z.divide_add_r.
- apply: has_layout_loc_trans => //. rewrite {1}/ly_align_log/=. destruct n; lia.
- rewrite/ly_offset. destruct n;[by subst;apply Z.divide_0_r|].
etrans;[apply Zdivide_nat_pow, Nat.le_min_r|]. by apply factor2_divide.
......@@ -170,36 +170,35 @@ Lemma has_layout_loc_ly_mult_offset l ly n:
layout_wf ly
l `has_layout_loc` ly_mult ly (S n)
(l + ly_size ly) `has_layout_loc` ly_mult ly n.
Proof. rewrite /ly_mult/has_layout_loc/aligned_to. case_match => //. move => ??. by apply Z.divide_add_r. Qed.
Proof. move => ??. rewrite /ly_mult. by apply Z.divide_add_r. Qed.
Lemma has_layout_loc_offset_loc l i ly:
layout_wf ly
l `has_layout_loc` ly
(l offset{ly} i) `has_layout_loc` ly.
rewrite/has_layout_loc/aligned_to. case_match => //.
move => Hwf Hl. apply Z.divide_add_r; [done|]. etrans; [by apply: Hwf|].
apply: Z.divide_factor_l.
Lemma aligned_to_offset l n off :
l `aligned_to` n (n | off) (l + off) `aligned_to` n.
Proof. rewrite /aligned_to. case_match => //. apply Z.divide_add_r. Qed.
Proof. apply Z.divide_add_r. Qed.
Lemma aligned_to_add l (n : nat) x:
(l + x * n) `aligned_to` n l `aligned_to` n.
unfold aligned_to. case_match => //. destruct l => /=. rewrite Z.add_comm. split.
unfold aligned_to. destruct l => /=. rewrite Z.add_comm. split.
- apply: Z.divide_add_cancel_r. by apply Z.divide_mul_r.
- apply Z.divide_add_r. by apply Z.divide_mul_r.
Lemma aligned_to_mult_eq l n1 n2 off:
config.enforce_alignment = true l `aligned_to` n2 (l + off) `aligned_to` (n1 * n2) (n2 | off).
l `aligned_to` n2 (l + off) `aligned_to` (n1 * n2) (n2 | off).
unfold aligned_to. move => ->. destruct l => /= ??. apply: Z.divide_add_cancel_r => //.
unfold aligned_to. destruct l => /= ??. apply: Z.divide_add_cancel_r => //.
apply: (Zdivide_mult_l _ n1). by rewrite Z.mul_comm -Nat2Z.inj_mul.
#[export] Instance aligned_to_dec l n : Decision (l `aligned_to` n).
Proof. rewrite /aligned_to. case_match; [|apply _]. apply Znumtheory.Zdivide_dec. Qed.
Proof. apply Znumtheory.Zdivide_dec. Qed.
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