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Unverified Commit edbbc655 authored by Lennard Gäher's avatar Lennard Gäher
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bitwise ops for bool

parent 3f3bf3a0
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1 merge request!27Add opam package for stdlib + various fixes
Pipeline #98894 passed with warnings
......@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ impl Binop {
Self::ModOp => format_prim("%{"),
Self::AndOp => format_bool("&&{"),
Self::OrOp => format_bool("||{"),
Self::BitAndOp => format_prim("&{"),
Self::BitAndOp => format_prim("&b{"),
Self::BitOrOp => format_prim("|{"),
Self::BitXorOp => format_prim("^{"),
Self::ShlOp => format_prim("<<{"),
......@@ -393,6 +393,17 @@ Inductive eval_bin_op : bin_op → op_type → op_type → state → val → val
(* do not wrap, but get stuck on overflow *)
val_of_Z n it None = Some v
eval_bin_op op (IntOp it) (IntOp it) σ v1 v2 v
| ArithOpBB op v1 v2 σ b1 b2 b v :
match op with
| AndOp => Some (andb b1 b2)
| OrOp => Some (orb b1 b2)
| XorOp => Some (xorb b1 b2)
| _ => None
end = Some b
val_to_bool v1 = Some b1
val_to_bool v2 = Some b2
val_of_bool b = v
eval_bin_op op BoolOp BoolOp σ v1 v2 v
| CommaOp ot1 ot2 σ v1 v2:
eval_bin_op Comma ot1 ot2 σ v1 v2 v2
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Notation "e1 <<{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp ShlOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
(at level 70, format "e1 <<{ ot1 , ot2 } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 >>{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp ShrOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
(at level 70, format "e1 >>{ ot1 , ot2 } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 &{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp AndOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
(at level 70, format "e1 &{ ot1 , ot2 } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 &b{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp AndOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
(at level 70, format "e1 &b{ ot1 , ot2 } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 |{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp OrOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
(at level 70, format "e1 |{ ot1 , ot2 } e2") : expr_scope.
Notation "e1 ^{ ot1 , ot2 } e2" := (BinOp XorOp ot1 ot2 e1%E e2%E)
......@@ -377,6 +377,40 @@ Section typing.
Global Instance type_notop_bool_inst π E L v b :
TypedUnOpVal π E L v bool_t b NotBoolOp BoolOp := λ T, i2p (type_notop_bool π E L v b T).
(** Bitwise operators *)
Definition bool_arith_op_result b1 b2 op : option bool :=
match op with
| AndOp => Some (andb b1 b2)
| OrOp => Some (orb b1 b2)
| XorOp => Some (xorb b1 b2)
| _ => None (* Other operators are not supported. *)
Lemma type_arithop_bool_bool E L π v1 b1 v2 b2 (T : llctx val rt, type rt rt iProp Σ) b op:
bool_arith_op_result b1 b2 op = Some b
T L (val_of_bool b) bool (bool_t) b
typed_bin_op π E L v1 (v1 ◁ᵥ{π} b1 @ bool_t) v2 (v2 ◁ᵥ{π} b2 @ bool_t) op (BoolOp) (BoolOp) T.
rewrite /ty_own_val/=.
iIntros "%Hop HT %Hv1 %Hv2 %Φ #CTX #HE HL Hna HΦ".
iApply (wp_binop_det_pure (val_of_bool b)).
{ destruct op, b1, b2; simplify_eq.
all: split; [ inversion 1; simplify_eq/= | move => -> ]; simplify_eq/=; try done.
all: eapply ArithOpBB; done. }
iIntros "!> Hcred". iApply ("HΦ" with "HL Hna [] HT").
rewrite /ty_own_val/=. destruct b; done.
Global Program Instance type_and_bool_bool_inst E L π v1 b1 v2 b2:
TypedBinOpVal π E L v1 (bool_t) b1 v2 (bool_t) b2 AndOp (BoolOp) (BoolOp) := λ T, i2p (type_arithop_bool_bool E L π v1 b1 v2 b2 T (andb b1 b2) _ _).
Next Obligation. done. Qed.
Global Program Instance type_or_bool_bool_inst E L π v1 b1 v2 b2:
TypedBinOpVal π E L v1 (bool_t) b1 v2 (bool_t) b2 OrOp (BoolOp) (BoolOp) := λ T, i2p (type_arithop_bool_bool E L π v1 b1 v2 b2 T (orb b1 b2) _ _).
Next Obligation. done. Qed.
Global Program Instance type_xor_bool_bool_inst E L π v1 b1 v2 b2:
TypedBinOpVal π E L v1 (bool_t) b1 v2 (bool_t) b2 XorOp (BoolOp) (BoolOp) := λ T, i2p (type_arithop_bool_bool E L π v1 b1 v2 b2 T (xorb b1 b2) _ _).
Next Obligation. done. Qed.
Inductive trace_if_bool :=
| TraceIfBool (b : bool).
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