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Commit f4beb7ba authored by Lennard Gäher's avatar Lennard Gäher
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Merge branch 'ci/better-error-msg' into 'main'

improve error messages, rollback ADT registry when encountering a translation error

See merge request !11
parents 15f4ee56 ecc80003
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1 merge request!11improve error messages, rollback ADT registry when encountering a translation error
Pipeline #96674 canceled
......@@ -56,3 +56,23 @@ impl EvenInt {
pub struct Foo {}
impl Foo {
#[rr::params("x", "γ")]
#[rr::args("(#x, γ)")]
pub fn a(&mut self) {
#[rr::params("x", "γ")]
#[rr::args("(#x, γ)")]
pub fn b(&mut self) {
......@@ -629,17 +629,17 @@ fn translate_functions<'rcx, 'tcx>(vcx: &mut VerificationCtxt<'tcx, 'rcx>) {
// Only generate a spec
match translator.and_then(|t| t.generate_spec()) {
Ok(spec) => {
info!("Successfully generated spec for {}", fname);
println!("Successfully generated spec for {}", fname);
vcx.procedure_registry.provide_specced_function(&f.to_def_id(), spec);
Err(function_body::TranslationError::FatalError(err)) => {
error!("Encountered fatal cross-function error in translation: {:?}", err);
println!("Encountered fatal cross-function error in translation: {:?}", err);
Err(err) => {
warn!("Encountered error: {:?}", err);
warn!("Skipping function {}", fname);
println!("Encountered error: {:?}", err);
println!("Skipping function {}", fname);
if !rrconfig::skip_unsupported_features() {
exit_with_error(&format!("Encountered error when translating function {}, stopping...", fname));
......@@ -650,17 +650,17 @@ fn translate_functions<'rcx, 'tcx>(vcx: &mut VerificationCtxt<'tcx, 'rcx>) {
// Fully translate the function
match translator.and_then(|t| t.translate()) {
Ok(fun) => {
info!("Successfully translated {}", fname);
println!("Successfully translated {}", fname);
vcx.procedure_registry.provide_translated_function(&f.to_def_id(), fun);
Err(function_body::TranslationError::FatalError(err)) => {
error!("Encountered fatal cross-function error in translation: {:?}", err);
println!("Encountered fatal cross-function error in translation: {:?}", err);
Err(err) => {
warn!("Encountered error: {:?}", err);
warn!("Skipping function {}", fname);
println!("Encountered error: {:?}", err);
println!("Skipping function {}", fname);
if !rrconfig::skip_unsupported_features() {
exit_with_error(&format!("Encountered error when translating function {}, stopping...", fname));
......@@ -393,19 +393,23 @@ impl <'def, 'tcx : 'def> TypeTranslator<'def, 'tcx> {
let mut generic_syntys = Vec::new();
for arg in args.into_iter() {
let arg_ty = arg.expect_ty();
let mut translated_ty;
if let Some(ref mut adt_deps) = adt_deps {
translated_ty = self.translate_type_with_deps(&arg_ty, Some(&mut *adt_deps))?;
if let Some(arg_ty) = arg.as_type() {
let mut translated_ty;
if let Some(ref mut adt_deps) = adt_deps {
translated_ty = self.translate_type_with_deps(&arg_ty, Some(&mut *adt_deps))?;
else {
translated_ty = self.translate_type_with_deps(&arg_ty, None)?;
// we need to substitute in the variables according to the function scope
else {
translated_ty = self.translate_type_with_deps(&arg_ty, None)?;
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature{ description: "structs with lifetime parameters are not supported".to_string()})
// we need to substitute in the variables according to the function scope
let struct_use = radium::AbstractStructUse::new(struct_ref, params, radium::TypeIsRaw::No);
......@@ -580,27 +584,35 @@ impl <'def, 'tcx : 'def> TypeTranslator<'def, 'tcx> {
let struct_name = strip_coq_ident(&ty.ident(tcx).to_string());
self.variant_registry.borrow_mut().insert(ty.def_id, (struct_name.clone(), &*struct_def_init, ty, false));
let struct_name = strip_coq_ident(&ty.ident(tcx).to_string());
let (variant_def, invariant_def) = self.make_adt_variant(&struct_name, ty, adt, &ty_param_defs, &st_params, Some(&mut adt_deps))?;
let mut struct_def = radium::AbstractStruct::new(variant_def, ty_param_defs, st_params);
if let Some(invariant_def) = invariant_def {
let translate_adt = || {
let struct_name = strip_coq_ident(&ty.ident(tcx).to_string());
let (variant_def, invariant_def) = self.make_adt_variant(&struct_name, ty, adt, &ty_param_defs, &st_params, Some(&mut adt_deps))?;
// TODO for generating the semtype definition, we will also need to track dependencies
// between structs so that we know when we need recursive types etc.
let mut struct_def = radium::AbstractStruct::new(variant_def, ty_param_defs, st_params);
if let Some(invariant_def) = invariant_def {
// finalize the definition
let mut struct_def_ref = struct_def_init.borrow_mut();
*struct_def_ref = Some(struct_def);
match translate_adt() {
Ok(struct_def) => {
// finalize the definition
// TODO for generating the semtype definition, we will also need to track dependencies
// between structs so that we know when we need recursive types etc.
let mut struct_def_ref = struct_def_init.borrow_mut();
*struct_def_ref = Some(struct_def);
let mut deps_ref = self.adt_deps.borrow_mut();
deps_ref.insert(adt.did(), adt_deps);
let mut deps_ref = self.adt_deps.borrow_mut();
deps_ref.insert(adt.did(), adt_deps);
Err(err) => {
// remove the partial definition
/// Make an ADT variant.
......@@ -881,7 +893,6 @@ impl <'def, 'tcx : 'def> TypeTranslator<'def, 'tcx> {
// TODO: currently a hack, I don't know how to query the name properly
let enum_name = strip_coq_ident(format!("{:?}", def).as_str());
self.enum_registry.borrow_mut().insert(def.did(), (enum_name.clone(), &*enum_def_init, def));
// first thing: figure out the generics we are using here.
// we need to search all of the variant types for that.
......@@ -906,131 +917,142 @@ impl <'def, 'tcx : 'def> TypeTranslator<'def, 'tcx> {
info!("enum using generics: {:?}", used_generics);
// now build masks describing which generics each of the variants uses
// and register the variants
let mut variant_masks: HashMap<DefId, Vec<bool>> = HashMap::new();
let mut variant_attrs = Vec::new();
for v in def.variants().iter() {
let mut folder = TyVarFolder::new(self.env.tcx());
for f in v.fields.iter() {
let f_ty = self.env.tcx().type_of(f.did).instantiate_identity();
f_ty.fold_with(&mut folder);
let variant_generics: HashSet<ty::ParamTy> = folder.get_result();
let mut mask = Vec::new();
let mut these_param_defs = Vec::new();
let mut these_st_params = Vec::new();
for ((param, param_defs), st_param) in used_generics.iter().zip(ty_param_defs.iter()).zip(st_params.iter()) {
if variant_generics.contains(param) {
// insert partial definition for recursive occurrences
self.enum_registry.borrow_mut().insert(def.did(), (enum_name.clone(), &*enum_def_init, def));
let translate_variants = || {
// now build masks describing which generics each of the variants uses
// and register the variants
let mut variant_masks: HashMap<DefId, Vec<bool>> = HashMap::new();
let mut variant_attrs = Vec::new();
for v in def.variants().iter() {
let mut folder = TyVarFolder::new(self.env.tcx());
for f in v.fields.iter() {
let f_ty = self.env.tcx().type_of(f.did).instantiate_identity();
f_ty.fold_with(&mut folder);
else {
let variant_generics: HashSet<ty::ParamTy> = folder.get_result();
let mut mask = Vec::new();
let mut these_param_defs = Vec::new();
let mut these_st_params = Vec::new();
for ((param, param_defs), st_param) in used_generics.iter().zip(ty_param_defs.iter()).zip(st_params.iter()) {
if variant_generics.contains(param) {
else {
variant_masks.insert(v.def_id, mask);
variant_masks.insert(v.def_id, mask);
// now generate the variant
let struct_def_init = self.struct_arena.alloc(RefCell::new(None));
// now generate the variant
let struct_def_init = self.struct_arena.alloc(RefCell::new(None));
let struct_name = strip_coq_ident(format!("{}_{}", enum_name, v.ident(tcx)).as_str());
self.variant_registry.borrow_mut().insert(v.def_id, (struct_name.clone(), &*struct_def_init, v, true));
let struct_name = strip_coq_ident(format!("{}_{}", enum_name, v.ident(tcx)).as_str());
self.variant_registry.borrow_mut().insert(v.def_id, (struct_name.clone(), &*struct_def_init, v, true));
// IMPORTANT: use the full enum's ty_param_defs to account for indexing
let (variant_def, invariant_def) = self.make_adt_variant(struct_name.as_str(), v, def, &ty_param_defs, &st_params, Some(&mut adt_deps))?;
// IMPORTANT: use the full enum's ty_param_defs to account for indexing
let (variant_def, invariant_def) = self.make_adt_variant(struct_name.as_str(), v, def, &ty_param_defs, &st_params, Some(&mut adt_deps))?;
// IMPORTANT: use the subset of actually used params for the definition
let mut struct_def = radium::AbstractStruct::new(variant_def, these_param_defs, these_st_params);
if let Some(invariant_def) = invariant_def {
// IMPORTANT: use the subset of actually used params for the definition
let mut struct_def = radium::AbstractStruct::new(variant_def, these_param_defs, these_st_params);
if let Some(invariant_def) = invariant_def {
// also remember the attributes for additional processing
let outer_attrs = self.env.get_attributes(v.def_id);
let outer_attrs = crate::utils::filter_tool_attrs(outer_attrs);
// also remember the attributes for additional processing
let outer_attrs = self.env.get_attributes(v.def_id);
let outer_attrs = crate::utils::filter_tool_attrs(outer_attrs);
// finalize the definition
let mut struct_def_ref = struct_def_init.borrow_mut();
*struct_def_ref = Some(struct_def);
// finalize the definition
let mut struct_def_ref = struct_def_init.borrow_mut();
*struct_def_ref = Some(struct_def);
// get the type of the discriminant
let it = def.repr().discr_type();
let translated_it = self.translate_integer_type(it)?;
// get the type of the discriminant
let it = def.repr().discr_type();
let translated_it = self.translate_integer_type(it)?;
// build the discriminant map
let discrs = self.build_discriminant_map(def)?;
// build the discriminant map
let discrs = self.build_discriminant_map(def)?;
// get representation options
let repr = def.repr();
let mut repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprRust;
if repr.c() {
repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprC;
else if repr.simd() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The SIMD flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.packed() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The repr(packed) flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.linear() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The linear flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.transparent() {
repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprTransparent;
// get representation options
let repr = def.repr();
let mut repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprRust;
if repr.c() {
repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprC;
else if repr.simd() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The SIMD flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.packed() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The repr(packed) flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.linear() {
return Err(TranslationError::UnsupportedFeature { description: "The linear flag is currently unsupported".to_string() })
else if repr.transparent() {
repr_opt = radium::EnumRepr::ReprTransparent;
// parse annotations for enum type
let enum_spec;
let mut inductive_decl = None;
let builtin_spec = self.get_builtin_enum_spec(def.did())?;
if let Some(spec) = builtin_spec {
enum_spec = spec;
else if self.env.has_tool_attribute(def.did(), "refined_by") {
let attributes = self.env.get_attributes(def.did());
let attributes = crate::utils::filter_tool_attrs(attributes);
// parse annotations for enum type
let enum_spec;
let mut inductive_decl = None;
let builtin_spec = self.get_builtin_enum_spec(def.did())?;
if let Some(spec) = builtin_spec {
enum_spec = spec;
else if self.env.has_tool_attribute(def.did(), "refined_by") {
let attributes = self.env.get_attributes(def.did());
let attributes = crate::utils::filter_tool_attrs(attributes);
// TODO: change once we handle lft parameters properly
let lft_params: Vec<(Option<String>, radium::Lft)> = Vec::new();
// TODO: change once we handle lft parameters properly
let lft_params: Vec<(Option<String>, radium::Lft)> = Vec::new();
let mut parser = VerboseEnumSpecParser::new();
enum_spec = parser.parse_enum_spec("", &attributes, &variant_attrs, &ty_param_defs, &lft_params)
.map_err(|err| TranslationError::FatalError(err))?;
else {
// generate a specification
let decl;
(decl, enum_spec) = self.generate_enum_spec(def, &enum_name);
inductive_decl = Some(decl);
let mut parser = VerboseEnumSpecParser::new();
enum_spec = parser.parse_enum_spec("", &attributes, &variant_attrs, &ty_param_defs, &lft_params)
.map_err(|err| TranslationError::FatalError(err))?;
else {
// generate a specification
let decl;
(decl, enum_spec) = self.generate_enum_spec(def, &enum_name);
inductive_decl = Some(decl);
let mut enum_builder = radium::EnumBuilder::new(enum_name, ty_param_defs, st_params, translated_it, repr_opt);
// now build the enum itself
for v in def.variants().iter() {
let variant_ref = self.lookup_adt_variant(v.def_id)?;
let variant_name = strip_coq_ident(&v.ident(tcx).to_string());
let discriminant = discrs.get(&variant_name).unwrap();
enum_builder.add_variant(&variant_name, variant_ref, variant_masks.remove(&v.def_id).unwrap(), *discriminant);
let mut enum_builder = radium::EnumBuilder::new(enum_name, ty_param_defs, st_params, translated_it, repr_opt);
// now build the enum itself
for v in def.variants().iter() {
let variant_ref = self.lookup_adt_variant(v.def_id)?;
let variant_name = strip_coq_ident(&v.ident(tcx).to_string());
let discriminant = discrs.get(&variant_name).unwrap();
enum_builder.add_variant(&variant_name, variant_ref, variant_masks.remove(&v.def_id).unwrap(), *discriminant);
Ok(enum_builder.finish(inductive_decl, enum_spec))
let enum_def = enum_builder.finish(inductive_decl, enum_spec);
// finalize the definition
let mut enum_def_ref = enum_def_init.borrow_mut();
*enum_def_ref = Some(enum_def);
match translate_variants() {
Ok(enum_def) => {
// finalize the definition
let mut enum_def_ref = enum_def_init.borrow_mut();
*enum_def_ref = Some(enum_def);
let mut deps_ref = self.adt_deps.borrow_mut();
deps_ref.insert(def.did(), adt_deps);
let mut deps_ref = self.adt_deps.borrow_mut();
deps_ref.insert(def.did(), adt_deps);
Err(err) => {
// deregister the ADT again
/// Translate type.
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