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Commit c654549e authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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fix compilation *oops*; make inv_alloc more flexible

parent 60a43009
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......@@ -76,9 +76,7 @@ Section ClosedProofs.
Lemma client_safe_closed σ : {{ ownP σ : iProp }} client {{ λ v, True }}.
apply ht_alt. rewrite (heap_alloc (nroot .@ "Barrier")); last first.
{ (* FIXME Really?? set_solver takes forever on "⊆ ⊤"?!? *)
by move=>? _. }
apply ht_alt. rewrite (heap_alloc (nroot .@ "Barrier")); last done.
apply wp_strip_pvs, exist_elim=> ?. rewrite and_elim_l.
rewrite -(client_safe (nroot .@ "Barrier") (nroot .@ "Heap")) //.
(* This, too, should be automated. *)
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ From prelude Require Import functions.
From algebra Require Import upred_big_op upred_tactics.
From program_logic Require Import sts saved_prop.
From heap_lang Require Export heap wp_tactics.
From barrier Require Import protocol.
From barrier Require Export barrier.
From barrier Require Import protocol.
Import uPred.
(** The monoids we need. *)
......@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ Section heap.
Hint Resolve heap_store_valid.
(** Allocation *)
Lemma heap_alloc E N σ :
Lemma heap_alloc N E σ :
authG heap_lang Σ heapR nclose N E
ownP σ (|={E}=> _ : heapG Σ, heap_ctx N Π{map σ} (λ l v, l v)).
intros. rewrite -{1}(from_to_heap σ). etrans.
{ rewrite [ownP _]later_intro.
apply (auth_alloc (ownP of_heap) E N (to_heap σ)); last done.
apply (auth_alloc (ownP of_heap) N E (to_heap σ)); last done.
apply to_heap_valid. }
apply pvs_mono, exist_elim=> γ.
rewrite -(exist_intro (HeapG _ _ γ)); apply and_mono_r.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Definition heap_e : expr [] :=
let: "x" := ref #1 in '"x" <- !'"x" + #1 ;; !'"x".
Lemma heap_e_spec E N :
nclose N E heap_ctx N || heap_e @ E {{ λ v, v = #2 }}.
nclose N E heap_ctx N #> heap_e @ E {{ λ v, v = #2 }}.
rewrite /heap_e=>HN. rewrite -(wp_mask_weaken N E) //.
wp eapply wp_alloc; eauto. apply forall_intro=>l; apply wand_intro_l.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Lemma FindPred_spec n1 n2 E Φ :
n1 < n2
Φ #(n2 - 1) || FindPred #n2 #n1 @ E {{ Φ }}.
Φ #(n2 - 1) #> FindPred #n2 #n1 @ E {{ Φ }}.
revert n1. wp_rec=>n1 Hn.
wp_let. wp_op. wp_let. wp_op=> ?; wp_if.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
- assert (n1 = n2 - 1) as -> by omega; auto with I.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Φ : Φ #(n - 1) || Pred #n @ E {{ Φ }}.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Φ : Φ #(n - 1) #> Pred #n @ E {{ Φ }}.
wp_lam. wp_op=> ?; wp_if.
- wp_op. wp_op.
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Section LiftingTests.
Lemma Pred_user E :
(True : iProp) || let: "x" := Pred #42 in ^Pred '"x" @ E {{ λ v, v = #40 }}.
(True : iProp) #> let: "x" := Pred #42 in ^Pred '"x" @ E {{ λ v, v = #40 }}.
intros. ewp apply Pred_spec. wp_let. ewp apply Pred_spec. auto with I.
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Section ClosedProofs.
Lemma heap_e_closed σ : {{ ownP σ : iProp }} heap_e {{ λ v, v = #2 }}.
apply ht_alt. rewrite (heap_alloc nroot); last by rewrite nclose_nroot.
apply ht_alt. rewrite (heap_alloc nroot ); last by rewrite nclose_nroot.
apply wp_strip_pvs, exist_elim=> ?. rewrite and_elim_l.
rewrite -heap_e_spec; first by eauto with I. by rewrite nclose_nroot.
......@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ Section auth.
Lemma auth_own_valid γ a : auth_own γ a a.
Proof. by rewrite /auth_own own_valid auth_validI. Qed.
Lemma auth_alloc E N a :
Lemma auth_alloc N E a :
a nclose N E
φ a (|={E}=> γ, auth_ctx γ N φ auth_own γ a).
intros Ha HN. eapply sep_elim_True_r.
{ by eapply (own_alloc (Auth (Excl a) a) N). }
rewrite pvs_frame_l. rewrite -(pvs_mask_weaken N E) //. apply pvs_strip_pvs.
{ by eapply (own_alloc (Auth (Excl a) a) E). }
rewrite pvs_frame_l. apply pvs_strip_pvs.
rewrite sep_exist_l. apply exist_elim=>γ. rewrite -(exist_intro γ).
trans ( auth_inv γ φ auth_own γ a)%I.
{ rewrite /auth_inv -(exist_intro a) later_sep.
ecancel [ φ _]%I.
by rewrite -later_intro -own_op auth_both_op. }
rewrite (inv_alloc N) /auth_ctx pvs_frame_r. apply pvs_mono.
rewrite (inv_alloc N E) // /auth_ctx pvs_frame_r. apply pvs_mono.
by rewrite always_and_sep_l.
......@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ Lemma wp_open_close E e N P Φ R :
R #> e @ E {{ Φ }}.
Proof. intros. by apply: (inv_fsa (wp_fsa e)). Qed.
Lemma inv_alloc N P : P pvs N N (inv N P).
Proof. by rewrite /inv (pvs_allocI N); last apply coPset_suffixes_infinite. Qed.
Lemma inv_alloc N E P : nclose N E P pvs E E (inv N P).
intros. rewrite -(pvs_mask_weaken N) //.
by rewrite /inv (pvs_allocI N); last apply coPset_suffixes_infinite.
End inv.
......@@ -81,16 +81,15 @@ Section sts.
φ s (|={E}=> γ, sts_ctx γ N φ sts_own γ s ( sts.tok s)).
intros HN. eapply sep_elim_True_r.
{ apply (own_alloc (sts_auth s ( sts.tok s)) N).
{ apply (own_alloc (sts_auth s ( sts.tok s)) E).
apply sts_auth_valid; set_solver. }
rewrite pvs_frame_l. rewrite -(pvs_mask_weaken N E) //.
apply pvs_strip_pvs.
rewrite pvs_frame_l. apply pvs_strip_pvs.
rewrite sep_exist_l. apply exist_elim=>γ. rewrite -(exist_intro γ).
trans ( sts_inv γ φ sts_own γ s ( sts.tok s))%I.
{ rewrite /sts_inv -(exist_intro s) later_sep.
ecancel [ φ _]%I.
by rewrite -later_intro -own_op sts_op_auth_frag_up; last set_solver. }
rewrite (inv_alloc N) /sts_ctx pvs_frame_r.
rewrite (inv_alloc N E) // /sts_ctx pvs_frame_r.
by rewrite always_and_sep_l.
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