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Commit e486d0dd authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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start showing that we can implement the predecessor function

parent 6326a24c
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......@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ Instance Rename_expr : Rename expr. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_expr : Subst expr. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_expr : SubstLemmas expr. derive. Qed.
Definition Lam (e : {bind expr}) := Rec (e.[ren(+1)]).
Definition Lam (e : {bind expr}) := Rec e.[ren(+1)].
Definition Let (e1 : expr) (e2: {bind expr}) := App (Lam e2) e1.
Definition Seq (e1 e2 : expr) := Let e1 (e2.[ren(+1)]).
Definition If (e0 e1 e2 : expr) := Case e0 (e1.[ren(+1)]) (e2.[ren(+1)]).
Definition Seq (e1 e2 : expr) := Let e1 e2.[ren(+1)].
Definition If (e0 e1 e2 : expr) := Case e0 e1.[ren(+1)] e2.[ren(+1)].
Inductive value :=
| RecV (e : {bind 2 of expr})
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Inductive value :=
| LocV (l : loc)
Definition LamV (e : {bind expr}) := RecV (e.[ren(+1)]).
Definition LamV (e : {bind expr}) := RecV e.[ren(+1)].
Definition LitTrue := InjL LitUnit.
Definition LitTrueV := InjLV LitUnitV.
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Qed.
(** The stepping relation *)
Inductive prim_step : expr -> state -> expr -> state -> option expr -> Prop :=
| BetaS e1 e2 v2 σ (Hv2 : e2v e2 = Some v2):
prim_step (App (Rec e1) e2) σ (e1.[(Rec e1),e2/]) σ None
prim_step (App (Rec e1) e2) σ e1.[(Rec e1),e2/] σ None
| PlusS n1 n2 σ:
prim_step (Plus (LitNat n1) (LitNat n2)) σ (LitNat (n1 + n2)) σ None
| LeTrueS n1 n2 σ (Hle : n1 n2):
......@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ Inductive prim_step : expr -> state -> expr -> state -> option expr -> Prop :=
| SndS e1 v1 e2 v2 σ (Hv1 : e2v e1 = Some v1) (Hv2 : e2v e2 = Some v2):
prim_step (Snd (Pair e1 e2)) σ e2 σ None
| CaseLS e0 v0 e1 e2 σ (Hv0 : e2v e0 = Some v0):
prim_step (Case (InjL e0) e1 e2) σ (e1.[e0/]) σ None
prim_step (Case (InjL e0) e1 e2) σ e1.[e0/] σ None
| CaseRS e0 v0 e1 e2 σ (Hv0 : e2v e0 = Some v0):
prim_step (Case (InjR e0) e1 e2) σ (e2.[e0/]) σ None
prim_step (Case (InjR e0) e1 e2) σ e2.[e0/] σ None
| ForkS e σ:
prim_step (Fork e) σ LitUnit σ (Some e)
| AllocS e v σ l (Hv : e2v e = Some v) (Hfresh : σ !! l = None):
......@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ Proof.
by apply (wp_bind (Σ:=Σ) (K := fill K)), fill_is_ctx.
(** Base axioms for core primitives of the language: Stateful reductions.
These are the lemmas basd on the physical state; we will derive versions
based on a ghost "mapsto"-predicate later. *)
(** Base axioms for core primitives of the language: Stateful reductions. *)
Lemma wp_lift_step E1 E2 (φ : expr state Prop) Q e1 σ1 :
E1 E2 to_val e1 = None
......@@ -209,22 +207,24 @@ Proof.
rewrite right_id. done.
Lemma wp_rec E e v Q :
wp (Σ:=Σ) E (e.[Rec e, v2e v /]) Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (App (Rec e) (v2e v)) Q.
Lemma wp_rec E ef e v Q :
e2v e = Some v
wp (Σ:=Σ) E ef.[Rec ef, e /] Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (App (Rec ef) e) Q.
etransitivity; last eapply wp_lift_pure_step with
(φ := λ e', e' = e.[Rec e, v2e v /]); last first.
(φ := λ e', e' = ef.[Rec ef, e /]); last first.
- intros ? ? ? ? Hstep. inversion_clear Hstep. done.
- intros ?. do 3 eexists. eapply BetaS. by rewrite v2v.
- intros ?. do 3 eexists. eapply BetaS; eassumption.
- reflexivity.
- apply later_mono, forall_intro=>e2. apply impl_intro_l.
apply const_elim_l=>->. done.
Lemma wp_lam E e v Q :
wp (Σ:=Σ) E (e.[v2e v/]) Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (App (Lam e) (v2e v)) Q.
Lemma wp_lam E ef e v Q :
e2v e = Some v
wp (Σ:=Σ) E ef.[e/] Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (App (Lam ef) e) Q.
rewrite -wp_rec.
intros Hv. rewrite -wp_rec; last eassumption.
(* RJ: This pulls in functional extensionality. If that bothers us, we have
to talk to the Autosubst guys. *)
by asimpl.
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma wp_case_inl e0 v0 e1 e2 E Q :
e2v e0 = Some v0
wp (Σ:=Σ) E (e1.[e0/]) Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Case (InjL e0) e1 e2) Q.
wp (Σ:=Σ) E e1.[e0/] Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Case (InjL e0) e1 e2) Q.
intros Hv0. etransitivity; last eapply wp_lift_pure_step with
(φ := λ e', e' = e1.[e0/]); last first.
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma wp_case_inr e0 v0 e1 e2 E Q :
e2v e0 = Some v0
wp (Σ:=Σ) E (e2.[e0/]) Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Case (InjR e0) e1 e2) Q.
wp (Σ:=Σ) E e2.[e0/] Q wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Case (InjR e0) e1 e2) Q.
intros Hv0. etransitivity; last eapply wp_lift_pure_step with
(φ := λ e', e' = e2.[e0/]); last first.
......@@ -326,3 +326,12 @@ Proof.
- apply later_mono, forall_intro=>e2'. apply impl_intro_l.
by apply const_elim_l=>->.
(** Some stateless axioms that incorporate bind *)
Lemma wp_let e1 e2 E Q :
wp (Σ:=Σ) E e1 (λ v, wp (Σ:=Σ) E (e2.[v2e v/]) Q) wp (Σ:=Σ) E (Let e1 e2) Q.
rewrite -(wp_bind _ _ (LetCtx EmptyCtx e2)). apply wp_mono=>v.
rewrite -wp_lam //. by rewrite v2v.
......@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ End ParamTests.
Module LiftingTests.
(* TODO RJ: Some syntactic sugar for language expressions would be nice. *)
Definition e3 := Load (Var 0).
Definition e2 := Seq (Store (Var 0) (Plus (Load (Var 0)) (LitNat 1))) e3.
Definition e2 := Seq (Store (Var 0) (Plus (Load $ Var 0) (LitNat 1))) e3.
Definition e := Let (Alloc (LitNat 1)) e2.
Goal σ E, (ownP (Σ:=Σ) σ) (wp (Σ:=Σ) E e (λ v, (v = LitNatV 2))).
move=> σ E. rewrite /e.
rewrite -(wp_bind _ _ (LetCtx EmptyCtx e2)). rewrite -wp_alloc_pst; last done.
rewrite -wp_let. rewrite -wp_alloc_pst; last done.
apply sep_intro_True_r; first done.
rewrite -later_intro. apply forall_intro=>l.
apply wand_intro_l. rewrite right_id. apply const_elim_l; move=>_.
rewrite -wp_lam -later_intro. asimpl.
rewrite -later_intro. asimpl.
rewrite -(wp_bind _ _ (SeqCtx (StoreRCtx (LocV _)
(PlusLCtx EmptyCtx _)) (Load (Loc _)))).
rewrite -wp_load_pst; first (apply sep_intro_True_r; first done); last first.
......@@ -54,10 +54,48 @@ Module LiftingTests.
{ apply: lookup_insert. }
{ reflexivity. }
rewrite -later_intro. apply wand_intro_l. rewrite right_id.
rewrite -wp_lam -later_intro. asimpl.
rewrite -wp_lam // -later_intro. asimpl.
rewrite -wp_load_pst; first (apply sep_intro_True_r; first done); last first.
{ apply: lookup_insert. }
rewrite -later_intro. apply wand_intro_l. rewrite right_id.
by apply const_intro.
Import Nat.
Definition Lt e1 e2 := Le (Plus e1 $ LitNat 1) e2.
Definition FindPred' n1 Sn1 n2 f := If (Lt Sn1 n2)
(App f Sn1)
Definition FindPred n2 := Rec (Let (Plus (Var 1) (LitNat 1))
(FindPred' (Var 2) (Var 0) n2.[ren(+3)] (Var 1))).
Lemma FindPred_spec n1 n2 E Q :
((n1 < n2) Q (LitNatV $ pred n2))
wp (Σ:=Σ) E (App (FindPred (LitNat n2)) (LitNat n1)) Q.
revert n1. apply löb_all_1=>n1.
rewrite -wp_rec //. asimpl.
(* Get rid of the ▷ in the premise. *)
etransitivity; first (etransitivity; last eapply equiv_spec, later_and).
{ apply and_mono; first done. by rewrite -later_intro. }
apply later_mono.
(* Go on. *)
rewrite -(wp_let _ (FindPred' (LitNat n1) (Var 0) (LitNat n2) (FindPred $ LitNat n2))).
rewrite -wp_plus. asimpl.
rewrite -(wp_bind _ _ (CaseCtx EmptyCtx _ _)).
rewrite -(wp_bind _ _ (LeLCtx EmptyCtx _)).
rewrite -wp_plus -!later_intro. simpl.
assert (Decision (S n1 + 1 n2)) as Hn12 by apply _.
destruct Hn12 as [Hle|Hgt].
- rewrite -wp_le_true /= //. rewrite -wp_case_inl //.
rewrite -!later_intro. asimpl.
rewrite (forall_elim _ (S n1)).
eapply impl_elim; first by eapply and_elim_l. apply and_intro.
+ apply const_intro; omega.
+ by rewrite !and_elim_r.
- rewrite -wp_le_false; last by omega.
rewrite -wp_case_inr // -!later_intro -wp_value' //.
rewrite and_elim_r. apply const_elim_l=>Hle.
assert (Heq: n1 = pred n2) by omega. by subst n1=>{Hle Hgt}.
End LiftingTests.
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