@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ The function space $(-) \nfn (-)$ is a locally non-expansive bifunctor.
Note that the composition of non-expansive (bi)functors is non-expansive, and the composition of a non-expansive and a contractive (bi)functor is contractive.
A \emph{resource algebra} (RA) is a tuple \\
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ Note that the composition of non-expansive (bi)functors is non-expansive, and th
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ This take on partiality is necessary when defining the structure of \emph{higher
for an arbitrary number of units, via a function $\mcore{{-}}$ assigning to an element $\melt$ its \emph{(duplicable) core}$\mcore\melt$, as demanded by \ruleref{ra-core-id}.
We further demand that $\mcore{{-}}$ is idempotent (\ruleref{ra-core-idem}) and monotone (\ruleref{ra-core-mono}) with respect to the \emph{extension order}, defined similarly to that for PCMs (\ruleref{ra-incl}).
Notice that the domain of the core is $\maybe\monoid$, a set that adds a dummy element $\dummymelt$ to $\monoid$.
Notice that the domain of the core is $\maybe\monoid$, a set that adds a dummy element $\mnocore$ to $\monoid$.
% (This corresponds to the option type.)
Thus, the core can be \emph{partial}: not all elements need to have a unit.
We use the metavariable $\maybe\melt$ to indicate elements of $\maybe\monoid$.
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ Notice also that the core of an RA is a strict generalization of the unit that a
We further define $\melt\mupd\meltB\eqdef\melt\mupd\set\meltB$.
The assertion $\melt\mupd\meltsB$ says that every element $\maybe{\melt_\f}$ compatible with $\melt$ (we also call such elements \emph{frames}), must also be compatible with some $\meltB\in\meltsB$.
Notice that $\maybe{\melt_\f}$ could be $\dummymelt$, so the frame-preserving update can also be applied to elements that have \emph{no} frame.
Notice that $\maybe{\melt_\f}$ could be $\mnocore$, so the frame-preserving update can also be applied to elements that have \emph{no} frame.
Intuitively, this means that whatever assumptions the rest of the program is making about the state of $\gname$, if these assumptions are compatible with $\melt$, then updating to $\meltB$ will not invalidate any of these assumptions.
Since Iris ensures that the global ghost state is valid, this means that we can soundly update the ghost state from $\melt$ to a non-deterministically picked $\meltB\in\meltsB$.
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ This operation is needed to prove that $\later$ commutes with separating conjunc
If $\monoid$ has a unit $\munit$, then the core $\mcore{{-}}$ is total, \ie$\All\melt. \mcore\melt\in\monoid$.
@@ -10,18 +10,6 @@ A \emph{language} $\Lang$ consists of a set \textdom{Expr} of \emph{expressions}
A reduction $\expr_1, \state_1\step\expr_2, \state_2, \expr_\f$ indicates that, when $\expr_1$ reduces to $\expr$, a \emph{new thread}$\expr_\f$ is forked off.
\item All values are stuck:
\[\expr, \_\step\_, \_, \_\Ra\toval(\expr)=\bot\]
\item There is a predicate defining \emph{atomic} expressions satisfying
A function $\lctx : \textdom{Expr}\to\textdom{Expr}$ is a \emph{context} if the following conditions are satisfied:
@@ -68,8 +61,8 @@ For any language $\Lang$, we define the corresponding thread-pool semantics.
To instantiate Iris, you need to define the following parameters:
\item A language $\Lang$
\itemA locally contractive bifunctor $\iFunc : \COFEs\to\CMRAs$ defining the ghost state, such that for all COFEs $A$, the CMRA $\iFunc(A)$ has a unit
\item A language $\Lang$, and
\itema locally contractive bifunctor $\iFunc : \COFEs\to\CMRAs$ defining the ghost state, such that for all COFEs $A$, the CMRA $\iFunc(A)$ has a unit. (By \lemref{lem:cmra-unit-total-core}, this means that the core of $\iFunc(A)$ is a total function.)
@@ -141,7 +134,7 @@ Recursive predicates must be \emph{guarded}: in $\MU \var. \term$, the variable
Note that $\always$ and $\later$ bind more tightly than $*$, $\wand$, $\land$, $\lor$, and $\Ra$.
We will write $\pvs[\term]\prop$ for $\pvs[\term][\term]\prop$.
If we omit the mask, then it is $\top$ for weakest precondition $\wpre\expr{\Ret\var.\prop}$ and $\emptyset$ for primitive view shifts $\pvs\prop$.
\ralf{$\top$ is not a term in the logic. Neither is any of the operations on masks that we use in the rules for weakestpre.}
%FIXME $\top$ is not a term in the logic. Neither is any of the operations on masks that we use in the rules for weakestpre.
Some propositions are \emph{timeless}, which intuitively means that step-indexing does not affect them.
This is a \emph{meta-level} assertion about propositions, defined as follows: