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Commit 0db0112d authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Get rid of lft_inv_alive_twice, which was completely artificial.

Instead, we strengthen a little bit the induction hypothesis.
parent eaee4de7
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......@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ Proof.
- iIntros "!> !>". iMod "Hclose" as "_". by iApply (bor_fake with "LFT").
Lemma bor_later_tok E q κ P :
lftN E
lft_ctx -∗ &{κ}( P) -∗ q.[κ] ={E}▷=∗ &{κ}P q.[κ].
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma lfts_kill A (I : gmap lft lft_names) (K K' : gset lft) :
let Iinv K' := (own_ilft_auth I [ set] κ' K', lft_inv_alive κ')%I in
K K'
( κ κ', κ K is_Some (I !! κ') κ κ' κ' K)
( κ κ', κ K lft_alive_in A κ is_Some (I !! κ')
κ' K κ' κ κ' K')
......@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ Lemma lfts_kill A (I : gmap lft lft_names) (K K' : gset lft) :
={borN inhN}=∗ Iinv K' [ set] κ K, lft_inv_dead κ.
intros Iinv. revert K'.
induction (collection_wf K) as [K _ IH]=> K' HK HK'.
induction (collection_wf K) as [K _ IH]=> K' HKK' HK HK'.
iIntros "[HI Halive] HK".
pose (Kalive := filter (lft_alive_in A) K).
destruct (decide (Kalive = )) as [HKalive|].
......@@ -75,11 +76,10 @@ Proof.
as (κ & [Hκalive HκK]%elem_of_filter & Hκmin); first done.
iDestruct (@big_sepS_delete with "HK") as "[[Hκinv Hκ] HK]"; first done.
iDestruct (lft_inv_alive_in with "Hκinv") as "Hκalive"; first done.
iAssert κ K'⌝%I with "[#]" as %HκK'.
{ iIntros (). iApply (lft_inv_alive_twice κ with "Hκalive").
by iApply (@big_sepS_elem_of with "Halive"). }
assert (κ K') as HκK' by set_solver +HκK HKK'.
specialize (IH (K {[ κ ]})). feed specialize IH; [set_solver +HκK|].
iMod (IH ({[ κ ]} K') with "[HI Halive Hκalive] HK") as "[[HI Halive] Hdead]".
{ set_solver +HKK'. }
{ intros κ' κ''.
rewrite !elem_of_difference !elem_of_singleton=> -[? Hneq] ??.
split; [by eauto|]; intros ->.
......@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ Proof.
iApply fupd_trans. iApply (fupd_mask_mono (borN inhN));
first by apply union_least; solve_ndisj.
iMod (lfts_kill A I K K' with "[$HI $HinvD] HinvK") as "[[HI HinvD] HinvK]".
{ done. }
{ intros κ κ' [??]%elem_of_kill_set ??. apply elem_of_kill_set.
split; last done. by eapply gmultiset_elem_of_subseteq. }
{ intros κ κ' ?????. apply elem_of_down_close; eauto 10. }
......@@ -242,14 +242,6 @@ Proof.
by rewrite HAinsert.
Lemma lft_inv_alive_twice κ : lft_inv_alive κ -∗ lft_inv_alive κ -∗ False.
rewrite lft_inv_alive_unfold /lft_inh.
iDestruct 1 as (P Q) "(_&_&Hinh)"; iDestruct 1 as (P' Q') "(_&_&Hinh')".
iDestruct "Hinh" as (E) "[HE _]"; iDestruct "Hinh'" as (E') "[HE' _]".
by iDestruct (own_inh_valid_2 with "HE HE'") as %?.
Lemma lft_inv_alive_in A κ : lft_alive_in A κ lft_inv A κ -∗ lft_inv_alive κ.
rewrite /lft_inv. iIntros (?) "[[$ _]|[_ %]]".
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