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Commit 1da46577 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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add derived 'meta' mechanism to lifetime logic: associate a lifetime with metadata (via a gname)

parent 572c354a
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......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ theories/lifetime/lifetime.v
......@@ -29,6 +29,16 @@ Section derived.
Context `{!invG Σ, !lftG Σ}.
Implicit Types κ : lft.
Lemma lft_create E :
lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗ κ, 1.[κ] (1.[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
iIntros (?) "#LFT".
iMod (lft_create_strong (λ _, True) with "LFT") as (κ _) "H"=>//;
[by apply pred_infinite_True|].
by auto.
(* Deriving this just to prove that it can be derived.
(It is in the signature only for code sharing reasons.) *)
Lemma bor_shorten_ κ κ' P : κ κ' -∗ &{κ'}P -∗ &{κ}P.
......@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ Module Type lifetime_sig.
Parameter idx_bor_own : `{!lftG Σ} (q : frac) (i : bor_idx), iProp Σ.
Parameter idx_bor : `{!invG Σ, !lftG Σ} (κ : lft) (i : bor_idx) (P : iProp Σ), iProp Σ.
(** Our lifetime creation lemma offers allocating a lifetime that is defined
by a [positive] in some given infinite set. This operation converts the
[positive] to a lifetime. *)
Parameter positive_to_lft : positive lft.
(** * Notation *)
Notation "q .[ κ ]" := (lft_tok q κ)
(format "q .[ κ ]", at level 0) : bi_scope.
......@@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ Module Type lifetime_sig.
Global Declare Instance idx_bor_own_as_fractional i q :
AsFractional (idx_bor_own q i) (λ q, idx_bor_own q i)%I q.
Global Declare Instance positive_to_lft_inj : Inj eq eq positive_to_lft.
(** * Laws *)
Parameter lft_tok_sep : q κ1 κ2, q.[κ1] q.[κ2] ⊣⊢ q.[κ1 κ2].
Parameter lft_dead_or : κ1 κ2, [κ1] [κ2] ⊣⊢ [ κ1 κ2].
......@@ -96,8 +103,13 @@ Module Type lifetime_sig.
Parameter lft_dead_static : [ static] -∗ False.
Parameter lft_intersect_static_cancel_l : κ κ', κ κ' = static κ = static.
Parameter lft_create : E, lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗ κ, 1.[κ] (1.[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
(** Create a lifetime in some given set of names [P]. This lemma statement
requires exposing [atomic_lft], because [P] restricted to the image of
[atomic_to_lft] might well not be infinite. *)
Parameter lft_create_strong : P E, pred_infinite P lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗
p : positive, let κ := positive_to_lft p in P p
(1).[κ] ((1).[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
Parameter bor_create : E κ P,
lftN E lft_ctx -∗ P ={E}=∗ &{κ} P ([κ] ={E}=∗ P).
Parameter bor_fake : E κ P,
From iris.algebra Require Import dyn_reservation_map agree.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From lrust.lifetime Require Export lifetime.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(** This module provides support for attaching metadata (specifically, a
[gname]) to a lifetime (as is required for types using branding). *)
Class lft_metaG Σ := LftMetaG {
lft_meta_inG :> inG Σ (dyn_reservation_mapR (agreeR gnameO));
Definition lft_metaΣ : gFunctors :=
#[GFunctor (dyn_reservation_mapR (agreeR gnameO))].
Instance subG_lft_meta Σ :
subG (lft_metaΣ) Σ lft_metaG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
(** We need some global ghost state, but we do not actually care about the name:
we always use a frame-preserving update starting from ε to obtain the ownership
we need. In other words, we use [own_unit] instead of [own_alloc]. As a result
we can just hard-code an arbitrary name here. *)
Local Definition lft_meta_gname : gname := 42%positive.
Definition lft_meta `{!lftG Σ, lft_metaG Σ} (κ : lft) (γ : gname) : iProp Σ :=
p : positive, κ = positive_to_lft p
own lft_meta_gname (dyn_reservation_map_data p (to_agree γ)).
Section lft_meta.
Context `{!invG Σ, !lftG Σ, lft_metaG Σ}.
Global Instance lft_meta_timeless κ γ : Timeless (lft_meta κ γ).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance lft_meta_persistent κ γ : Persistent (lft_meta κ γ).
Proof. apply _. Qed.
Lemma lft_create_meta {E : coPset} (γ : gname) :
lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗
κ, lft_meta κ γ (1).[κ] ((1).[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
iIntros (HE) "#LFT".
iMod (own_unit (dyn_reservation_mapUR (agreeR gnameO)) lft_meta_gname) as "Hown".
iMod (own_updateP _ _ _ dyn_reservation_map_reserve' with "Hown")
as (? [Etok [Hinf ->]]) "Hown".
iMod (lft_create_strong (. Etok) with "LFT") as (p HEtok) "Hκ"; [done..|].
iExists (positive_to_lft p). iFrame "Hκ".
iMod (own_update with "Hown") as "Hown".
{ eapply (dyn_reservation_map_alloc _ p (to_agree γ)); done. }
iModIntro. iExists p. eauto.
Lemma lft_meta_agree (κ : lft) (γ1 γ2 : gname) :
lft_meta κ γ1 -∗ lft_meta κ γ2 -∗ γ1 = γ2⌝.
iIntros "Hidx1 Hidx2".
iDestruct "Hidx1" as (p1) "(% & Hidx1)". subst κ.
iDestruct "Hidx2" as (p2) "(Hlft & Hidx2)".
iDestruct "Hlft" as %<-%(inj positive_to_lft).
iCombine "Hidx1 Hidx2" as "Hidx".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hidx") as %Hval.
rewrite ->(dyn_reservation_map_data_valid (A:=agreeR gnameO)) in Hval.
apply to_agree_op_inv_L in Hval.
End lft_meta.
Typeclasses Opaque lft_meta.
......@@ -108,13 +108,16 @@ Definition kill_set (I : gmap lft lft_names) (Λ : atomic_lft) : gset lft :=
Lemma elem_of_kill_set I Λ κ : κ kill_set I Λ Λ κ is_Some (I !! κ).
Proof. by rewrite /kill_set elem_of_filter elem_of_dom. Qed.
Lemma lft_create E :
lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗ κ, 1.[κ] (1.[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
Lemma lft_create_strong P E :
pred_infinite P lftN E
lft_ctx ={E}=∗
p : positive, let κ := positive_to_lft p in P p
(1).[κ] ((1).[κ] ={lftN lft_userN}[lft_userN]▷=∗ [κ]).
iIntros (?) "#LFT".
iIntros (HP ?) "#LFT".
iInv mgmtN as (A I) "(>HA & >HI & Hinv)" "Hclose".
destruct (exist_fresh (dom (gset atomic_lft) A)) as [Λ %not_elem_of_dom].
rewrite ->pred_infinite_set in HP.
destruct (HP (dom (gset _) A)) as [Λ [HPx %not_elem_of_dom]].
iMod (own_update with "HA") as "[HA HΛ]".
{ apply auth_update_alloc, (alloc_singleton_local_update _ Λ (Cinl 1%Qp))=>//.
by rewrite lookup_fmap . }
......@@ -125,8 +128,8 @@ Proof.
iModIntro. rewrite /lft_inv. iIntros (κ ?) "[[Hκ %]|[Hκ %]]".
- iLeft. iFrame "Hκ". iPureIntro. by apply lft_alive_in_insert.
- iRight. iFrame "Hκ". iPureIntro. by apply lft_dead_in_insert. }
iModIntro; iExists {[ Λ ]}.
rewrite {1}/lft_tok big_sepMS_singleton. iFrame "HΛ".
iModIntro; iExists Λ.
rewrite {1}/lft_tok big_sepMS_singleton. iSplit; first done. iFrame "HΛ".
clear I A . iIntros "!# HΛ".
iApply (step_fupd_mask_mono (lftN lft_userN) _ ((lftN lft_userN)∖↑mgmtN)).
{ (* FIXME solve_ndisj should really handle this... *)
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ End lft_notation.
Definition static : lft := ( : gmultiset _).
Instance lft_intersect : Meet lft := λ κ κ', κ κ'.
Definition positive_to_lft (p : positive) : lft := {[ p ]}.
Inductive bor_state :=
| Bor_in
| Bor_open (q : frac)
......@@ -335,4 +337,11 @@ Proof. rewrite /idx_bor_own. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance lft_ctx_persistent : Persistent lft_ctx.
Proof. rewrite /lft_ctx. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance positive_to_lft_inj : Inj eq eq positive_to_lft.
unfold positive_to_lft. intros x y Hxy.
apply (elem_of_singleton_1 (C := lft)). rewrite -Hxy.
End basic_properties.
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