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Commit 4ff46668 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Start the formalization of the new type system : lifetime contexts.

parent 2ca1ee4a
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......@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ theories/typing/type_incl.v
coq-iris fd42adfe6236b6bebacb963e8fed3f7d1f935e26
coq-iris 7fe0d2593e2751c35d7c3146e0e91ab2623a08a8
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import fractional.
From lrust.lifetime Require Export derived.
Section lft_contexts.
Context `{invG Σ, lftG Σ}.
Implicit Type (κ : lft).
(* External lifetime contexts. *)
Inductive lectx_elt : Type :=
| LECtx_Alive κ
| LECtx_Incl κ κ'.
Definition lectx := list lectx_elt.
Definition lectx_elt_interp (x : lectx_elt) (q : Qp) : iProp Σ :=
match x with
| LECtx_Alive κ => q.[κ]
| LECtx_Incl κ κ' => κ κ'
Global Instance lectx_elt_interp_fractional x:
Fractional (lectx_elt_interp x).
Proof. destruct x; unfold lectx_elt_interp; apply _. Qed.
Typeclasses Opaque lectx_elt_interp.
Definition lectx_interp (E : lectx) (q : Qp) : iProp Σ :=
([ list] x E, lectx_elt_interp x q)%I.
Global Instance lectx_interp_fractional E:
Fractional (lectx_interp E).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite -big_sepL_sepL. by setoid_rewrite <-fractional. Qed.
Global Instance lectx_interp_as_fractional E q:
AsFractional (lectx_interp E q) (lectx_interp E) q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance lectx_interp_permut:
Proper (() ==> pointwise_relation _ (⊣⊢)) lectx_interp.
Proof. intros ????. by apply big_opL_permutation. Qed.
Typeclasses Opaque lectx_interp.
(* Local lifetime contexts. *)
Definition llctx_elt : Type := lft * list lft.
Definition llctx := list llctx_elt.
Definition llctx_elt_interp (x : llctx_elt) (q : Qp) : iProp Σ :=
let κ' := foldr () static (x.2) in
( κ0, x.1 = κ' κ0 q.[κ0] (1.[x.1] ={,⊤∖↑lftN}▷=∗ [x.1]))%I.
Global Instance llctx_elt_interp_fractional x :
Fractional (llctx_elt_interp x).
destruct x as [κ κs]. iIntros (q q'). iSplit; iIntros "H".
- iDestruct "H" as (κ0) "(% & [Hq Hq'] & #?)".
iSplitL "Hq"; iExists _; by iFrame "∗%".
- iDestruct "H" as "[Hq Hq']".
iDestruct "Hq" as (κ0) "(% & Hq & #?)".
iDestruct "Hq'" as (κ0') "(% & Hq' & #?)". simpl in *.
rewrite (inj (union (foldr () static κs)) κ0' κ0); last congruence.
iExists κ0. by iFrame "∗%".
Typeclasses Opaque llctx_elt_interp.
Definition llctx_interp (L : llctx) (q : Qp) : iProp Σ :=
([ list] x L, llctx_elt_interp x q)%I.
Global Instance llctx_interp_fractional L:
Fractional (llctx_interp L).
Proof. intros ??. rewrite -big_sepL_sepL. by setoid_rewrite <-fractional. Qed.
Global Instance llctx_interp_as_fractional L q:
AsFractional (llctx_interp L q) (llctx_interp L) q.
Proof. done. Qed.
Global Instance llctx_interp_permut:
Proper (() ==> pointwise_relation _ (⊣⊢)) llctx_interp.
Proof. intros ????. by apply big_opL_permutation. Qed.
Typeclasses Opaque llctx_interp.
Context (E : lectx) (L : llctx).
(* Lifetime inclusion *)
Definition incl κ κ' : Prop :=
qE qL, lectx_interp E qE -∗ llctx_interp L qL -∗ κ κ'.
Global Instance incl_preorder : PreOrder incl.
- iIntros (???) "_ _". iApply lft_incl_refl.
- iIntros (??? H1 H2 ??) "HE HL". iApply (lft_incl_trans with "[#] [#]").
iApply (H1 with "HE HL"). iApply (H2 with "HE HL").
Lemma incl_static κ : incl κ static.
Proof. iIntros (??) "_ _". iApply lft_incl_static. Qed.
Lemma incl_local κ κ' κs : (κ, κs) L κ' κs incl κ κ'.
intros ? Hκ'κs ??. rewrite /llctx_interp /llctx_elt_interp big_sepL_elem_of //.
iIntros "_ H". iDestruct "H" as (κ0) "[H _]". simpl. iDestruct "H" as %->.
iApply lft_le_incl. etrans; last by apply gmultiset_union_subseteq_l.
clear -Hκ'κs. induction Hκ'κs.
- apply gmultiset_union_subseteq_l.
- etrans. done. apply gmultiset_union_subseteq_r.
Lemma incl_external κ κ' : LECtx_Incl κ κ' E incl κ κ'.
intros ???. rewrite /lectx_interp /lectx_elt_interp big_sepL_elem_of //.
by iIntros "$ _".
(* Lifetime aliveness *)
Definition alive (κ : lft) : Prop :=
F qE qL, ⌜↑lftN F -∗ lectx_interp E qE -∗ llctx_interp L qL ={F}=∗
q', q'.[κ] (q'.[κ] ={F}=∗ lectx_interp E qE llctx_interp L qL).
Lemma alive_static : alive static.
iIntros (F qE qL) "%$$". iExists 1%Qp. iSplitL. by iApply lft_tok_static. auto.
Lemma alive_llctx κ κs: (κ, κs) L Forall alive κs alive κ.
iIntros ([i HL]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 Hκs F qE qL) "% HE HL".
iDestruct "HL" as "[HL1 HL2]". rewrite {2}/llctx_interp /llctx_elt_interp.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "HL2") as "[Hκ Hclose]". done.
iDestruct "Hκ" as (κ0) "(EQ & Htok & #Hend)". simpl. iDestruct "EQ" as %->.
iAssert ( q', q'.[foldr union static κs]
(q'.[foldr union static κs] ={F}=∗ lectx_interp E qE llctx_interp L (qL / 2)))%I
with ">[HE HL1]" as "H".
{ move:(qL/2)%Qp=>qL'. clear HL. iClear "Hend".
iInduction Hκs as [|κ κs ?] "IH" forall (qE qL').
- iExists 1%Qp. iFrame. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply lft_tok_static.
- iDestruct "HL1" as "[HL1 HL2]". iDestruct "HE" as "[HE1 HE2]".
iMod ( with "* [%] HE1 HL1") as (q') "[Htok' Hclose]". done.
iMod ("IH" with "* HE2 HL2") as (q'') "[Htok'' Hclose']".
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q' q'') as (q0 & q'2 & q''2 & -> & ->).
iExists q0. rewrite -lft_tok_sep. iDestruct "Htok'" as "[$ Hr']".
iDestruct "Htok''" as "[$ Hr'']". iIntros "!>[Hκ Hfold]".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Hκ $Hr']") as "[$$]". iApply "Hclose'". iFrame. }
iDestruct "H" as (q') "[Htok' Hclose']". rewrite -{5}(Qp_div_2 qL).
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q' (qL/2)) as (q0 & q'2 & q''2 & -> & ->).
iExists q0. rewrite -(lft_tok_sep q0). iDestruct "Htok" as "[$ Htok]".
iDestruct "Htok'" as "[$ Htok']". iIntros "!>[Hfold Hκ0]".
iMod ("Hclose'" with "[$Hfold $Htok']") as "[$$]".
rewrite /llctx_interp /llctx_elt_interp. iApply "Hclose". iExists κ0. iFrame. auto.
Lemma alive_lectx κ: LECtx_Alive κ E alive κ.
iIntros ([i HE]%elem_of_list_lookup_1 F qE qL) "% HE $ !>".
rewrite /lectx_interp /lectx_elt_interp.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "HE") as "[Hκ Hclose]". done.
iExists qE. iFrame. iIntros "?!>". by iApply "Hclose".
Lemma alive_incl κ κ': alive κ incl κ κ' alive κ'.
iIntros (Hal Hinc F qE qL) "% HE HL".
iAssert (κ κ')%I with "[#]" as "#Hincl". by iApply (Hinc with "HE HL").
iMod (Hal with "[%] HE HL") as (q') "[Htok Hclose]". done.
iMod (lft_incl_acc with "Hincl Htok") as (q'') "[Htok Hclose']". done.
iExists q''. iIntros "{$Htok}!>Htok". iApply ("Hclose" with ">").
by iApply "Hclose'".
(* External lifetime context satisfiability *)
Definition lectx_sat E' : Prop :=
qE qL F, ⌜↑lftN F -∗ lectx_interp E qE -∗ llctx_interp L qL ={F}=∗
qE', lectx_interp E' qE'
(lectx_interp E' qE' ={F}=∗ lectx_interp E qE llctx_interp L qL).
Lemma lectx_sat_nil : lectx_sat [].
iIntros (qE qL F) "%$$". iExists 1%Qp. rewrite /lectx_interp big_sepL_nil. auto.
Lemma lectx_sat_alive E' κ :
alive κ lectx_sat E' lectx_sat (LECtx_Alive κ :: E').
iIntros ( HE' qE qL F) "% [HE1 HE2] [HL1 HL2]".
iMod ( with "[%] HE1 HL1") as (q) "[Htok Hclose]". done.
iMod (HE' with "[%] HE2 HL2") as (q') "[HE' Hclose']". done.
destruct (Qp_lower_bound q q') as (q0 & q2 & q'2 & -> & ->). iExists q0.
rewrite {5 6}/lectx_interp big_sepL_cons /=.
iDestruct "Htok" as "[$ Htok]". iDestruct "HE'" as "[Hf HE']".
iSplitL "Hf". by rewrite /lectx_interp.
iIntros "!>[Htok' ?]". iMod ("Hclose" with "[$Htok $Htok']") as "[$$]".
iApply "Hclose'". iFrame. by rewrite /lectx_interp.
Lemma lectx_sat_incl E' κ κ' :
incl κ κ' lectx_sat E' lectx_sat (LECtx_Incl κ κ' :: E').
iIntros (Hκκ' HE' qE qL F) "% HE HL".
iAssert (κ κ')%I with "[#]" as "#Hincl". by iApply (Hκκ' with "HE HL").
iMod (HE' with "[%] HE HL") as (q) "[HE' Hclose']". done.
iExists q. rewrite {1 2 4 5}/lectx_interp big_sepL_cons /=.
iIntros "{$Hincl $HE'}!>[_ ?]". by iApply "Hclose'".
End lft_contexts.
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