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Commit 51d01ed3 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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move sharing lemmas around so that uniq does not depend on shr

parent abf1cf39
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......@@ -23,6 +23,47 @@ Section borrow.
- iExists _. iSplit. done. by iFrame.
Lemma tctx_share E L p κ ty :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ tctx_incl E L [p &uniq{κ}ty] [p &shr{κ}ty].
iIntros ( ??) "#LFT #HE HL Huniq".
iMod ( with "HE HL") as (q) "[Htok Hclose]"; [try done..|].
rewrite !tctx_interp_singleton /=.
iDestruct "Huniq" as ([[]|]) "[% Huniq]"; try done.
iMod (ty.(ty_share) with "LFT Huniq Htok") as "[Hown Htok]"; [solve_ndisj|].
iMod ("Hclose" with "Htok") as "[$ $]". iExists _. by iFrame "%∗".
(* When sharing during extraction, we do the (arbitrary) choice of
sharing at the lifetime requested (κ). In some cases, we could
actually desire a longer lifetime and then use subtyping, because
then we get, in the environment, a shared borrow at this longer
In the case the user wants to do the sharing at a longer
lifetime, she has to manually perform the extraction herself at
the desired lifetime. *)
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_share E L p ty ty' κ κ' T :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ lctx_lft_incl E L κ κ' subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&shr{κ}ty) ((p &uniq{κ'}ty')::T)
((p &shr{κ}ty')::(p {κ} &uniq{κ'}ty')::T).
intros. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_;_]).
rewrite tctx_reborrow_uniq //. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_]).
rewrite tctx_share // {1}copy_tctx_incl.
by apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_]), subtype_tctx_incl, shr_mono'.
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_share_samelft E L p ty ty' κ T :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&shr{κ}ty) ((p &uniq{κ}ty')::T)
((p &shr{κ}ty')::T).
intros. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_]).
rewrite tctx_share // {1}copy_tctx_incl.
by apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_]), subtype_tctx_incl, shr_mono'.
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_borrow E L p n ty ty' κ T :
subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&uniq{κ}ty) ((p own_ptr n ty')::T)
......@@ -32,7 +73,7 @@ Section borrow.
by apply tctx_borrow. by f_equiv.
(* See the comment above [tctx_extract_hasty_share] in [uniq_bor.v]. *)
(* See the comment above [tctx_extract_hasty_share]. *)
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_borrow_share E L p ty ty' κ n T :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&shr{κ}ty) ((p own_ptr n ty')::T)
......@@ -164,3 +205,5 @@ End borrow.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_borrow tctx_extract_hasty_borrow_share
| 10 : lrust_typing.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_share | 10 : lrust_typing.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_share_samelft | 9 : lrust_typing.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op.
From lrust.lang Require Import heap.
From lrust.typing Require Export type.
From lrust.typing Require Import util lft_contexts type_context shr_bor programs.
From lrust.typing Require Import util lft_contexts type_context programs.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section uniq_bor.
......@@ -109,17 +109,6 @@ Section typing.
eqtype E L ty1 ty2 eqtype E L (&uniq{κ}ty1) (&uniq{κ}ty2).
Proof. by intros; apply uniq_proper. Qed.
Lemma tctx_share E L p κ ty :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ tctx_incl E L [p &uniq{κ}ty] [p &shr{κ}ty].
iIntros ( ??) "#LFT #HE HL Huniq".
iMod ( with "HE HL") as (q) "[Htok Hclose]"; [try done..|].
rewrite !tctx_interp_singleton /=.
iDestruct "Huniq" as ([[]|]) "[% Huniq]"; try done.
iMod (ty.(ty_share) with "LFT Huniq Htok") as "[Hown Htok]"; [solve_ndisj|].
iMod ("Hclose" with "Htok") as "[$ $]". iExists _. by iFrame "%∗".
Lemma tctx_reborrow_uniq E L p ty κ κ' :
lctx_lft_incl E L κ' κ
tctx_incl E L [p &uniq{κ}ty] [p &uniq{κ'}ty; p {κ'} &uniq{κ}ty].
......@@ -131,36 +120,6 @@ Section typing.
iSplitL "Hb"; iExists _; auto.
(* When sharing during extraction, we do the (arbitrary) choice of
sharing at the lifetime requested (κ). In some cases, we could
actually desire a longer lifetime and then use subtyping, because
then we get, in the environment, a shared borrow at this longer
In the case the user wants to do the sharing at a longer
lifetime, she has to manually perform the extraction herself at
the desired lifetime. *)
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_share E L p ty ty' κ κ' T :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ lctx_lft_incl E L κ κ' subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&shr{κ}ty) ((p &uniq{κ'}ty')::T)
((p &shr{κ}ty')::(p {κ} &uniq{κ'}ty')::T).
intros. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_;_]).
rewrite tctx_reborrow_uniq //. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_]).
rewrite tctx_share // {1}copy_tctx_incl.
by apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_]), subtype_tctx_incl, shr_mono'.
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_share_samelft E L p ty ty' κ T :
lctx_lft_alive E L κ subtype E L ty' ty
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&shr{κ}ty) ((p &uniq{κ}ty')::T)
((p &shr{κ}ty')::T).
intros. apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_;_]).
rewrite tctx_share // {1}copy_tctx_incl.
by apply (tctx_incl_frame_r _ [_] [_]), subtype_tctx_incl, shr_mono'.
Lemma tctx_extract_hasty_reborrow E L p ty ty' κ κ' T :
lctx_lft_incl E L κ' κ eqtype E L ty ty'
tctx_extract_hasty E L p (&uniq{κ'}ty) ((p &uniq{κ}ty')::T)
......@@ -201,5 +160,3 @@ End typing.
Hint Resolve uniq_mono' uniq_proper' write_uniq read_uniq : lrust_typing.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_reborrow | 10 : lrust_typing.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_share | 10 : lrust_typing.
Hint Resolve tctx_extract_hasty_share_samelft | 9 : lrust_typing.
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