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Commit 718290e1 authored by Jacques-Henri Jourdan's avatar Jacques-Henri Jourdan
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Remove a warning about a [ty_of_st], better compatibility fix in [perm_incl.v].

parent c243cbf6
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......@@ -176,35 +176,19 @@ Section props.
{ apply Qcplus_pos_nonneg. apply Qp_prf. clear. induction ql. done.
apply Qcplus_nonneg_nonneg. apply Qclt_le_weak, Qp_prf. done. }
assert (q = q0 + mk_Qp _ Hpos)%Qp as ->. by by apply Qp_eq; rewrite -Hq.
injection Hlen; intro Hlen'. rewrite perm_split_own_prod2 IH //=.
apply perm_sep_proper.
injection Hlen; intro Hlen'. rewrite perm_split_own_prod2 IH //.
set (q1l := q1::ql). cbn[combine_offs combine foldr]. apply perm_sep_proper.
+ rewrite /has_type /sep /=.
destruct (eval_expr ν) as [[[]|]|]; split; iIntros (tid) "_ H/=";
(try by iDestruct "H" as "[]"); (try by iDestruct "H" as (l) "[% _]");
(try by auto); by rewrite shift_loc_0.
+ (* FIXME RJ: These two 'change' make the goal look like it did in Coq 8.5
I found no way to reproduce the magic 8.5 did. *)
change ( foldr
(λ (qtyoffs : Qp * (type * nat)) (acc : perm),
ν + #(ty_size ty0) + #((qtyoffs.2).2) own (qtyoffs.1) ((qtyoffs.2).1) acc)
(combine (q1 :: ql) (combine_offs tyl 0))
(λ (qtyoffs : Qp * (type * nat)) (acc : perm), ν + #((qtyoffs.2).2) own (qtyoffs.1) ((qtyoffs.2).1) acc)
(combine (q1 :: ql) (combine_offs tyl (0 + ty_size ty0)))).
cut (length tyl = length (q1 :: ql)); last done. clear. revert tyl.
+ cut (length tyl = length (q1 :: ql)); last done. clear. revert tyl.
generalize 0%nat. induction (q1 :: ql)=>offs -[|ty tyl] Hlen //=.
apply perm_sep_proper.
* rewrite /has_type /sep /=.
destruct (eval_expr ν) as [[[]|]|]; split; iIntros (tid) "_ H/=";
(try by iDestruct "H" as "[]"); [|]; by rewrite shift_loc_assoc_nat (comm plus).
* change ( foldr
(λ (qtyoffs : Qp * (type * nat)) (acc : perm),
ν + #(ty_size ty0) + #((qtyoffs.2).2) own (qtyoffs.1) ((qtyoffs.2).1) acc)
(combine l (combine_offs tyl (offs + ty_size ty)))
(λ (qtyoffs : Qp * (type * nat)) (acc : perm), ν + #((qtyoffs.2).2) own (qtyoffs.1) ((qtyoffs.2).1) acc)
(combine l (combine_offs tyl (offs + ty_size ty0 + ty_size ty)))).
etransitivity. apply IHl. by injection Hlen. do 3 f_equiv. lia.
* etrans. apply IHl. by injection Hlen. do 3 f_equiv. lia.
Lemma perm_split_uniq_bor_prod2 ty1 ty2 κ ν :
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Record simple_type `{iris_typeG Σ} :=
st_own_persistent tid vl : PersistentP (st_own tid vl) }.
Global Existing Instance st_own_persistent.
Program Coercion ty_of_st (st : simple_type) : type :=
Program Definition ty_of_st (st : simple_type) : type :=
{| ty_size := st.(st_size); ty_dup := true;
ty_own := st.(st_own);
......@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ Qed.
End type.
Coercion ty_of_st : simple_type >-> type.
Hint Extern 0 (Is_true _.(ty_dup)) =>
exact I || assumption : typeclass_instances.
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