@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ borrows" in the Coq development.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ borrows" in the Coq development.
| F-endlft | programs.v | type_endlft |
| F-endlft | programs.v | type_endlft |
| F-call | function.v | type_call' |
| F-call | function.v | type_call' |
Some of these lemmas are called `something'` because the version without the `'` is a derived, more speicalized form used together with our eauto-based `solve_typing` tactic. You can see this tactic in action in the [examples](theories/typing/examples) subfolder.
Some of these lemmas are called `something'` because the version without the `'` is a derived, more specialized form used together with our eauto-based `solve_typing` tactic. You can see this tactic in action in the [examples](theories/typing/examples) subfolder.