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Commit c6a626ad authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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heap: avoid dec_agree

parent 64751fcd
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From iris.algebra Require Import cmra_big_op gmap frac dec_agree.
From iris.algebra Require Import cmra_big_op gmap frac agree.
From iris.algebra Require Import csum excl auth.
From iris.base_logic Require Import big_op lib.invariants lib.fractional.
From iris.proofmode Require Export tactics.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Definition lock_stateR : cmraT :=
csumR (exclR unitC) natR.
Definition heapUR : ucmraT :=
gmapUR loc (prodR (prodR fracR lock_stateR) (dec_agreeR val)).
gmapUR loc (prodR (prodR fracR lock_stateR) (agreeR valC)).
Definition heap_freeableUR : ucmraT :=
gmapUR block (prodR fracR (gmapR Z (exclR unitC))).
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Class heapG Σ := HeapG {
Definition to_lock_stateR (x : lock_state) : lock_stateR :=
match x with RSt n => Cinr n | WSt => Cinl (Excl ()) end.
Definition to_heap : state heapUR :=
fmap (λ v, (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR (v.1), DecAgree (v.2))).
fmap (λ v, (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR (v.1), to_agree (v.2))).
Definition heap_freeable_rel (σ : state) (hF : heap_freeableUR) : Prop :=
blk qs, hF !! blk = Some qs
qs.2 i, is_Some (σ !! (blk, i)) is_Some (qs.2 !! i).
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Section definitions.
Definition heap_mapsto_st (st : lock_state)
(l : loc) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iProp Σ :=
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR st, DecAgree v) ]}).
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR st, to_agree v) ]}).
Definition heap_mapsto_def (l : loc) (q : Qp) (v: val) : iProp Σ :=
heap_mapsto_st (RSt 0) l q v.
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Section heap.
Lemma to_heap_insert σ l x v :
to_heap (<[l:=(x, v)]> σ)
= <[l:=(1%Qp, to_lock_stateR x, DecAgree v)]> (to_heap σ).
= <[l:=(1%Qp, to_lock_stateR x, to_agree v)]> (to_heap σ).
Proof. by rewrite /to_heap fmap_insert. Qed.
Lemma to_heap_delete σ l : to_heap (delete l σ) = delete l (to_heap σ).
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ Section heap.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_fractional l v: Fractional (λ q, l {q} v)%I.
intros p q. by rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -own_op
-auth_frag_op op_singleton pair_op dec_agree_idemp.
intros p q.
by rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op op_singleton pair_op agree_idemp.
Global Instance heap_mapsto_as_fractional l q v:
AsFractional (l {q} v) (λ q, l {q} v)%I q.
......@@ -141,15 +141,13 @@ Section heap.
Global Instance heap_freeable_timeless q l n : TimelessP ({q}ln).
Proof. rewrite heap_freeable_eq /heap_freeable_def. apply _. Qed.
Lemma heap_mapsto_op l q1 q2 v1 v2 :
l {q1} v1 l {q2} v2 v1 = v2 l {q1+q2} v1.
Lemma heap_mapsto_agree l q1 q2 v1 v2 :
l {q1} v1 l {q2} v2 v1 = v2⌝.
destruct (decide (v1 = v2)) as [->|].
{ by rewrite -(fractional (Φ := λ q, l {q} _)%I) pure_True // left_id. }
apply (anti_symm ()); last by apply pure_elim_l.
rewrite heap_mapsto_eq -own_op -auth_frag_op own_valid discrete_valid.
eapply pure_elim; [done|]=> /auth_own_valid /=.
rewrite op_singleton pair_op dec_agree_ne // singleton_valid. by intros [].
rewrite op_singleton pair_op singleton_valid. case.
rewrite /= to_agree_comp_valid=>? Heq. fold_leibniz. eauto.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_nil l q : l ↦∗{q} [] ⊣⊢ True.
......@@ -181,7 +179,9 @@ Section heap.
rewrite !heap_mapsto_vec_cons. iIntros "[[Hv1 Hvl1] [Hv2 Hvl2]]".
iDestruct (IH (shift_loc l 1) with "[Hvl1 Hvl2]") as "[% $]";
subst; first by iFrame.
rewrite (inj_iff (:: vl2)). iApply heap_mapsto_op. by iFrame.
rewrite (inj_iff (:: vl2)).
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_agree with "[$Hv1 $Hv2]") as %<-.
iSplit; first done. iFrame.
- by iIntros "[% [$ Hl2]]"; subst.
......@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ Section heap.
Lemma heap_mapsto_vec_combine l q vl :
vl []
l ↦∗{q} vl ⊣⊢ own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (q, Cinr 0%nat, DecAgree v)]}).
{[shift_loc l i := (q, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
rewrite /heap_mapsto_vec heap_mapsto_eq /heap_mapsto_def /heap_mapsto_st=>?.
by rewrite (big_opL_commute_L (Auth None)) big_opL_commute1 //.
by rewrite (big_opL_commute (Auth None)) big_opL_commute1 //.
Lemma inter_lookup_Some i j (n : nat):
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ Section heap.
own heap_name ( to_heap σ)
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (init_mem l vl σ))
own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, DecAgree v)]}).
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]}).
intros FREE. rewrite -own_op. apply own_update, auth_update_alloc.
revert l FREE. induction vl as [|v vl IH]=> l FRESH; [done|].
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ Section heap.
etrans; first apply (IH (shift_loc l 1)).
{ intros. by rewrite shift_loc_assoc. }
rewrite shift_loc_0 -insert_singleton_op; last first.
{ rewrite big_opL_commute_L big_opL_None=> l' v' ?.
{ rewrite -equiv_None big_opL_commute equiv_None big_opL_None=> l' v' ?.
rewrite lookup_singleton_None -{2}(shift_loc_0 l). apply not_inj; lia. }
rewrite to_heap_insert. setoid_rewrite shift_loc_assoc.
apply alloc_local_update; last done. apply lookup_to_heap_None.
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Section heap.
Lemma heap_free_vs l vl σ :
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) own heap_name ( [ list] i v vl,
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, DecAgree v)]})
{[shift_loc l i := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)]})
==∗ own heap_name ( to_heap (free_mem l (length vl) σ)).
rewrite -own_op. apply own_update, auth_update_dealloc.
......@@ -356,12 +356,12 @@ Section heap.
rewrite (big_opL_consZ_l (λ k _, _ (_ k) _ )) /= shift_loc_0.
apply local_update_total_valid=> _ Hvalid _.
assert (([ list] ky vl,
{[shift_loc l (1 + k) := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, DecAgree y)]}) !! l
= @None (frac * lock_stateR * dec_agree val)).
{[shift_loc l (1 + k) := (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree y)]}) !! l
= @None (frac * lock_stateR * agree valC)).
{ move: (Hvalid l). rewrite lookup_op lookup_singleton.
by move=> /(cmra_discrete_valid_iff 0) /exclusiveN_Some_l. }
rewrite -insert_singleton_op //. etrans.
{ apply (delete_local_update _ _ l (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, DecAgree v)).
{ apply (delete_local_update _ _ l (1%Qp, Cinr 0%nat, to_agree v)).
by rewrite lookup_insert. }
rewrite delete_insert // -to_heap_delete delete_free_mem.
setoid_rewrite <-shift_loc_assoc. apply IH.
......@@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ Section heap.
Lemma heap_mapsto_lookup l ls q v σ:
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR ls, DecAgree v) ]}) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (q, to_lock_stateR ls, to_agree v) ]}) -∗
⌜∃ n' : nat,
σ !! l = Some (match ls with RSt n => RSt (n+n') | WSt => WSt end, v)⌝.
iIntros "H● H◯".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as %[Hl?]%auth_valid_discrete_2.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included [[[q' ls'] dv]].
rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [??]]]; simplify_eq.
rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some_setoid.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [?[[/=??]->]]]]; simplify_eq.
move=> /Some_pair_included_total_2
[/Some_pair_included [_ Hincl] /DecAgree_included->].
[/Some_pair_included [_ Hincl] /to_agree_included->].
destruct ls as [|n], ls'' as [|n''],
Hincl as [[[|n'|]|] [=]%leibniz_equiv]; subst.
by exists O. eauto. exists O. by rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
......@@ -414,16 +414,16 @@ Section heap.
Lemma heap_mapsto_lookup_1 l ls v σ:
own heap_name ( to_heap σ) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR ls, DecAgree v) ]}) -∗
own heap_name ( {[ l := (1%Qp, to_lock_stateR ls, to_agree v) ]}) -∗
σ !! l = Some (ls, v)⌝.
iIntros "H● H◯".
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as %[Hl?]%auth_valid_discrete_2.
iPureIntro. move: Hl=> /singleton_included [[[q' ls'] dv]].
rewrite leibniz_equiv_iff /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [??]] Hincl]; simplify_eq.
apply (Some_included_exclusive _ _) in Hincl
as ?%leibniz_equiv; last by destruct ls''.
rewrite /to_heap lookup_fmap fmap_Some_setoid.
move=> [[[ls'' v'] [?[[/=??]->]]] Hincl]; simplify_eq.
apply (Some_included_exclusive _ _) in Hincl as [? Hval]; last by destruct ls''.
apply (inj to_agree) in Hval. fold_leibniz. subst.
destruct ls, ls''; rewrite ?Nat.add_0_r; naive_solver.
......@@ -582,9 +582,10 @@ Section heap.
iDestruct (heap_mapsto_lookup with "Hvalσ Hl1") as %[n1 Hσl1].
iApply (wp_cas_pst with "[$Hσ]"); eauto.
{ right. by constructor. }
{ inversion 1; subst; simplify_option_eq. }
{ inversion 1; subst; (by destruct (σ !! l1)) || by destruct (σ !! l'). }
iNext. iIntros ([|]).
{ iIntros "[Heq _]". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq. inversion Heq; simplify_option_eq. }
{ iIntros "[Heq _]". iDestruct "Heq" as %Heq. inversion Heq; subst.
done. by destruct (σ !! l1). by destruct (σ !! l'). }
iIntros "[_ Hσ]". iMod ("Hclose" with "[-Hl Hl' Hl1 HΦ]") as "_"; last by iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
iNext. iExists _, hF. by iFrame.
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