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Robbert Krebbers authored
There are now two proof mode tactics for dealing with modalities: - `iModIntro` : introduction of a modality - `iMod pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : eliminate a modality The behavior of these tactics can be controlled by instances of the `IntroModal` and `ElimModal` type class. We have declared instances for later, except 0, basic updates and fancy updates. The tactic `iMod` is flexible enough that it can also eliminate an updates around a weakest pre, and so forth. The corresponding introduction patterns of these tactics are `!>` and `>`. These tactics replace the tactics `iUpdIntro`, `iUpd` and `iTimeless`. Source of backwards incompatability: the introduction pattern `!>` is used for introduction of arbitrary modalities. It used to introduce laters by stripping of a later of each hypotheses.
Robbert Krebbers authoredThere are now two proof mode tactics for dealing with modalities: - `iModIntro` : introduction of a modality - `iMod pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : eliminate a modality The behavior of these tactics can be controlled by instances of the `IntroModal` and `ElimModal` type class. We have declared instances for later, except 0, basic updates and fancy updates. The tactic `iMod` is flexible enough that it can also eliminate an updates around a weakest pre, and so forth. The corresponding introduction patterns of these tactics are `!>` and `>`. These tactics replace the tactics `iUpdIntro`, `iUpd` and `iTimeless`. Source of backwards incompatability: the introduction pattern `!>` is used for introduction of arbitrary modalities. It used to introduce laters by stripping of a later of each hypotheses.
thread_local.v 3.55 KiB
From iris.program_logic Require Export invariants.
From iris.algebra Require Export gmap gset coPset.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
Import uPred.
Definition tlN : namespace := nroot .@ "tl".
Definition thread_id := gname.
Class thread_localG Σ :=
tl_inG :> inG Σ (prodR coPset_disjR (gset_disjR positive)).
Section defs.
Context `{irisG Λ Σ, thread_localG Σ}.
Definition tl_own (tid : thread_id) (E : coPset) : iProp Σ :=
own tid (CoPset E, ∅).
Definition tl_inv (tid : thread_id) (N : namespace) (P : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
(∃ i, ■ (i ∈ nclose N) ∧
inv tlN (P ★ own tid (∅, GSet {[i]}) ∨ tl_own tid {[i]}))%I.
End defs.
Instance: Params (@tl_inv) 4.
Typeclasses Opaque tl_own tl_inv.
Section proofs.
Context `{irisG Λ Σ, thread_localG Σ}.
Global Instance tl_own_timeless tid E : TimelessP (tl_own tid E).
Proof. rewrite /tl_own; apply _. Qed.
Global Instance tl_inv_ne tid N n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (tl_inv tid N).
Proof. rewrite /tl_inv. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance tl_inv_proper tid N : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (tl_inv tid N).
Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
Global Instance tl_inv_persistent tid N P : PersistentP (tl_inv tid N P).
Proof. rewrite /tl_inv; apply _. Qed.
Lemma tl_alloc : True ==★ ∃ tid, tl_own tid ⊤.
Proof. by apply own_alloc. Qed.
Lemma tl_own_disjoint tid E1 E2 : tl_own tid E1 ★ tl_own tid E2 ⊢ ■ (E1 ⊥ E2).
rewrite /tl_own -own_op own_valid -coPset_disj_valid_op. by iIntros ([? _]).
Lemma tl_own_union tid E1 E2 :
E1 ⊥ E2 → tl_own tid (E1 ∪ E2) ⊣⊢ tl_own tid E1 ★ tl_own tid E2.
intros ?. by rewrite /tl_own -own_op pair_op left_id coPset_disj_union.
Lemma tl_inv_alloc tid E N P : ▷ P ={E}=★ tl_inv tid N P.
iIntros "HP".
iMod (own_empty (A:=prodUR coPset_disjUR (gset_disjUR positive)) tid) as "Hempty".
iMod (own_updateP with "Hempty") as ([m1 m2]) "[Hm Hown]".
{ apply prod_updateP'. apply cmra_updateP_id, (reflexivity (R:=eq)).
apply (gset_disj_alloc_empty_updateP_strong' (λ i, i ∈ nclose N)).
intros Ef. exists (coPpick (nclose N ∖ coPset.of_gset Ef)).
rewrite -coPset.elem_of_of_gset comm -elem_of_difference.
apply coPpick_elem_of=> Hfin.
eapply nclose_infinite, (difference_finite_inv _ _), Hfin.
apply of_gset_finite. }
simpl. iDestruct "Hm" as %(<- & i & -> & ?).
rewrite /tl_inv.
iMod (inv_alloc tlN with "[-]"); last (iModIntro; iExists i; eauto).
iNext. iLeft. by iFrame.
Lemma tl_inv_open tid tlE E N P :
nclose tlN ⊆ tlE → nclose N ⊆ E →
tl_inv tid N P ⊢ tl_own tid E ={tlE}=★ ▷ P ★ tl_own tid (E ∖ N) ★
(▷ P ★ tl_own tid (E ∖ N) ={tlE}=★ tl_own tid E).
rewrite /tl_inv. iIntros (??) "#Htlinv Htoks".
iDestruct "Htlinv" as (i) "[% Hinv]".
rewrite {1 4}(union_difference_L (nclose N) E) //.
rewrite {1 5}(union_difference_L {[i]} (nclose N)) ?tl_own_union; [|set_solver..].
iDestruct "Htoks" as "[[Htoki $] $]".
iInv tlN as "[[$ >Hdis]|>Htoki2]" "Hclose".
- iMod ("Hclose" with "[Htoki]") as "_"; first auto.
iIntros "!> [HP $]".
iInv tlN as "[[_ >Hdis2]|>Hitok]" "Hclose".
+ iCombine "Hdis" "Hdis2" as "Hdis".
iDestruct (own_valid with "Hdis") as %[_ Hval%gset_disj_valid_op].
+ iFrame. iApply "Hclose". iNext. iLeft. by iFrame.
- iDestruct (tl_own_disjoint tid {[i]} {[i]} with "[-]") as %?; first by iFrame.
End proofs.