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show that wp_fix and wp are equivalent

parent 8015c8e3
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......@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ Context {Λ : language} {Σ : iFunctor}.
Implicit Types P Q : iProp Λ Σ.
Implicit Types m : iGst Λ Σ.
Lemma pvs_zero E1 E2 P r : pvs_def E1 E2 P 0 r.
Proof. intros ?????. exfalso. omega. Qed.
Global Instance pvs_ne E1 E2 n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (@pvs Λ Σ E1 E2).
rewrite pvs_eq.
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ Global Instance wp_proper E e :
by intros Φ Φ' ?; apply equiv_dist=>n; apply wp_ne=>v; apply equiv_dist.
Lemma wp_mask_frame_mono E1 E2 e Φ Ψ :
E1 E2 ( v, Φ v Ψ v) WP e @ E1 {{ Φ }} WP e @ E2 {{ Ψ }}.
......@@ -108,6 +109,13 @@ Proof.
exists r2, r2'; split_and?; [rewrite HE'|eapply IH|]; eauto.
Lemma wp_zero E e Φ r : wp_def E e Φ 0 r.
case EQ: (to_val e).
- rewrite -(of_to_val _ _ EQ). constructor. rewrite pvs_eq.
exact: pvs_zero.
- constructor; first done. intros ?????. exfalso. omega.
Lemma wp_value_inv E Φ v n r :
wp_def E (of_val v) Φ n r pvs E E (Φ v) n r.
From Coq Require Import Wf_nat.
From iris.program_logic Require Import weakestpre wsat.
(** This files provides an alternative definition of wp in terms of a
......@@ -116,4 +117,60 @@ Section def.
Definition wp_fix : coPsetC -n> exprC -n> (valC -n> iProp) -n> iProp :=
fixpoint pre_wp_mor.
Lemma wp_fix_unfold E e Φ :
pre_wp_mor wp_fix E e Φ ⊣⊢ wp_fix E e Φ.
Proof. rewrite -fixpoint_unfold. done. Qed.
Lemma wp_fix_sound (E : coPset) (e : expr Λ) (Φ : val Λ -> iProp)
(Hproper : n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (Φ : valC -> iProp)) :
wp_fix E e (@CofeMor _ _ _ Hproper) wp E e Φ.
split. rewrite wp_eq /wp_def {2}/uPred_holds.
intros n. revert E e Φ Hproper.
induction n as [n IH] using lt_wf_ind=> E e Φ Hproper r1 Hr1 Hwp.
case EQ: (to_val e)=>[v|].
- rewrite -(of_to_val _ _ EQ) {IH}. constructor. rewrite pvs_eq.
intros rf k Ef σ ???. destruct k; first (exfalso; omega).
edestruct (Hwp rf k Ef σ); eauto with omega; set_solver.
- constructor; first done. intros ???? Hk ??.
apply wp_fix_unfold in Hwp; last done.
edestruct Hwp as [Hval Hstep]; [|done..|]; first omega.
edestruct Hstep as [Hred Hpstep]; [done|omega|]. clear Hstep.
split; first done. intros ????.
edestruct Hpstep as (r2 & r2' & Hw & He2 & Hef); [done..|].
exists r2, r2'. split_and?; first done.
+ apply: IH; last done; first omega.
apply wsat_valid in Hw; last omega. solve_validN.
+ intros e' ?. subst ef. apply: IH; last done; first omega.
apply wsat_valid in Hw; last omega. solve_validN.
Lemma wp_fix_complete (E : coPset) (e : expr Λ) (Φ : val Λ -> iProp)
(Hproper : n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (Φ : valC -> iProp)) :
wp E e Φ wp_fix E e (@CofeMor _ _ _ Hproper).
split. rewrite wp_eq /wp_def {1}/uPred_holds.
intros n. revert E e Φ Hproper.
induction n as [n IH] using lt_wf_ind=> E e Φ Hproper r1 Hr1 Hwp.
(* FIXME: This is *slow* *)
apply wp_fix_unfold. { done. }
intros rf k Ef σ1 ???. split.
- intros ? Hval. destruct Hwp as [??? Hpvs|]; last by destruct (to_val e1).
rewrite pvs_eq in Hpvs.
edestruct (Hpvs rf (S k) Ef σ1) as (r2 & ? & ?); [omega|set_solver|done|].
exists r2. split; last done. rewrite to_of_val in Hval.
by simplify_option_eq.
- intros Hval ?. destruct Hwp as [|??? _ Hwp].
{ by rewrite to_of_val in Hval. }
edestruct Hwp as [? Hpstep]; try done; first omega; [].
split; first done.
intros ????. edestruct Hpstep as (r2 & r2' & Hw & He2 & Hef); [done..|].
exists r2, r2'. split_and?; first done.
+ apply IH, He2; first omega.
apply wsat_valid in Hw; last omega. solve_validN.
+ destruct ef; last done.
apply IH, Hef; first omega; last done.
apply wsat_valid in Hw; last omega. solve_validN.
End def.
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