(** This file is essentially a bunch of testcases. *)
From iris.program_logic Require Import ownership hoare auth.
Import uPred.
Definition add : expr [] := (#21 + #21)%E.
Goal ∀ σ, head_step add σ (#42) σ None.
Definition rec_app : expr [] := ((rec: "f" "x" := '"f" '"x") #0)%E.
Goal ∀ σ, head_step rec_app σ rec_app σ None.
Proof. intros. rewrite /rec_app. do_head_step done. Qed.
Definition lam : expr [] := (λ: "x", '"x" + #21)%E.
Goal ∀ σ, head_step (lam #21)%E σ add σ None.
Proof. intros. rewrite /lam. do_head_step done. Qed.
Local Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).
Implicit Types P Q : iPropG heap_lang Σ.
Implicit Types Φ : val → iPropG heap_lang Σ.
let: "x" := ref #1 in '"x" <- !'"x" + #1 ;; !'"x".
Lemma heap_e_spec E N :
nclose N ⊆ E → heap_ctx N ⊢ WP heap_e @ E {{ v, v = #2 }}.
iIntros {HN} "#?". rewrite /heap_e. iApply (wp_mask_weaken N); first done.
wp_alloc l. wp_let. wp_load. wp_op. wp_store. wp_seq. by wp_load.
let: "yp" := '"y" + #1 in
if: '"yp" < '"x" then '"pred" '"x" '"yp" else '"y".
if: '"x" ≤ #0 then -^FindPred (-'"x" + #2) #0 else ^FindPred '"x" #0.
Lemma FindPred_spec n1 n2 E Φ :
Φ #(n2 - 1) ⊢ WP FindPred #n2 #n1 @ E {{ Φ }}.
iIntros {Hn} "HΦ". iLöb {n1 Hn} as "IH".
- iApply ("IH" with "[%] HΦ"). omega.
- iApply pvs_intro. by assert (n1 = n2 - 1) as -> by omega.
Lemma Pred_spec n E Φ : ▷ Φ #(n - 1) ⊢ WP Pred #n @ E {{ Φ }}.
wp_op. by replace (n - 1) with (- (-n + 2 - 1)) by omega.
(True : iProp) ⊢ WP let: "x" := Pred #42 in ^Pred '"x" @ E {{ v, v = #40 }}.
Proof. iIntros "". wp_apply Pred_spec. wp_let. by wp_apply Pred_spec. Qed.
Definition Σ : gFunctors := #[ heapGF ].
Notation iProp := (iPropG heap_lang Σ).
Lemma heap_e_closed σ : {{ ownP σ : iProp }} heap_e {{ v, v = #2 }}.
iPvs (heap_alloc nroot with "Hσ") as {h} "[? _]"; first by rewrite nclose_nroot.
iApply heap_e_spec; last done; by rewrite nclose_nroot.