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Ralf Jung authored
Introduce the notion of "Frame Shift Assertions", and use to prove the rules about inv and auth at once for pvs and wp Yeah, the name is horrible... but on the plus side, I think it should be possible to show that atomic triples and atomic shifts are also frame shift assertions, and then we get all this stuff for them for free.
Ralf Jung authoredIntroduce the notion of "Frame Shift Assertions", and use to prove the rules about inv and auth at once for pvs and wp Yeah, the name is horrible... but on the plus side, I think it should be possible to show that atomic triples and atomic shifts are also frame shift assertions, and then we get all this stuff for them for free.
auth.v 4.63 KiB
Require Export algebra.auth algebra.functor.
Require Export program_logic.invariants program_logic.ghost_ownership.
Import uPred.
Section auth.
Context {A : cmraT} `{Empty A, !CMRAIdentity A} `{!∀ a : A, Timeless a}.
Context {Λ : language} {Σ : gid → iFunctor} (AuthI : gid) `{!InG Λ Σ AuthI (authRA A)}.
(* TODO: Come up with notation for "iProp Λ (globalC Σ)". *)
Context (N : namespace) (φ : A → iProp Λ (globalC Σ)).
Implicit Types P Q R : iProp Λ (globalC Σ).
Implicit Types a b : A.
Implicit Types γ : gname.
(* Adding this locally only, since it overlaps with Auth_timelss in algebra/auth.v.
TODO: Would moving this to auth.v and making it global break things? *)
Local Instance AuthA_timeless (x : auth A) : Timeless x.
(* FIXME: "destruct x; auto with typeclass_instances" should find this through Auth, right? *)
destruct x. apply Auth_timeless; apply _.
(* TODO: Need this to be proven somewhere. *)
(* FIXME ✓ binds too strong, I need parenthesis here. *)
Hypothesis auth_valid :
forall a b, (✓ (Auth (Excl a) b) : iProp Λ (globalC Σ)) ⊑ (∃ b', a ≡ b ⋅ b').
Definition auth_inv (γ : gname) : iProp Λ (globalC Σ) :=
(∃ a, own AuthI γ (● a) ★ φ a)%I.
Definition auth_own (γ : gname) (a : A) : iProp Λ (globalC Σ) := own AuthI γ (◯ a).
Definition auth_ctx (γ : gname) : iProp Λ (globalC Σ) := inv N (auth_inv γ).
Lemma auth_alloc a :
✓a → φ a ⊑ pvs N N (∃ γ, auth_ctx γ ∧ auth_own γ a).
intros Ha. rewrite -(right_id True%I (★)%I (φ _)).
rewrite (own_alloc AuthI (Auth (Excl a) a) N) //; [].
rewrite pvs_frame_l. apply pvs_strip_pvs.
rewrite sep_exist_l. apply exist_elim=>γ. rewrite -(exist_intro γ).
transitivity (▷auth_inv γ ★ auth_own γ a)%I.
{ rewrite /auth_inv -later_intro -(exist_intro a).
rewrite [(_ ★ φ _)%I]commutative -associative. apply sep_mono; first done.
rewrite /auth_own -own_op auth_both_op. done. }
rewrite (inv_alloc N) /auth_ctx pvs_frame_r. apply pvs_mono.
by rewrite always_and_sep_l'.
Context {Hφ : ∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) φ}.
Lemma auth_opened E a γ :
(▷auth_inv γ ★ auth_own γ a) ⊑ pvs E E (∃ a', ▷φ (a ⋅ a') ★ own AuthI γ (● (a ⋅ a') ⋅ ◯ a)).
rewrite /auth_inv. rewrite later_exist sep_exist_r. apply exist_elim=>b.
rewrite later_sep [(▷own _ _ _)%I]pvs_timeless !pvs_frame_r. apply pvs_mono.
rewrite /auth_own [(_ ★ ▷φ _)%I]commutative -associative -own_op.
rewrite own_valid_r auth_valid !sep_exist_l /=. apply exist_elim=>a'.
rewrite [∅ ⋅ _]left_id -(exist_intro a').
apply (eq_rewrite b (a ⋅ a')
(λ x, ▷φ x ★ own AuthI γ (● x ⋅ ◯ a))%I); first by solve_ne.
{ by rewrite !sep_elim_r. }
apply sep_mono; first done.
by rewrite sep_elim_l.
Lemma auth_closing E `{!LocalUpdate Lv L} a a' γ :
Lv a → ✓ (L a ⋅ a') →
(▷φ (L a ⋅ a') ★ own AuthI γ (● (a ⋅ a') ⋅ ◯ a))
⊑ pvs E E (▷auth_inv γ ★ auth_own γ (L a)).
intros HL Hv. rewrite /auth_inv /auth_own -(exist_intro (L a ⋅ a')).
rewrite later_sep [(_ ★ ▷φ _)%I]commutative -associative.
rewrite -pvs_frame_l. apply sep_mono; first done.
rewrite -later_intro -own_op.
by apply own_update, (auth_local_update_l L).
(* Notice how the user has to prove that `b⋅a'` is valid at all
step-indices. However, since A is timeless, that should not be
a restriction. *)
Lemma auth_fsa {X : Type} {FSA} (FSAs : FrameShiftAssertion (A:=X) FSA)
`{!LocalUpdate Lv L} E P (Q : X → iProp Λ (globalC Σ)) γ a :
nclose N ⊆ E →
(auth_ctx γ ★ auth_own γ a ★ (∀ a', ▷φ (a ⋅ a') -★
FSA (E ∖ nclose N) (λ x, ■(Lv a ∧ ✓(L a⋅a')) ★ ▷φ (L a ⋅ a') ★ (auth_own γ (L a) -★ Q x))))
⊑ FSA E Q.
rewrite /auth_ctx=>HN.
rewrite -inv_fsa; last eassumption.
apply sep_mono; first done. apply wand_intro_l.
rewrite associative auth_opened !pvs_frame_r !sep_exist_r.
apply fsa_strip_pvs; first done. apply exist_elim=>a'.
rewrite (forall_elim a'). rewrite [(▷_ ★ _)%I]commutative.
rewrite -[((_ ★ ▷_) ★ _)%I]associative wand_elim_r fsa_frame_l.
apply fsa_mono_pvs; first done. intros x. rewrite commutative -!associative.
apply const_elim_sep_l=>-[HL Hv].
rewrite associative [(_ ★ (_ -★ _))%I]commutative -associative.
rewrite auth_closing //; []. erewrite pvs_frame_l. apply pvs_mono.
by rewrite associative [(_ ★ ▷_)%I]commutative -associative wand_elim_l.
End auth.