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Iris Proof Guide

This work-in-progress document serves to explain how Iris proofs are typically carried out in Coq: what are the common patterns and conventions, what are the common pitfalls. This complements the tactic documentation for the proof mode and HeapLang.

Order of Requires

In Coq, declarations in modules imported later may override the previous definition. Therefore, in order to make sure the most relevant declarations and notations always take priority, we recommend importing dependencies from the furthest to the closest.

In particular, when importing Iris, Stdpp and Coq stdlib modules, we recommend importing in the following order:

  • Coq
  • stdpp
  • iris.proofmode
  • iris.algebra
  • iris.base_logic
  • iris.program_logic
  • iris.heap_lang

Combinators for functors

In Iris, the type of propositions [iProp] is described by the solution to the recursive domain equation:

iProp ≅ uPred (F (iProp))

Here, F is a user-chosen locally contractive bifunctor from COFEs to unital Cameras (a step-indexed generalization of unital resource algebras). To make it convenient to construct such functors out of smaller pieces, we provide a number of abstractions:

  • cFunctor: bifunctors from COFEs to OFEs.
  • rFunctor: bifunctors from COFEs to cameras.
  • urFunctor: bifunctors from COFEs to unital cameras.

Besides, there are the classes cFunctorContractive, rFunctorContractive, and urFunctorContractive which describe the subset of the above functors that are contractive.

To compose these functors, we provide a number of combinators, e.g.:

  • constCF (A : ofeT) : cFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), A
  • idCF : cFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), B
  • prodCF (F1 F2 : cFunctor) : cFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), F1 (B,B⁻) * F2 (B,B⁻)
  • ofe_morCF (F1 F2 : cFunctor) : cFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), F1 (B⁻,B) -n> F2 (B,B⁻)
  • laterCF (F : cFunctor) : cFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), later (F (B,B⁻))
  • agreeRF (F : cFunctor) : rFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), agree (F (B,B⁻))
  • gmapURF K (F : rFunctor) : urFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), gmap K (F (B,B⁻))

Using these combinators, one can easily construct bigger functors in point-free style, e.g:

F := gmapURF K (agreeRF (prodCF (constCF natC) (laterCF idCF)))

which effectively defines F := λ (B,B⁻), gmap K (agree (nat * later B)).

Furthermore, for functors written using these combinators like the functor F above, Coq can automatically urFunctorContractive F.

To make it a little bit more convenient to write down such functors, we make the constant functors (constCF, constRF, and constURF) a coercion, and provide the usual notation for products, etc. So the above functor can be written as follows (which is similar to the effective definition of F above):

F := gmapURF K (agreeRF (natC * ▶ ∙))

Resource algebra management

When using ghost state in Iris, you have to make sure that the resource algebras you need are actually available. Every Iris proof is carried out using a universally quantified list Σ: gFunctors defining which resource algebras are available. The Σ is the global list of resources that the entire proof can use. We keep the Σ universally quantified to enable composition of proofs.

You can think of this as a list of resource algebras, though in reality it is a list of locally contractive functors from COFEs to Cameras. This list is used to define the parameter F of Iris mentioned in the previous section. The formal side of this is described in §7.4 of The Iris Documentation; here we describe the user-side Coq aspects of this approach.

The assumptions that an Iris proof makes are collected in a type class called somethingG. The most common kind of assumptions is inG, which says that a particular resource algebra is available for ghost state. For example, in the one-shot example:

Class one_shotG Σ := { one_shot_inG :> inG Σ one_shotR }.

The :> means that the projection one_shot_inG is automatically registered as an instance for type-class resolution. If you need several resource algebras, just add more inG fields. If you are using another module as part of yours, add a field like one_shot_other :> otherG Σ.

Having defined the type class, we need to provide a way to instantiate it. This is an important step, as not every resource algebra can actually be used: if your resource algebra refers to Σ, the definition becomes recursive. That is actually legal under some conditions (which is why the global list Σ contains functors and not just resource algebras), but for the purpose of this guide we will ignore that case. We have to define a list that contains all the resource algebras we need:

Definition one_shotΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor one_shotR].

This time, there is no Σ in the context, so we cannot accidentally introduce a bad dependency. If you are using another module as part of yours, add their somethingΣ to yours, as in #[GFunctor one_shotR; somethingΣ]. (The #[F1; F2; ...] syntax appends the functor lists F1, F2, ... to each other; together with a coercion from a single functor to a singleton list, this means lists can be nested arbitrarily.)

Now we can define the one and only instance that our type class will ever need:

Instance subG_one_shotΣ {Σ} : subG one_shotΣ Σ → one_shotG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.

The subG assumption here says that the list one_shotΣ is a sublist of the global list Σ. Typically, this should be the only assumption your instance needs, showing that the assumptions of the module (and all the modules it uses internally) can trivially be satisfied by picking the right Σ.

Now you can add one_shotG as an assumption to all your module definitions and proofs. We typically use a section for this:

Section proof.
Context `{!heapG Σ, !one_shotG Σ}.

Notice that besides our own assumptions one_shotG, we also assume heapG, which are assumptions that every HeapLang proof makes (they are related to defining the connective as well as the basic Iris infrastructure for invariants and WP). For this purpose, heapG contains not only assumptions about Σ, it also contains some ghost names to refer to particular ghost state (see "global ghost state instances" below).

The backtick (`) is used to make anonymous assumptions and to automatically generalize the Σ. When adding assumptions with backtick, you should most of the time also add a ! in front of every assumption. If you do not then Coq will also automatically generalize all indices of type-classes that you are assuming. This can easily lead to making more assumptions than you are aware of, and often it leads to duplicate assumptions which breaks type class resolutions.

Obtaining a closed proof

To obtain a closed Iris proof, i.e., a proof that does not make assumptions like inG, you have to assemble a list of functors of all the involved modules, and if your proof relies on some singleton (most do, at least indirectly; also see the next section), you have to call the respective initialization or adequacy lemma. For example:

Section client.
  Context `{!heapG Σ, !one_shotG Σ, !spawnG Σ}.

  Lemma client_safe : WP client {{ _, True }}%I.
  (* ... *)
End client.

(** Assemble all functors needed by the [client_safe] proof. *)
Definition clientΣ : gFunctors := #[ heapΣ; one_shotΣ; spawnΣ ].

(** Apply [heap_adequacy] with this list of all functors. *)
Lemma client_adequate σ : adequate NotStuck client σ (λ _ _, True).
Proof. apply (heap_adequacy clientΣ)=> ?. apply client_safe. Qed.

Advanced topic: Ghost state singletons

Some Iris modules involve a form of "global state". For example, defining the for HeapLang involves a piece of ghost state that matches the current physical heap. The gname of that ghost state must be picked once when the proof starts, and then globally known everywhere. Hence it is added to gen_heapG, the type class for the generalized heap module:

Class gen_heapG (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := {
  gen_heap_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gen_heapUR L V));
  gen_heap_name : gname

Such modules always need some kind of "initialization" to create an instance of their type class. For example, the initialization for heapG is happening as part of heap_adequacy; this in turn uses the initialization lemma for gen_heapG from gen_heap_init:

Lemma gen_heap_init `{gen_heapPreG L V Σ} σ :
  (|==> ∃ _ : gen_heapG L V Σ, gen_heap_ctx σ)%I.

These lemmas themselves only make assumptions the way normal modules (those without global state) do, which are typically collected in a somethingPreG type class (such as gen_heapPreG):

Class gen_heapPreG (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := {
  gen_heap_preG_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gen_heapUR L V))

Just like in the normal case, somethingPreG type classes have an Instance showing that a subG is enough to instantiate them:

Instance subG_gen_heapPreG {Σ L V} `{Countable L} :
  subG (gen_heapΣ L V) Σ → gen_heapPreG L V Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.

The initialization lemma then shows that the somethingPreG type class is enough to create an instance of the main somethingG class below a view shift. This is written with an existential quantifier in the lemma because the statement after the view shift (gen_heap_ctx σ in this case) depends on having an instance of gen_heapG in the context.

Given that these global ghost state instances are singletons, they must be assumed explicitly everywhere. Bundling heapG in a module type class like one_shotG would lose track of the fact that there exists just one heapG instance that is shared by everyone.

Advanced topic: Additional module assumptions

Some modules need additional assumptions. For example, the STS module is parameterized by an STS and assumes that the STS state space is inhabited:

Class stsG Σ (sts : stsT) := {
  sts_inG :> inG Σ (stsR sts);
  sts_inhabited :> Inhabited (sts.state sts);

In this rather exceptional case, the Instance for this class has more than just a subG assumption:

Instance subG_stsΣ Σ sts :
  subG (stsΣ sts) Σ → Inhabited (sts.state sts) → stsG Σ sts.

If users of this module follow the pattern described above, their own type class instance will check these additional assumption. But this is one more reason why it is important for every module to have an instance for its somethingG: to make sure that it does not accidentally make more assumptions than it intends to.

Another subtle detail here is that the subG assumption comes first in subG_stsΣ, i.e., it appears before the Inhabited. This is important because otherwise, sts_inhabited and subG_stsΣ form an instance cycle that makes type class search diverge.

Canonical structures and type classes

In Iris, we use both canonical structures and type classes, and some careful tweaking is necessary to make the two work together properly. The details of this still need to be written up properly, but here is some background material:

Implicit generalization

We often use the implicit generalization feature of Coq, triggered by a backtick: `{!term A B} means that an implicit argument of type term A B is added, and if any of the identifiers that are used here is not yet bound, it gets added as well. Usually, term will be some existing type class or similar, and we use this syntax to also generalize over A and B; then the above is equivalent to {A B} {Hterm: term A B}. The ! in front of the term disables an even stronger form of generalization, where if term is a type class then all missing arguments get implicitly generalized as well. This is sometimes useful, e.g. we can write `{Countable C} instead of `{!EqDecision C, !Countable C}. However, generally it is more important to be aware of the assumptions you are making, so implicit generalization without ! should be avoided.

Type class resolution control

When you are writing a module that exports some Iris term for others to use (e.g., join_handle in the spawn module), be sure to mark these terms as opaque for type class search at the end of your module (and outside any section):

Typeclasses Opaque join_handle.

This makes sure that the proof mode does not "look into" your definition when it is used by clients.


Notations starting with ( or { should be left at their default level (0), and inner subexpressions that are bracketed by delimiters should be left at their default level (200).

Moreover, correct parsing of notations sometimes relies on Coq's automatic left-factoring, which can require coordinating levels of certain "conflicting" notations and their subexpressions. For instance, to disambiguate (⊢@{ PROP }) and (⊢@{ PROP } P), Coq must factor out a nonterminal for ⊢@{ PROP }, but it can only do so if all occurrences of ⊢@{ PROP } agree on the precedences for all subexpressions. This also requires using the same tokenization in all cases, i.e., the notation has to consistently be declared as (⊢@{ or ('⊢@{', but not a mixture of the two. The latter form of using explicit tokenization with ' is preferred to avoid relying on Coq's default.

For details, consult the Coq manual.

Naming conventions for variables/arguments/hypotheses

small letters

  • a : A = cmraT or ofeT
  • b : B = cmraT or ofeT
  • c
  • d
  • e : expr = expressions
  • f = some generic function
  • g = some generic function
  • h : heap
  • i
  • j
  • k
  • l
  • m : iGst = ghost state
  • m* = prefix for option
  • n
  • o
  • p
  • q
  • r : iRes = resources
  • s = state (STSs)
  • s = stuckness bits
  • t
  • u
  • v : val = values of language
  • w
  • x
  • y
  • z

capital letters

  • A : Type, cmraT or ofeT
  • B : Type, cmraT or ofeT
  • C
  • D
  • E : coPset = Viewshift masks
  • F = a functor
  • G
  • H = hypotheses
  • I = indexing sets
  • J
  • K : ectx = evaluation contexts
  • K = keys of a map
  • L
  • M = maps / global CMRA
  • N : namespace
  • O
  • P : uPred, iProp or Prop
  • Q : uPred, iProp or Prop
  • R : uPred, iProp or Prop
  • S : set state = state sets in STSs
  • T : set token = token sets in STSs
  • U
  • V : abstraction of value type in frame shift assertions
  • W
  • X : sets
  • Y : sets
  • Z : sets

small greek letters

  • γ : gname
  • σ : state = state of language
  • φ : interpretation of STS/Auth

capital greek letters

  • Φ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)
  • Ψ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)

Naming conventions for algebraic classes


  • O: OFEs
  • R: cameras
  • UR: unital cameras or resources algebras
  • F: functors (can be combined with all of the above, e.g. OF is an OFE functor)
  • G: global camera functor management (typeclass; see
  • I: bunched implication logic (of type bi)
  • SI: step-indexed bunched implication logic (of type sbi)
  • T: canonical structures for algebraic classes (for example ofeT for OFEs, cmraT for cameras)
  • Σ: global camera functor management (gFunctors; see