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Commit 11f9d567 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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Merge branch 'robbert/loeb_weak' into 'master'

Factor out lemma `löb_weak`.

See merge request iris/iris!459
parents ada31c02 b57797ee
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......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Canonical Structure uPredI (M : ucmraT) : bi :=
bi_bi_mixin := uPred_bi_mixin M;
bi_bi_later_mixin := uPred_bi_later_mixin M |}.
Instance uPred_later_contractive {M} : Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=uPredI M)).
Instance uPred_later_contractive {M} : BiLaterContractive (uPredI M).
Proof. apply later_contractive. Qed.
Lemma uPred_internal_eq_mixin M : BiInternalEqMixin (uPredI M) (@uPred_internal_eq M).
......@@ -117,12 +117,18 @@ Arguments bi_wandM {_} !_%I _%I /.
Notation "mP -∗? Q" := (bi_wandM mP Q)
(at level 99, Q at level 200, right associativity) : bi_scope.
(** This class is required for the [iLöb] tactic. For most logics this class
should not be inhabited directly, but the instance [Contractive (▷) → BiLöb PROP]
in [derived_laws_later] should be used. A direct instance of the class is useful
when considering a BI logic with a discrete OFE, instead of a OFE that takes
step-indexing of the logic in account.*)
(** The class [BiLöb] is required for the [iLöb] tactic. However, for most BI
logics [BiLaterContractive] should be used, which gives an instance of [BiLöb]
automatically (see [derived_laws_later]). A direct instance of [BiLöb] is useful
when considering a BI logic with a discrete OFE, instead of an OFE that takes
step-indexing of the logic in account.
The internal/"strong" version of Löb [(▷ P → P) ⊢ P] is derivable from [BiLöb].
It is provided by the lemma [löb] in [derived_laws_later]. *)
Class BiLöb (PROP : bi) :=
löb (P : PROP) : ( P P) P.
löb_weak (P : PROP) : ( P P) (True P).
Hint Mode BiLöb ! : typeclass_instances.
Arguments löb {_ _} _.
Arguments löb_weak {_ _} _ _.
Notation BiLaterContractive PROP :=
(Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP))) (only parsing).
......@@ -84,23 +84,31 @@ Proof. intros. by rewrite /Persistent -later_persistently {1}(persistent P). Qed
Global Instance later_absorbing P : Absorbing P Absorbing ( P).
Proof. intros ?. by rewrite /Absorbing -later_absorbingly absorbing. Qed.
(* Proof following's_theorem#Proof_of_L%C3%B6b's_theorem.
Their [Ψ] is called [Q] in our proof. *)
Global Instance later_contractive_bi_löb :
Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP)) BiLöb PROP.
(** * Alternatives to Löb induction *)
(** We prove relations between the following statements:
1. [Contractive (▷)], later is contractive as expressed by [BiLaterContractive].
2. [(▷ P ⊢ P) → (True ⊢ P)], the external/"weak" of Löb as expressed by [BiLöb].
3. [(▷ P → P) ⊢ P], the internal version/"strong" of Löb.
4. [□ (□ ▷ P -∗ P) ⊢ P], an internal version of Löb with magic wand instead of
5. [□ (▷ P -∗ P) ⊢ P], a weaker version of the former statement, which does not
make the induction hypothesis intuitionistic.
We prove that:
- (1) implies (2) in all BI logics (lemma [later_contractive_bi_löb]).
- (2) and (3) are logically equivalent in all BI logics (lemma [löb_alt_strong]).
- (2) implies (4) and (5) in all BI logics (lemmas [löb_wand_intuitionistically]
and [löb_wand]).
- (5) and (2) are logically equivalent in affine BI logics (lemma [löb_alt_wand]).
In particular, this gives that (2), (3), (4) and (5) are logically equivalent in
affine BI logics such as Iris. *)
Lemma löb `{!BiLöb PROP} P : ( P P) P.
intros. assert ( P, ( P P) (True P)) as weak_löb.
{ intros P. pose (flöb_pre (P Q : PROP) := ( Q P)%I).
assert ( P, Contractive (flöb_pre P)) by solve_contractive.
set (Q := fixpoint (flöb_pre P)).
assert (Q ⊣⊢ ( Q P)) as HQ by (exact: fixpoint_unfold).
intros HP. rewrite -HP.
assert ( Q P) as HQP.
{ rewrite -HP. rewrite -(idemp () ( Q))%I {2}(later_intro ( Q))%I.
by rewrite {1}HQ {1}later_impl impl_elim_l. }
rewrite -HQP HQ -2!later_intro.
apply (entails_impl_True _ P). done. }
intros P. apply entails_impl_True, weak_löb. apply impl_intro_r.
apply entails_impl_True, löb_weak. apply impl_intro_r.
rewrite -{2}(idemp () ( P P))%I.
rewrite {2}(later_intro ( P P))%I.
rewrite later_impl.
......@@ -108,6 +116,26 @@ Proof.
rewrite impl_elim_r. done.
Lemma löb_alt_strong : BiLöb PROP P, ( P P) P.
Proof. split; intros HLöb P. apply löb. by intros ->%entails_impl_True. Qed.
(** Proof following's_theorem#Proof_of_L%C3%B6b's_theorem.
Their [Ψ] is called [Q] in our proof. *)
Global Instance later_contractive_bi_löb : BiLaterContractive PROP BiLöb PROP.
intros=> P.
pose (flöb_pre (P Q : PROP) := ( Q P)%I).
assert ( P, Contractive (flöb_pre P)) by solve_contractive.
set (Q := fixpoint (flöb_pre P)).
assert (Q ⊣⊢ ( Q P)) as HQ by (exact: fixpoint_unfold).
intros HP. rewrite -HP.
assert ( Q P) as HQP.
{ rewrite -HP. rewrite -(idemp () ( Q))%I {2}(later_intro ( Q))%I.
by rewrite {1}HQ {1}later_impl impl_elim_l. }
rewrite -HQP HQ -2!later_intro.
apply (entails_impl_True _ P). done.
Lemma löb_wand_intuitionistically `{!BiLöb PROP} P : ( P -∗ P) P.
rewrite -{3}(intuitionistically_elim P) -(löb ( P)%I). apply impl_intro_l.
......@@ -123,9 +151,10 @@ Qed.
(** The proof of the right-to-left direction relies on the BI being affine. It
is unclear how to generalize the lemma or proof to support non-affine BIs. *)
Lemma löb_alt `{!BiAffine PROP} : BiLöb PROP P, ( P -∗ P) P.
Lemma löb_alt_wand `{!BiAffine PROP} : BiLöb PROP P, ( P -∗ P) P.
split; intros Hlöb P; [by apply löb_wand|].
split; intros Hlöb; [by apply löb_wand|].
apply löb_alt_strong=> P.
rewrite bi.impl_alt. apply bi.exist_elim=> R. apply impl_elim_r'.
rewrite -(Hlöb (R P)%I) -intuitionistically_into_persistently.
apply intuitionistically_intro', wand_intro_l, impl_intro_l.
......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ Section bi_mixin.
For non step-indexed BIs the later modality can simply be defined as the
identity function, as the Löb axiom or contractiveness of later is not part of
[BiLaterMixin]. For step-indexed BIs one should separately prove an instance
of the class [BiLöb PROP] or [Contractive (▷)]. (Note that there is an
instance [Contractive (▷) → BiLöb PROP] in [derived_laws_later].)
of the class [BiLaterContractive PROP] or [BiLöb PROP]. (Note that there is an
instance [BiLaterContractive PROP → BiLöb PROP] in [derived_laws_later].)
For non step-indexed BIs one can get a "free" instance of [BiLaterMixin] using
the smart constructor [bi_later_mixin_id] below. *)
......@@ -401,12 +401,10 @@ Global Instance monPred_in_flip_mono : Proper ((⊑) ==> flip (⊢)) (@monPred_i
Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
Global Instance monPred_later_contractive :
Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=PROP)) Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=monPredI)).
BiLaterContractive PROP BiLaterContractive monPredI.
Proof. unseal=> ? n P Q HPQ. split=> i /=. f_contractive. apply HPQ. Qed.
Global Instance monPred_bi_löb : BiLöb PROP BiLöb monPredI.
split=> i. unseal. by rewrite (bi.forall_elim i) bi.pure_True // left_id löb.
Proof. rewrite {2}/BiLöb; unseal=> ? P HP; split=> i /=. apply löb_weak, HP. Qed.
Global Instance monPred_bi_positive : BiPositive PROP BiPositive monPredI.
Proof. split => ?. unseal. apply bi_positive. Qed.
Global Instance monPred_bi_affine : BiAffine PROP BiAffine monPredI.
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Canonical Structure siPropI : bi :=
{| bi_ofe_mixin := ofe_mixin_of siProp;
bi_bi_mixin := siProp_bi_mixin; bi_bi_later_mixin := siProp_bi_later_mixin |}.
Instance siProp_later_contractive : Contractive (bi_later (PROP:=siPropI)).
Instance siProp_later_contractive : BiLaterContractive siPropI.
Proof. apply later_contractive. Qed.
Lemma siProp_internal_eq_mixin : BiInternalEqMixin siPropI (@siProp_internal_eq).
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