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Commit 2c69c726 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Shorten some proofs, name some variables.

parent 60da0dab
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...@@ -541,9 +541,8 @@ Qed. ...@@ -541,9 +541,8 @@ Qed.
(** Cancelable elements *) (** Cancelable elements *)
Global Instance cancelable_proper : Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@Cancelable A). Global Instance cancelable_proper : Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@Cancelable A).
Proof. unfold Cancelable. intros ?? EQ. by setoid_rewrite EQ. Qed. Proof. unfold Cancelable. intros x x' EQ. by setoid_rewrite EQ. Qed.
Lemma cancelable x `{!Cancelable x} y z : Lemma cancelable x `{!Cancelable x} y z : (x y) x y x z y z.
(x y) x y x z y z.
Proof. rewrite !equiv_dist cmra_valid_validN. intros. by apply (cancelableN x). Qed. Proof. rewrite !equiv_dist cmra_valid_validN. intros. by apply (cancelableN x). Qed.
Lemma discrete_cancelable x `{CMRADiscrete A}: Lemma discrete_cancelable x `{CMRADiscrete A}:
( y z, (x y) x y x z y z) Cancelable x. ( y z, (x y) x y x z y z) Cancelable x.
...@@ -551,25 +550,22 @@ Proof. intros ????. rewrite -!timeless_iff -cmra_discrete_valid_iff. auto. Qed. ...@@ -551,25 +550,22 @@ Proof. intros ????. rewrite -!timeless_iff -cmra_discrete_valid_iff. auto. Qed.
Global Instance cancelable_op x y : Global Instance cancelable_op x y :
Cancelable x Cancelable y Cancelable (x y). Cancelable x Cancelable y Cancelable (x y).
Proof. Proof.
intros ???????. apply (cancelableN y), (cancelableN x). intros ?? n z z' ??. apply (cancelableN y), (cancelableN x).
- eapply cmra_validN_op_r. by rewrite assoc. - eapply cmra_validN_op_r. by rewrite assoc.
- by rewrite assoc. - by rewrite assoc.
- by rewrite !assoc. - by rewrite !assoc.
Qed. Qed.
Global Instance exclusive_cancelable (x : A) : Exclusive x Cancelable x. Global Instance exclusive_cancelable (x : A) : Exclusive x Cancelable x.
Proof. intros ???? []%(exclusiveN_l _ x). Qed. Proof. intros ? n z z' []%(exclusiveN_l _ x). Qed.
(** Id-free elements *) (** Id-free elements *)
Global Instance id_free_ne : Proper (dist n ==> iff) (@IdFree A). Global Instance id_free_ne n : Proper (dist n ==> iff) (@IdFree A).
Proof. Proof.
unfold IdFree. intros ??? EQ%(dist_le _ 0); last lia. intros x x' EQ%(dist_le _ 0); last lia. rewrite /IdFree.
split; intros ??; (rewrite -EQ || rewrite EQ); eauto. split=> y ?; (rewrite -EQ || rewrite EQ); eauto.
Qed. Qed.
Global Instance id_free_proper : Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@IdFree A). Global Instance id_free_proper : Proper (equiv ==> iff) (@IdFree A).
Proof. Proof. by move=> P Q /equiv_dist /(_ 0)=> ->. Qed.
unfold IdFree. intros ?? EQ.
split; intros ??; (rewrite -EQ || rewrite EQ); eauto.
Lemma id_freeN_r n n' x `{!IdFree x} y : {n}x x y {n'} x False. Lemma id_freeN_r n n' x `{!IdFree x} y : {n}x x y {n'} x False.
Proof. eauto using cmra_validN_le, dist_le with lia. Qed. Proof. eauto using cmra_validN_le, dist_le with lia. Qed.
Lemma id_freeN_l n n' x `{!IdFree x} y : {n}x y x {n'} x False. Lemma id_freeN_l n n' x `{!IdFree x} y : {n}x y x {n'} x False.
...@@ -579,16 +575,14 @@ Proof. move=> /cmra_valid_validN ? /equiv_dist. eauto. Qed. ...@@ -579,16 +575,14 @@ Proof. move=> /cmra_valid_validN ? /equiv_dist. eauto. Qed.
Lemma id_free_l x `{!IdFree x} y : x y x x False. Lemma id_free_l x `{!IdFree x} y : x y x x False.
Proof. rewrite comm. eauto using id_free_r. Qed. Proof. rewrite comm. eauto using id_free_r. Qed.
Lemma discrete_id_free x `{CMRADiscrete A}: Lemma discrete_id_free x `{CMRADiscrete A}:
( y, x x y x False) IdFree x. ( y, x x y x False) IdFree x.
Proof. repeat intro. eauto using cmra_discrete_valid, cmra_discrete, timeless. Qed. Proof. repeat intro. eauto using cmra_discrete_valid, cmra_discrete, timeless. Qed.
Global Instance id_free_op_r x y : Global Instance id_free_op_r x y : IdFree y Cancelable x IdFree (x y).
IdFree y Cancelable x IdFree (x y).
Proof. Proof.
intros ???? Hid%symmetry. revert Hid. rewrite -assoc=>/(cancelableN x) ?. intros ?? z ? Hid%symmetry. revert Hid. rewrite -assoc=>/(cancelableN x) ?.
eapply (id_free0_r _); [by eapply cmra_validN_op_r |symmetry; eauto]. eapply (id_free0_r _); [by eapply cmra_validN_op_r |symmetry; eauto].
Qed. Qed.
Global Instance id_free_op_l x y : Global Instance id_free_op_l x y : IdFree x Cancelable y IdFree (x y).
IdFree x Cancelable y IdFree (x y).
Proof. intros. rewrite comm. apply _. Qed. Proof. intros. rewrite comm. apply _. Qed.
Global Instance exclusive_id_free x : Exclusive x IdFree x. Global Instance exclusive_id_free x : Exclusive x IdFree x.
Proof. intros ? z ? Hid. apply (exclusiveN_l 0 x z). by rewrite Hid. Qed. Proof. intros ? z ? Hid. apply (exclusiveN_l 0 x z). by rewrite Hid. Qed.
...@@ -1038,10 +1032,10 @@ Section positive. ...@@ -1038,10 +1032,10 @@ Section positive.
Global Instance pos_cmra_discrete : CMRADiscrete positiveR. Global Instance pos_cmra_discrete : CMRADiscrete positiveR.
Proof. constructor; apply _ || done. Qed. Proof. constructor; apply _ || done. Qed.
Global Instance pos_cancelable (x : positive) : Cancelable x. Global Instance pos_cancelable (x : positive) : Cancelable x.
Proof. intros ?????. by eapply Pos.add_reg_l, leibniz_equiv. Qed. Proof. intros n y z ??. by eapply Pos.add_reg_l, leibniz_equiv. Qed.
Global Instance pos_id_free (x : positive) : IdFree x. Global Instance pos_id_free (x : positive) : IdFree x.
Proof. Proof.
intros ???. edestruct Pos.add_no_neutral. rewrite Pos.add_comm. intros y ??. apply (Pos.add_no_neutral x y). rewrite Pos.add_comm.
by apply leibniz_equiv. by apply leibniz_equiv.
Qed. Qed.
End positive. End positive.
...@@ -1354,12 +1348,10 @@ Section option. ...@@ -1354,12 +1348,10 @@ Section option.
Proof. Proof.
intros Hirr ?? [y|] [z|] ? EQ; inversion_clear EQ. intros Hirr ?? [y|] [z|] ? EQ; inversion_clear EQ.
- constructor. by apply (cancelableN x). - constructor. by apply (cancelableN x).
- edestruct Hirr. - destruct (Hirr y); [|eauto using dist_le with lia].
+ eapply (cmra_validN_op_l 0 x y), (cmra_validN_le n). done. lia. by eapply (cmra_validN_op_l 0 x y), (cmra_validN_le n); last lia.
+ eapply dist_le. done. lia. - destruct (Hirr z); [|symmetry; eauto using dist_le with lia].
- edestruct Hirr. by eapply (cmra_validN_le n); last lia.
+ eapply (cmra_validN_le n). done. lia.
+ eapply dist_le. done. lia.
- done. - done.
Qed. Qed.
End option. End option.
...@@ -291,12 +291,10 @@ Qed. ...@@ -291,12 +291,10 @@ Qed.
Global Instance singleton_cancelable i x : Global Instance singleton_cancelable i x :
Cancelable (Some x) Cancelable {[ i := x ]}. Cancelable (Some x) Cancelable {[ i := x ]}.
Proof. Proof.
intros ???? Hv EQ j. specialize (EQ j). specialize (Hv j). intros ? n m1 m2 Hv EQ j. move: (Hv j) (EQ j). rewrite !lookup_op.
rewrite !lookup_op in EQ, Hv. destruct (decide (i = j)). destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
- subst. rewrite lookup_singleton in EQ, Hv. - rewrite lookup_singleton. by apply cancelableN.
by eapply cancelableN. - by rewrite lookup_singleton_ne // !(left_id None _).
- rewrite lookup_singleton_ne // in EQ, Hv.
by rewrite ->!(left_id None _) in EQ.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma insert_updateP (P : A Prop) (Q : gmap K A Prop) m i x : Lemma insert_updateP (P : A Prop) (Q : gmap K A Prop) m i x :
...@@ -460,15 +458,12 @@ Lemma delete_local_update_cancelable m1 m2 i mx `{!Cancelable mx} : ...@@ -460,15 +458,12 @@ Lemma delete_local_update_cancelable m1 m2 i mx `{!Cancelable mx} :
m1 !! i mx m2 !! i mx m1 !! i mx m2 !! i mx
(m1, m2) ~l~> (delete i m1, delete i m2). (m1, m2) ~l~> (delete i m1, delete i m2).
Proof. Proof.
intros EQ1 EQ2. intros Hm1i Hm2i. apply local_update_unital=> n mf Hmv Hm; simpl in *.
destruct mx as [x|], (m1 !! i) as [m1i|] eqn:?, (m2 !! i) as [m2i|] eqn:?; split; [eauto using delete_validN|].
inversion_clear EQ1; inversion_clear EQ2. intros j. destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
- rewrite -{1}(insert_id m1 i m1i) // -{1}(insert_id m2 i m2i) // - move: (Hm j). rewrite !lookup_op Hm1i Hm2i !lookup_delete. intros Hmx.
-(insert_delete m1) -(insert_delete m2) !insert_singleton_op; rewrite (cancelableN mx n (mf !! j) None) ?right_id // -Hmx -Hm1i. apply Hmv.
try by apply lookup_delete. - by rewrite lookup_op !lookup_delete_ne // Hm lookup_op.
assert (m1i x) as -> by done. assert (m2i x) as -> by done.
apply cancel_local_update, _.
- rewrite !delete_notin //.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma delete_singleton_local_update_cancelable m i x `{!Cancelable (Some x)} : Lemma delete_singleton_local_update_cancelable m i x `{!Cancelable (Some x)} :
...@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Section updates. ...@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Section updates.
Lemma cancel_local_update x y z `{!Cancelable x} : Lemma cancel_local_update x y z `{!Cancelable x} :
(x y, x z) ~l~> (y, z). (x y, x z) ~l~> (y, z).
Proof. Proof.
intros ? f ? Heq. split; first by eapply cmra_validN_op_r. intros n f ? Heq. split; first by eapply cmra_validN_op_r.
apply (cancelableN x); first done. by rewrite -cmra_opM_assoc. apply (cancelableN x); first done. by rewrite -cmra_opM_assoc.
Qed. Qed.
...@@ -119,9 +119,7 @@ Section updates_unital. ...@@ -119,9 +119,7 @@ Section updates_unital.
Lemma cancel_local_update_empty x y `{!Cancelable x} : Lemma cancel_local_update_empty x y `{!Cancelable x} :
(x y, x) ~l~> (y, ). (x y, x) ~l~> (y, ).
Proof. Proof. rewrite -{2}(right_id op x). by apply cancel_local_update. Qed.
rewrite -{2}(right_id op x). by apply cancel_local_update.
End updates_unital. End updates_unital.
(** * Product *) (** * Product *)
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