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Commit 3d69aaa0 authored by Filip Sieczkowski's avatar Filip Sieczkowski
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Added a library for solving recursive domain equations.

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(** This file provides the proof that CBUlt, the category of complete,
bisected, ultrametric spaces, forms an M-category. *)
Require Import MetricCore.
Require Import MetricRec.
Module CBUlt <: MCat.
Local Open Scope cat_scope.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || eauto with typeclass_instances.
Definition M := cmtyp.
Instance MArr : BC_morph M := fun U V : cmtyp => cmfromType (U -n> V).
Instance MComp : BC_comp M := fun U V W => comp.
Instance MId : BC_id M := fun U => (umid _).
Instance MTermO : BC_term M := cmfromType unit.
Program Instance MTermA : BC_terminal M := fun U => n[(const tt)].
Instance Cat : BaseCat M.
split; intros; intros n; simpl; reflexivity || exact I.
Section Limits.
Context (T : Tower).
Definition guard := fun (σ : forall i, tow_objs T i) => forall n, tow_morphs T n (σ (S n)) == σ n.
Instance lpg : LimitPreserving guard.
intros σ σc HG n.
rewrite !dep_chain_compl.
rewrite nonexp_continuous; apply umet_complete_ext; intros k.
simpl; apply HG.
Definition lim_obj : cmtyp := cmfromType {σ : forall i, tow_objs T i | guard σ}.
Definition lim_proj i : lim_obj -n> tow_objs T i := MprojI i <M< inclM.
Program Definition lim_cone : Cone T := mkBaseCone T lim_obj lim_proj _.
Next Obligation.
intros [σ HG]; simpl; apply HG.
Program Definition lim_map (C : Cone T) : (cone_t T C : cmtyp) -n> (cone_t T lim_cone : cmtyp) :=
n[(fun m => exist _ (fun i => cone_m T C i m) _)].
Next Obligation.
intros n; simpl.
assert (HT := cone_m_com T C n m); apply HT.
Lemma AllLimits : Limit T.
refine (mkBaseLimit T lim_cone lim_map _ _).
+ intros C n x; simpl; reflexivity.
+ intros C h HCom x n; simpl.
specialize (HCom n x); simpl in HCom.
symmetry; apply HCom.
End Limits.
End CBUlt.
(** Basic categorical definitions. The role of objects is played by
the class [type] which is a type equipped with an equivalence
Then there are standard constructions defined using these objects
(product, exponential, initial objects and functors at the end)
and some of their properties are proved.
Require Export Coq.Program.Program.
Require Export Morphisms SetoidClass SetoidTactics.
Generalizable Variables T U V W.
(* Make sure equiv is in the right scope and that it's not simplified
too soon. *)
Definition equiv `{Setoid T} := SetoidClass.equiv.
Arguments equiv {_ _} _ _ /.
Notation "'mkType' R" := (@Build_Setoid _ R _) (at level 10).
(** A morphism between two types is an actual function together with a
proof that it preserves equality. *)
Record morphism S T `{eqS : Setoid S} `{eqT : Setoid T} :=
mkMorph {
morph :> S -> T;
morph_resp : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) morph}.
Arguments mkMorph [S T eqS eqT] _ _.
Arguments morph_resp [S T eqS eqT] _ _ _ _.
Infix "-=>" := morphism (at level 45, right associativity).
Notation "'s[(' f ')]'" := (mkMorph f _).
Ltac resp_set :=
intros t1 t2 HEqt; repeat (intros ?); simpl in *; try rewrite !HEqt; reflexivity.
(** This seems just to be a package putting together all the
ingredients of [type], i.e. the carrier set, the relation and the
property that the relation is an equivalence relation. *)
Record eqType :=
{eqtyp :> Type;
eqtype : Setoid eqtyp}.
Instance eqType_proj_type {ET : eqType} : Setoid ET := eqtype _.
Definition fromType T `{eT : Setoid T} : eqType := Build_eqType T _.
Section Morphisms.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} `{eU : Setoid U} `{eV : Setoid V}.
(** The type of equivalence-preserving maps is again a type with
equivalence, defined pointwise. *)
Global Program Instance morph_type : Setoid (T -=> U) :=
mkType (fun f g => forall x, f x == g x).
Next Obligation.
clear; split.
- intros f x; reflexivity.
- intros f g HS x; symmetry; apply HS.
- intros f g h Hfg Hgh x; etransitivity; [apply Hfg | apply Hgh].
(** The application of [morphsm] to its argument preserves equality
in both the function and the argument. *)
Global Instance equiv_morph :
Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (morph T U).
intros f g HEq x y HEq'; etransitivity; [apply HEq | apply g, HEq'].
(** Definition of composition of morphisms. Note the different
arrows, i.e., -=> and ->. *)
Program Definition mcomp (f: U -=> V) (g: T -=> U) : (T -=> V) :=
s[(f g)].
Next Obligation.
intros x y HEq; apply f, g; assumption.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || eauto with typeclass_instances.
(** Two specific morphisms, identity and constant maps. *)
Program Definition mid : T -=> T := s[(fun x => x)].
Program Definition mconst (u : U) : T -=> U := s[(const u)].
End Morphisms.
Infix "<<" := mcomp (at level 35).
Arguments mid T {eT}.
Arguments compose {_ _ _} _ _ _ /.
Section MorphConsts.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} `{eU : Setoid U} `{eV : Setoid V} `{eW : Setoid W}.
(** Composition maps equal morphism to equal morphisms. *)
Global Instance equiv_mcomp :
Proper (equiv (T := U -=> V) ==> equiv ==> equiv) mcomp.
intros f f' HEq g g' HEq' x; simpl; rewrite HEq, HEq'; reflexivity.
(** Composition of morphisms is associative. *)
Lemma mcomp_assoc (f: V -=> W) (g: U -=> V) (h: T -=> U) :
f << (g << h) == (f << g) << h.
Proof. intros x; reflexivity. Qed.
(** Identity is left- and right- identity for composition *)
Lemma mcomp_idR (f : U -=> V) :
f << mid _ == f.
Proof. intros x; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma mcomp_idL (f : U -=> V) :
mid _ << f == f.
Proof. intros x; reflexivity. Qed.
(** Lift an ordinary function to a function on [type]'s. *)
Definition lift2s (f : T -> U -> V) p q : (T -=> U -=> V) :=
mkMorph (fun x => mkMorph (f x) (p x)) q.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || eauto with typeclass_instances.
(** Pre- and postcomposition, as equality-preserving maps *)
Program Definition precomp (f : T -=> U) : (U -=> V) -=> (T -=> V) :=
s[(fun g => g << f)].
Program Definition postcomp (f : T -=> U) : (V -=> T) -=> (V -=> U) :=
s[(fun g => f << g)].
End MorphConsts.
(*Instance Equiv_PropP : Equiv Prop := iff.
Instance type_PropP : type Prop := iff_equivalence.*)
Section SetoidProducts.
Context `{eU : Setoid U} `{eV : Setoid V}.
(** The product of two types is another type, with equality defined pointwise. *)
Global Program Instance prod_type : Setoid (U * V) :=
mkType (fun p1 p2 : U * V => (fst p1) == (fst p2) /\ (snd p1) == (snd p2)).
Next Obligation.
- intros [u v]; split; reflexivity.
- intros [u1 v1] [u2 v2] [Hu Hv]; split; symmetry; assumption.
- intros [u1 v1] [u2 v2] [u3 v3] [Hu12 Hv12] [Hu23 Hv23]; split; etransitivity; eassumption.
Global Instance prod_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (@pair U V).
intros u1 u2 Hu v1 v2 Hv; split; assumption.
Global Instance mfst_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (@fst U V).
intros [u1 v1] [u2 v2] [Hu Hv]; assumption.
Global Instance msnd_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (@snd U V).
intros [u1 v1] [u2 v2] [Hu Hv]; assumption.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || program_simpl.
(** The projections are in fact proper morphisms, i.e. they preserve equality. *)
Program Definition mfst : (U * V) -=> U := s[(fst)].
Program Definition msnd : (U * V) -=> V := s[(snd)].
Context `{eT : Setoid T}.
(** Tupling is also a proper morphism, i.e. respects equality. *)
Program Definition mprod (f: T -=> U) (g: T -=> V) : T -=> (U * V) :=
s[(fun t => (f t, g t))].
Next Obligation.
add_morphism_tactic; intros.
rewrite H; reflexivity.
Lemma mprod_unique (f: T -=> U) (g: T -=> V) (h: T -=> U * V) :
mfst << h == f -> msnd << h == g -> h == mprod f g.
intros HL HR x; split; simpl; [rewrite <- HL | rewrite <- HR]; reflexivity.
End SetoidProducts.
Arguments mprod_unique [U eU V eV T eT f g h] _ _ _.
Section IndexedProducts.
Context {I : Type} {P : I -> eqType}.
(** Equality on the indexed product. Essentially the same as for binary products, i.e. pointwise. *)
Global Program Instance prodI_type : Setoid (forall i, P i) :=
mkType (fun p1 p2 => forall i, p1 i == p2 i).
Next Obligation.
- intros X x; reflexivity.
- intros X Y HS x; symmetry; apply HS.
- intros X Y Z HPQ HQR x; etransitivity; [apply HPQ | apply HQR].
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || program_simpl.
(** Projection functions. *)
Program Definition mprojI (i : I) : (forall i, P i) -=> P i :=
s[(fun X => X i)].
Context `{eT : Setoid T}.
(** Tupling into the indexed products. *)
Program Definition mprodI (f : forall i, T -=> P i) : T -=> (forall i, P i) :=
s[(fun t i => f i t)].
Lemma mprod_projI (f : forall i, T -=> P i) i : mprojI i << mprodI f == f i.
Proof. intros X; reflexivity. Qed.
(** Product with the projections is an actual product. *)
Lemma mprodI_unique (f : forall i, T -=> P i) (h : T -=> forall i, P i) :
(forall i, mprojI i << h == f i) -> h == mprodI f.
intros HEq x i; simpl; rewrite <- HEq; reflexivity.
End IndexedProducts.
Section Exponentials.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} `{eU : Setoid U} `{eV : Setoid V} `{eW : Setoid W}.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || program_simpl.
(** Composition of morphism _as a morphims_. *)
Program Definition comps : (U -=> V) -=> (T -=> U) -=> T -=> V :=
lift2s (fun f g => f << g) _ _.
Program Definition muncurry (f : T -=> U -=> V) : T * U -=> V :=
s[(fun p => f (fst p) (snd p))].
Next Obligation.
add_morphism_tactic; intros [t1 u1] [t2 u2] [Ht Hu]; simpl in *.
rewrite Ht, Hu; reflexivity.
(** Currying map, i.e. the exponential transpose. *)
Program Definition mcurry (f : T * U -=> V) : T -=> U -=> V :=
lift2s (fun t u => f (t, u)) _ _.
(** f × g, i.e. 〈 f ∘ π, g ∘ π' 〉 *)
Definition mprod_map (f : T -=> U) (g : V -=> W) := mprod (f << mfst) (g << msnd).
(** Evaluation map. *)
Program Definition meval : (T -=> U) * T -=> U :=
s[(fun p => fst p (snd p))].
Next Obligation.
add_morphism_tactic; intros [f1 t1] [f2 t2] [Hf Ht]; simpl in *.
rewrite Hf, Ht; reflexivity.
End Exponentials.
Section Exp_props.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} `{eU : Setoid U} `{eV : Setoid V} `{eW : Setoid W}.
(** (Λ(f) × id) ; eval = f, where Λ(f) is the exponential transpose. *)
Lemma mcurry_com (f : T * U -=> V) : f == meval << (mprod_map (mcurry f) (mid _)).
Proof. intros [a b]; reflexivity. Qed.
(** Exponential transposes are unique. *)
Lemma mcurry_unique (f : T * U -=> V) h :
f == meval << (mprod_map h (mid _)) -> h == mcurry f.
Proof. intros HEq a b; simpl; rewrite HEq; reflexivity. Qed.
End Exp_props.
Program Instance unit_type : Setoid unit := mkType (fun _ _ => True).
Next Obligation.
- intros _; exact I.
- intros _ _ _; exact I.
- intros _ _ _ _ _; exact I.
(** The [unit] type is the terminal object, i.e., there's a unique
morphism from any [Setoid] to [unit] *)
Section Terminals.
Context `{eT : Setoid T}.
Definition mone_term : T -=> unit := mconst tt.
Lemma mone_term_unique (f g : T -=> unit) : f == g.
intros x; destruct (f x); destruct (g x); reflexivity.
End Terminals.
Inductive empty : Set :=.
Program Instance empty_type : Setoid empty := mkType (fun _ _ => False).
Next Obligation.
split; intros x; case x.
(** The empty [type] is the initial element, i.e. there is unique a
morphism from it to any other [type]. *)
Section Initials.
Context `{eT : Setoid T}.
Program Definition mzero_init : empty -=> T := s[(fun x => match x with end)].
Next Obligation. intros x; case x; fail. Qed.
Lemma mzero_init_unique (f g : empty -=> T) : f == g.
Proof. intros x; case x. Qed.
End Initials.
(** Subsets. *)
Section Subsetoid.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} {P : T -> Prop}.
(** [type] of elements that satisfy the predicate P, i.e. a
subset. Equality is inherited from the carrier type. *)
Global Program Instance subset_type : Setoid {t : T | P t} :=
mkType (fun x y => ` x == ` y).
Next Obligation.
- intros [x Hx]; simpl; reflexivity.
- intros [x Hx] [y Hy] HS; simpl in *; symmetry; assumption.
- intros [x Hx] [y Hy] [z Hz] Hxy Hyz; simpl in *; etransitivity; eassumption.
Global Instance proj1sig_proper :
Proper (equiv (T := {t : T | P t}) ==> equiv) (@proj1_sig _ _).
Proof. intros [x Hx] [y Hy] HEq; simpl in *; assumption. Qed.
(** Inclusion from the subset to the superset is an
equality-preserving morphism. *)
Program Definition mincl : {t : T | P t} -=> T := s[(@proj1_sig _ _)].
(** If we have a morphism from B to A whose image is in the subset
determined by P, then this morphism restricts to the one into
the subset determined by P. *)
Context `{eU : Setoid U}.
Program Definition minherit (f : U -=> T) (HB : forall u, P (f u)) :
U -=> {t : T | P t} := s[(fun u => exist P (f u) (HB u))].
Next Obligation.
intros x y HEq; unfold equiv; red; simpl; rewrite HEq; reflexivity.
(** Inclusion from subset determined by P to the superset is a monomorphism. *)
Lemma mforget_mono (f g : U -=> {t : T | P t}) :
mincl << f == mincl << g -> f == g.
intros HEq x; simpl; rewrite (HEq x); reflexivity.
End Subsetoid.
(** Lifting of a type by adding a new distinct element.
This is used for several constructions: lookups in finite maps
return function types, for instance.
Section Option.
Context `{eT : Setoid T}.
Definition opt_eq (x y : option T) :=
match x, y with
| None, None => True
| Some x, Some y => x == y
| _, _ => False
Global Program Instance option_type : Setoid (option T) :=
mkType opt_eq.
Next Obligation.
- intros [a |]; simpl; reflexivity.
- intros [a |] [b |] HS; simpl in *; now trivial || symmetry; assumption.
- intros [a |] [b |] [c |] Hab Hbc; simpl in *; try (exact I || contradiction); [].
etransitivity; eassumption.
End Option.
Section OptDefs.
Context `{eT : Setoid T} `{eU : Setoid U}.
Global Instance Some_proper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (@Some T).
Proof. intros a b HEq; simpl; apply HEq. Qed.
Program Definition msome : T -=> option T := s[(@Some T)].
Definition optbind (f : T -> option U) (ov : option T) : option U :=
match ov with
| Some v => f v
| None => None
Program Definition moptbind : (T -=> option U) -=> option T -=> option U :=
lift2s optbind _ _.
Next Obligation.
intros [v1 |] [v2 |] EQv; try (contradiction EQv || exact I); [].
unfold optbind; apply x, EQv.
Next Obligation.
intros f1 f2 EQf [x |]; [simpl morph | exact I].
apply EQf.
End OptDefs.
(** This module provides some additional constructions on CBUlt. These
- the "1/2" functor, which divides all the distances by 1/2,
and so makes any locally non-expansive functor locally
- an extension operation on the space Tᵏ, for k ∈ nat, as a
non-expansive morphism. *)
Require Import MetricRec.
Require Export UPred.
Section Halving.
Context (T : cmtyp).
Definition dist_halve n :=
match n with
| O => fun (_ _ : T) => True
| S n => dist n
Program Definition halve_metr : metric T := mkMetr dist_halve.
Next Obligation.
destruct n; [resp_set | simpl; apply _].
Next Obligation.
split; intros HEq.
- apply dist_refl; intros n; apply (HEq (S n)).
- intros [| n]; [exact I |]; revert n; apply dist_refl, HEq.
Next Obligation.
intros t1 t2 HEq; destruct n; [exact I |]; symmetry; apply HEq.
Next Obligation.
intros t1 t2 t3 HEq12 HEq23; destruct n; [exact I |]; etransitivity; [apply HEq12 | apply HEq23].
Next Obligation.
destruct n; [exact I | apply dist_mono, H].
Definition halveM : Mtyp := Build_Mtyp T halve_metr.
Instance halve_chain (σ : chain halveM) {σc : cchain σ} : cchain (fun n => σ (S n) : T).
unfold cchain; intros.
apply (chain_cauchy σ σc (S n)); auto with arith.
Definition compl_halve (σ : chain halveM) (σc : cchain σ) :=
compl (fun n => σ (S n)) (σc := halve_chain σ).
Program Definition halve_cm : cmetric halveM := mkCMetr compl_halve.
Next Obligation.
intros [| n]; [exists 0; intros; exact I |].
destruct (conv_cauchy _ (σc := halve_chain σ) n) as [m HCon].
exists (S m); intros [| i] HLe; [inversion HLe |].
apply HCon; auto with arith.
Definition halve : cmtyp := Build_cmtyp halveM halve_cm.
End Halving.
Ltac unhalve :=
match goal with
| |- dist_halve _ ?n ?f ?g => destruct n as [| n]; [exact I | change (f = n = g) ]
| |- ?f = ?n = ?g => destruct n as [| n]; [exact I | change (f = n = g) ]
(* TODO: Refactor the following so that one can make it work for PCM
instantiation without a lot of extra work. *)
Require Import CBUltInst.
Section Halving_Fun.
Context F {FA : BiFMap F} {FFun : BiFunctor F}.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || eauto.
Program Instance halveFMap : BiFMap (fun T1 T2 => halve (F T1 T2)) :=
fun m1 m2 m3 m4 => lift2m (lift2s (fun ars ob => fmorph (F := F) ars ob) _ _) _ _.
Next Obligation.
intros p1 p2 EQp x; simpl; rewrite EQp; reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
intros e1 e2 EQ; simpl. unhalve.
rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
intros p1 p2 EQ e; simpl; unhalve.
apply dist_mono in EQ.
rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
Instance halveF : BiFunctor (fun T1 T2 => halve (F T1 T2)).
split; intros.
+ intros T; simpl.
apply (fmorph_comp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T).
+ intros T; simpl.
apply (fmorph_id _ _ T).
Instance halve_contractive {m0 m1 m2 m3} :
contractive (@fmorph _ _ (fun T1 T2 => halve (F T1 T2)) _ m0 m1 m2 m3).
intros n p1 p2 EQ f; simpl.
change ((fmorph (F := F) p1) f = n = (fmorph p2) f).
rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
End Halving_Fun.
Module Type SimplInput(Cat : MCat).
Import Cat.
Parameter F : M -> M -> M.
Parameter FArr : BiFMap F.
Parameter FFun : BiFunctor F.
Parameter F_ne : (1 -t> F 1 1)%cat.
End SimplInput.
Module InputHalve (S : SimplInput (CBUlt)) : InputType(CBUlt)
with Definition F := fun T1 T2 => halve (S.F T1 T2).
Import CBUlt.
Local Existing Instance S.FArr.
Local Existing Instance S.FFun.
Local Open Scope cat_scope.
Definition F T1 T2 := halve (S.F T1 T2).
Definition FArr := halveFMap S.F.
Definition FFun := halveF S.F.
Definition tmorph_ne : 1 -t> F 1 1 :=
umconst (S.F_ne tt : F 1 1).
Definition F_contractive := @halve_contractive S.F _.
End InputHalve.
(** Trivial extension of a nonexpansive morphism to monotone one on a
metric space equipped with a trivial preorder. *)
Section DiscM_Defs.
Context {U V} `{cmU : cmetric U} `{cmV : cmetric V}.
Local Instance pt_disc P `{cmetric P} : preoType P | 2000 := disc_preo P.
Local Instance pcm_disc P `{cmetric P} : pcmType P | 2000 := disc_pcm P.
Definition disc_m (m : V -n> U) : V -m> U := m[(m)].
End DiscM_Defs.
Section DiscM_Props.
Context U V W `{cmU : cmetric U} `{cmV : cmetric V} `{cmW : cmetric W}.
Global Instance disc_equiv : Proper (equiv (T := U -n> V) ==> equiv) disc_m.
Proof. resp_set. Qed.
Global Instance disc_dist n : Proper (dist (T := U -n> V) n ==> dist n) disc_m.
Proof. resp_set. Qed.
Lemma disc_m_comp (f : V -n> W) (g : U -n> V) :
disc_m (f <M< g) == disc_m f disc_m g.
Proof. intros x; simpl morph; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma disc_m_id : disc_m (umid W) == pid W.
Proof. intros x; simpl morph; reflexivity. Qed.
End DiscM_Props.
Section EvaluationClosure.
Context {T} {preoT : preoType T} (step : T -> T -> Prop).
Definition irr t := forall t', ~ step t t'.
Definition ext_step :=
forall t1 t2 t2' (HSub : t1 t2) (HStep : step t2 t2'),
exists t1', step t1 t1' /\ t1' t2'.
Context (HES : ext_step) (HEI : Proper (pord --> impl) irr).
Section Def.
Variable (R : UPred T).
Fixpoint pre_evalCl n t : Prop :=
(irr t -> R n t) /\
forall t' (HS : step t t'),
match n with
| O => True
| S n => pre_evalCl n t'
Program Definition evalCl := mkUPred pre_evalCl _.
Next Obligation.
intros m n t t' HLe HSubt HEv.
revert m t t' HLe HSubt HEv; induction n; intros.
- simpl; split; [| tauto].
rewrite <- HSubt, HLe; destruct m; apply HEv.
- destruct m as [| m]; [now inversion HLe |]; simpl; split; [| intros].
rewrite <- HSubt, HLe; apply HEv.
destruct (HES _ _ _ HSubt HS) as [t1 [HS' HSub]].
simpl in HEv; apply proj2 in HEv.
eapply IHn, HEv; eassumption || auto with arith.
Lemma evalCl_simpl n t :
evalCl n t == ((irr t -> R n t) /\ forall t' (HS : step t t'), ( evalCl)%up n t').
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
Opaque evalCl.
End Def.
Global Instance eval_equiv : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) evalCl.
apply equiv_upred_simpl; [apply _ |]; intros R1 R2 n t EQR HEv; revert t HEv; induction n; intros.
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in *; simpl; split; [| tauto]; destruct HEv as [HIrr _].
rewrite <- EQR; assumption.
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in HEv; destruct HEv as [HIrr HEv].
rewrite evalCl_simpl; split; [rewrite <- EQR; assumption | intros].
apply IHn, HEv, HS.
Global Instance eval_dist n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) evalCl.
apply dist_upred_simpl; [apply _ |]; intros R1 R2 m t HLt EQR HEv;
revert t HEv; induction m; intros.
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in *; destruct HEv as [HIrr _]; simpl; split; [| tauto].
intros HIrred; apply EQR, HIrr, HIrred; assumption.
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in HEv; rewrite evalCl_simpl.
split; [| intros; apply IHm, HEv, HS; now auto with arith].
intros HIrr; apply EQR, HEv, HIrr; assumption.
Global Instance eval_pord : Proper (pord ==> pord) evalCl.
intros R1 R2 HSub n; induction n; intros t HEv.
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in *; split; [rewrite <- HSub; apply HEv | simpl; tauto].
- rewrite evalCl_simpl in *; split; [rewrite <- HSub; apply HEv |].
intros; apply IHn, HEv, HS; now auto with arith.
Definition rel_evalCl : UPred T -m> UPred T := m[(evalCl)].
End EvaluationClosure.
Require Fin.
Definition transfer {A} {T : A -> Type} {x y : A} (EQ : x = y) (t : T x) : T y :=
eq_rect x T t y EQ.
Definition transfer_nat_eq {T : nat -> Type} (x : nat) (EQ : x = x) (t : T x) :
transfer EQ t = t.
symmetry; apply D.eq_rect_eq.
Section FiniteProducts.
Context {T : cmtyp}.
Definition FinI n := forall i : Fin.t n, T.
(* Type context extension *)
Definition extFinI {n} (RC : FinI n) (R : T) : FinI (S n) :=
fun i => match i in Fin.t k return (match k with
O => False
| S m => FinI m -> T end) with
| Fin.F1 n => fun _ => R
| Fin.FS n i => fun RC => RC i
end RC.
Global Instance extFinI_equiv n : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (@extFinI n).
intros RC1 RC2 EQRC R1 R2 EQR i.
refine (match i as i in Fin.t k return match k return Fin.t k -> Prop with
O => fun _ => False
| S m => fun i => forall (RC1 RC2 : FinI m),
RC1 == RC2 ->
extFinI RC1 R1 i == extFinI RC2 R2 i
end i with
Fin.F1 n => fun _ _ _ => EQR
| Fin.FS n i => fun RC1 RC2 EQRC => EQRC i
end RC1 RC2 EQRC).
Global Instance extTC_dist n k : Proper (dist k ==> dist k ==> dist k) (@extFinI n).
intros RC1 RC2 EQRC R1 R2 EQR i.
refine (match i as i in Fin.t m return match m return Fin.t m -> Prop with
O => fun _ => False
| S m => fun i => forall (RC1 RC2 : FinI m),
RC1 = k = RC2 ->
extFinI RC1 R1 i = k = extFinI RC2 R2 i
end i with
Fin.F1 n => fun _ _ _ => EQR
| Fin.FS n i => fun RC1 RC2 EQRC => EQRC i
end RC1 RC2 EQRC).
Fixpoint fin_sum_split {k n} (x : Fin.t (k + n)) : Fin.t k + Fin.t n :=
match k return Fin.t (k + n) -> Fin.t k + Fin.t n with
| 0 => fun x => inr x
| S k => fun x =>
match x in Fin.t m return m = S k + n -> Fin.t (S k) + Fin.t n with
| Fin.F1 _ => fun _ => inl Fin.F1
| Fin.FS m x' => fun EQ =>
match fin_sum_split (transfer (eq_add_S _ _ EQ) x') with
| inl y => inl (Fin.FS y)
| inr y => inr y
end eq_refl
end x.
Definition extFinEnv {k n} (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI n) : FinI (n + k) :=
fun x => match fin_sum_split x with
| inl y => ρ y
| inr y => η y
Global Instance extFinEnv_equiv k n :
Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) (@extFinEnv k n).
intros η1 η2 EQη ρ1 ρ2 EQρ x; unfold extFinEnv.
destruct (fin_sum_split x) as [y | y]; [apply EQρ | apply EQη].
Global Instance extFinEnv_dist k m n :
Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) (@extFinEnv k m).
intros η1 η2 EQη ρ1 ρ2 EQρ x; simpl; unfold extFinEnv.
destruct (fin_sum_split x) as [y | y]; [apply EQρ | apply EQη].
Definition empFinI : FinI 0 :=
fun x => match x in Fin.t k return match k with
| O => T
| S n => True
end with
| Fin.F1 _ => I
| Fin.FS _ _ => I
Lemma FinI_invert_O (ρ : FinI 0) :
ρ == empFinI.
intros x; inversion x.
Lemma extFinEnv_empR k (η : FinI k) : extFinEnv η empFinI == η.
Definition FinI_tail {k} (ρ : FinI (S k)) : FinI k :=
fun x => ρ (Fin.FS x).
Lemma FinI_invert_S {k} (ρ : FinI (S k)) :
ρ == extFinI (FinI_tail ρ) (ρ Fin.F1).
intros x.
refine (match x as x in Fin.t m return
match m return Fin.t m -> Prop with
| O => fun _ => False
| S n => fun x => forall (ρ : FinI (S n)),
ρ x == extFinI (FinI_tail ρ) (ρ Fin.F1) x
end x with
| Fin.F1 m => _
| Fin.FS m y => _
end ρ); intros.
- simpl; reflexivity.
- unfold FinI_tail; simpl.
Lemma extFin_env_one {k m} (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI m) R :
extFinI (extFinEnv η ρ) R == extFinEnv η (extFinI ρ R).
intros x.
refine (match x as x in Fin.t i return
match i return Fin.t i -> Prop with
| O => fun _ => False
| S i => fun x => forall m k (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI m)
(HEq : S i = S m + k),
extFinI (extFinEnv η ρ) R (transfer HEq x) ==
extFinEnv η (extFinI ρ R) (transfer HEq x)
end x with
| Fin.F1 n => fun m k η ρ EQ => _
| Fin.FS n x => fun m k η ρ EQ => _
end m k η ρ eq_refl).
- simpl in EQ; assert (EQ' := eq_add_S _ _ EQ); subst n.
rewrite !transfer_nat_eq.
unfold extFinEnv; simpl.
- simpl in EQ; assert (EQ' := eq_add_S _ _ EQ); subst n.
rewrite transfer_nat_eq; clear EQ.
unfold extFinEnv; simpl.
destruct (fin_sum_split x0); simpl; reflexivity.
Lemma extFinI_eq {n m} R (η : FinI m) (EQ : m = n) :
extFinI (transfer EQ η) R = transfer (eq_S _ _ EQ) (extFinI η R).
subst n; rewrite transfer_nat_eq; reflexivity.
(* TODO: make it so this thing works as an instance, and the casts are less horrible *)
Instance transfer_FinI_equiv n m (EQ : n = m) : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) (transfer (T := FinI) EQ).
intros η1 η2 EQη; subst n; rewrite transfer_nat_eq; assumption.
Lemma of_nat_lt_ext {n k} (HLt1 HLt2 : n < k) :
Fin.of_nat_lt HLt1 = Fin.of_nat_lt HLt2.
revert n HLt1 HLt2; induction k; intros; [inversion HLt1 |].
destruct n as [| n]; simpl; [reflexivity |].
f_equal; apply IHk.
Lemma fin_split_left {n m k}
(HLt : n < m) (HLt2 : n < m + k) :
fin_sum_split (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt2) = inl (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt).
revert n HLt HLt2; induction m; intros; [inversion HLt |].
destruct n as [| n]; simpl in *.
- eexists; reflexivity.
- erewrite IHm; reflexivity.
Lemma fin_split_right {n m k}
(HLt : n < k) (HLt2 : m + n < m + k) :
fin_sum_split (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt2) = inr (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt).
induction m; intros; simpl in *; [f_equal; apply of_nat_lt_ext |].
erewrite IHm; reflexivity.
Lemma extFinEnv_lookup_left {n m k} (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI m)
(HLt : n < m) (HLt2 : n < m + k) :
extFinEnv η ρ (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt2) == ρ (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt).
unfold extFinEnv.
erewrite fin_split_left; reflexivity.
Lemma minus_le_lt {k m n} (HGe : m <= n) (HLt : n < m + k) :
n - m < k.
apply Plus.plus_lt_reg_l with m.
replace (m + (n - m)) with n by auto with arith; assumption.
Lemma extFinEnv_lookup_right {k m n} (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI m)
(HGe : m <= n) (HLt : n < m + k) :
extFinEnv η ρ (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt) == η (Fin.of_nat_lt (minus_le_lt HGe HLt)).
generalize (minus_le_lt HGe HLt) as HL'; intros.
revert HLt; pattern n at 1 2; replace n with (m + (n - m)) by auto with arith; intros.
unfold extFinEnv; erewrite fin_split_right; reflexivity.
Lemma extFinEnv_lookup_right_sum {n m k} (η : FinI k) (ρ : FinI m)
(HLt : n < k) (HLt2 : m + n < m + k) :
extFinEnv η ρ (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt2) == η (Fin.of_nat_lt HLt).
unfold extFinEnv.
erewrite fin_split_right; reflexivity.
Lemma transfer_lookup {m n k} (η : FinI m) (EQ : m = n) (LT : k < n) :
transfer EQ η (Fin.of_nat_lt LT) = η (Fin.of_nat_lt (transfer (eq_sym EQ) LT)).
subst; rewrite !transfer_nat_eq; reflexivity.
End FiniteProducts.
Global Arguments FinI : default implicits.
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## v # The Coq Proof Assistant ##
## <O___,, # INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS ##
## \VV/ # ##
## // # Makefile automagically generated by coq_makefile V8.4pl3 ##
# This Makefile has been automagically generated
# Edit at your own risks !
# This Makefile was generated by the command line :
# coq_makefile -R . RecDom BI.v CBUltInst.v CSetoid.v Constr.v Finmap.v MetricCore.v MetricRec.v PCBUltInst.v PCM.v Predom.v PreoMet.v TOTInst.v UPred.v -o Makefile
# This Makefile may take arguments passed as environment variables:
# COQBIN to specify the directory where Coq binaries resides;
# ZDEBUG/COQDEBUG to specify debug flags for ocamlc&ocamlopt/coqc;
# DSTROOT to specify a prefix to install path.
# Here is a hack to make $(eval $(shell works:
define donewline
includecmdwithout@ = $(eval $(subst @,$(donewline),$(shell { $(1) | tr -d '\r' | tr '\n' '@'; })))
$(call includecmdwithout@,$(COQBIN)coqtop -config)
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# Libraries definitions. #
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COQLIBS?= -R . RecDom
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# Variables definitions. #
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COQDEP?=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c
COQCHKFLAGS?=-silent -o
COQDOCFLAGS?=-interpolate -utf8
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# Install Paths. #
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# Files dispatching. #
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-include $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
.SECONDARY: $(addsuffix .d,$(VFILES))
ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true'
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# Definition of the toplevel targets. #
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$(COQCHK) $(COQCHKFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $(notdir $(^:.vo=))
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for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done
@echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!'
@echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/'
.PHONY: all opt byte archclean clean install userinstall depend html validate
# #
# Special targets. #
# #
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$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt"
+$(MAKE) USERINSTALL=true install
for i in $(VOFILES); do \
install -d `dirname $(DSTROOT)$(COQLIBINSTALL)/RecDom/$$i`; \
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- rm -rf html mlihtml
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@$(COQBIN)coqtop -config
@echo CAMLC = $(CAMLC)
@echo PP = $(PP)
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# Implicit rules. #
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%.vo %.glob: %.v
%.g: %.v
%.tex: %.v
$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@
%.html: %.v %.glob
$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@
%.g.tex: %.v
$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@
%.g.html: %.v %.glob
$(COQDOC)$(COQDOCFLAGS) -html -g $< -o $@
%.v.d: %.v
$(COQDEP) -slash $(COQLIBS) "$<" > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $${RV} )
$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -beautify $*
# This Makefile has been automagically generated
# Edit at your own risks !
This diff is collapsed.
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(** This module provides the proof that PCBUlt, the category of
pre-ordered, complete, bisected ultrametric spaces, forms an
M-category. *)
Require Import PreoMet.
Require Import MetricRec.
Module PCBUlt <: MCat.
Local Obligation Tactic := intros; resp_set || mono_resp || eauto with typeclass_instances.
Definition M := pcmtyp.
Instance MArr : BC_morph M := fun U V => pcmFromType (U -m> V).
Program Instance MComp : BC_comp M := fun U V W => lift2m (lift2s pcomp _ _) _ _.
Instance MId : BC_id M := fun T => pid T.
Local Instance unit_preo : preoType unit := disc_preo unit.
Local Instance unit_pcm : pcmType unit := disc_pcm unit.
Instance MTermO : BC_term M := pcmFromType unit.
Program Instance MTermA : BC_terminal M := fun U => m[(const tt)].
Instance Cat : BaseCat M.
split; intros; intros n; simpl; reflexivity || exact I.
Section Limits.
Context (T : Tower).
Definition guard := fun (σ : forall i, tow_objs T i) => forall n, tow_morphs T n (σ (S n)) == σ n.
Instance lpg : LimitPreserving guard.
intros σ σc HG n.
rewrite !dep_chain_compl.
rewrite nonexp_continuous; apply umet_complete_ext; intros k.
simpl; apply HG.
Program Definition lim_obj : pcmtyp := pcmFromType {σ : forall i, tow_objs T i | guard σ}.
Definition lim_proj i : lim_obj -m> tow_objs T i := (pcmProjI i muincl)%pm.
Program Definition lim_cone : Cone T := mkBaseCone T lim_obj lim_proj _.
Next Obligation.
intros [σ HG]; simpl; apply HG.
Program Definition lim_map (C : Cone T) : (cone_t T C : pcmtyp) -m> (cone_t T lim_cone : pcmtyp) :=
m[(fun m => exist _ (fun i => cone_m T C i m) _)].
Next Obligation.
intros n; simpl.
assert (HT := cone_m_com T C n m); apply HT.
Lemma AllLimits : Limit T.
refine (mkBaseLimit T lim_cone lim_map _ _).
+ intros C n x; simpl; reflexivity.
+ intros C h HCom x n; simpl.
specialize (HCom n x); simpl in HCom.
symmetry; apply HCom.
End Limits.
End PCBUlt.
(** Partial commutative monoids. *)
Require Export Predom.
Require Import MetricCore.
Require Import PreoMet.
Class Associative {T} `{eqT : Setoid T} (op : T -> T -> T) :=
assoc : forall t1 t2 t3, op t1 (op t2 t3) == op (op t1 t2) t3.
Class Commutative {T} `{eqT : Setoid T} (op : T -> T -> T) :=
comm : forall t1 t2, op t1 t2 == op t2 t1.
Section Definitions.
Context (T : Type).
Local Instance eqT : Setoid T | 20000 := discreteType.
Class PCM_unit := pcm_unit : T.
Class PCM_op := pcm_op : option T -> option T -> option T.
Class PCM {TU : PCM_unit} {TOP : PCM_op} :=
mkPCM {
pcm_op_assoc :> Associative (eqT := discreteType) pcm_op;
pcm_op_comm :> Commutative (eqT := discreteType) pcm_op;
pcm_op_unit : forall t, pcm_op (Some pcm_unit) t = t;
pcm_op_zero : forall t, pcm_op None t = None
End Definitions.
Notation "1" := (Some (pcm_unit _)) : pcm_scope.
Notation "0" := None : pcm_scope.
Notation "p · q" := (pcm_op _ p q) (at level 40, left associativity) : pcm_scope.
Delimit Scope pcm_scope with pcm.
(* PCMs with cartesian products of carriers. *)
Section Products.
Context S T `{pcmS : PCM S, pcmT : PCM T}.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
Local Existing Instance eqT.
Global Instance pcm_unit_prod : PCM_unit (S * T) := (pcm_unit S, pcm_unit T).
Global Instance pcm_op_prod : PCM_op (S * T) :=
fun ost1 ost2 =>
match ost1, ost2 with
| Some (s1, t1), Some (s2, t2) =>
match Some s1 · Some s2, Some t1 · Some t2 with
| Some sr, Some tr => Some (sr, tr)
| _, _ => None
| _, _ => None
Global Instance pcm_prod : PCM (S * T).
- intros [[s1 t1] |]; [| reflexivity].
intros [[s2 t2] |]; [| reflexivity].
intros [[s3 t3] |];
[unfold pcm_op, pcm_op_prod |
unfold pcm_op at 1 2, pcm_op_prod;
destruct (Some (s1, t1) · Some (s2, t2)) as [[s t] |]; simpl; tauto].
assert (HS := assoc (Some s1) (Some s2) (Some s3));
assert (HT := assoc (Some t1) (Some t2) (Some t3)).
destruct (Some s1 · Some s2) as [s12 |];
destruct (Some s2 · Some s3) as [s23 |]; [.. | reflexivity].
+ destruct (Some t1 · Some t2) as [t12 |];
destruct (Some t2 · Some t3) as [t23 |]; [.. | reflexivity].
* simpl in HS, HT; rewrite HS, HT; reflexivity.
* erewrite comm, pcm_op_zero in HT by eassumption; simpl in HT.
rewrite <- HT; destruct (Some s12 · Some s3); reflexivity.
* erewrite pcm_op_zero in HT by eassumption; simpl in HT.
rewrite HT; destruct (Some s1 · Some s23); reflexivity.
+ erewrite comm, pcm_op_zero in HS by eassumption; simpl in HS.
destruct (Some t1 · Some t2) as [t12 |]; [| reflexivity].
rewrite <- HS; reflexivity.
+ erewrite pcm_op_zero in HS by eassumption; simpl in HS.
destruct (Some t2 · Some t3) as [t23 |]; [| reflexivity].
rewrite HS; reflexivity.
- intros [[s1 t1] |] [[s2 t2] |]; try reflexivity; []; simpl; unfold pcm_op, pcm_op_prod.
rewrite (comm (Some s1)); assert (HT := comm (Some t1) (Some t2)).
simpl in HT; rewrite HT; reflexivity.
- intros [[s t] |]; [| reflexivity]; unfold pcm_op, pcm_op_prod; simpl.
erewrite !pcm_op_unit by eassumption; reflexivity.
- intros st; reflexivity.
End Products.
Section Order.
Context T `{pcmT : PCM T}.
Local Open Scope pcm_scope.
Local Existing Instance eqT.
Definition pcm_ord (t1 t2 : T) :=
exists ot, ot · Some t1 = Some t2.
Global Program Instance PCM_preo : preoType T := mkPOType pcm_ord.
Next Obligation.
- intros x; exists 1; eapply pcm_op_unit; assumption.
- intros z yz xyz [y Hyz] [x Hxyz]; exists (x · y).
rewrite <- assoc; congruence.
Local Existing Instance option_preo_top.
Global Instance prod_ord : Proper (pord ==> pord ==> pord) (pcm_op _).
intros x1 x2 EQx y1 y2 EQy.
destruct x2 as [x2 |]; [| erewrite pcm_op_zero by eassumption; exact I].
destruct x1 as [x1 |]; [| contradiction]; destruct EQx as [x EQx].
destruct y2 as [y2 |]; [| erewrite (comm (Some x2)), pcm_op_zero by eassumption; exact I].
destruct y1 as [y1 |]; [| contradiction]; destruct EQy as [y EQy].
destruct (Some x2 · Some y2) as [xy2 |] eqn: EQxy2; [| exact I].
destruct (Some x1 · Some y1) as [xy1 |] eqn: EQxy1.
- exists (x · y); rewrite <- EQxy1.
rewrite <- assoc, (comm y), <- assoc, assoc, (comm (Some y1)); congruence.
- rewrite <- EQx, <- EQy in EQxy2.
rewrite <- assoc, (assoc (Some x1)), (comm (Some x1)), <- assoc in EQxy2.
erewrite EQxy1, (comm y), comm, !pcm_op_zero in EQxy2 by eassumption.
End Order.
(* Package of a monoid as a module type (for use with other modules). *)
Module Type PCM_T.
Parameter res : Type.
Declare Instance res_op : PCM_op res.
Declare Instance res_unit : PCM_unit res.
Declare Instance res_pcm : PCM res.
End PCM_T.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
Require Export PreoMet.
Section Definitions.
Context {T} {pT : preoType T}.
Program Definition uniform (p : nat -> T -> Prop) :=
forall n m (t1 t2 : T) (HLe : m <= n) (HSub : t1 t2), p n t1 -> p m t2.
Record UPred :=
mkUPred {pred :> nat -> T -> Prop;
uni_pred : uniform pred }.
Program Definition up_cr (p : T -> Prop) {HP : Proper (pord ==> impl) p}:=
mkUPred (fun n t => p t) _.
Next Obligation. intros m n t1 t2 _ HT; simpl; rewrite HT; tauto. Qed.
Definition up_equiv (p q : UPred) := forall n t, p n t == q n t.
Global Program Instance up_type : Setoid UPred := mkType up_equiv.
Next Obligation.
- intros p n t; reflexivity.
- intros p q Hpq n t; symmetry; apply Hpq.
- intros p q r Hpq Hqr n t; etransitivity; [apply Hpq | apply Hqr].
Definition up_dist n (p q : UPred) :=
forall m t, m < n -> (p m t <-> q m t).
Global Program Instance up_metric : metric UPred := mkMetr up_dist.
Next Obligation.
intros p q Hpq r s Hrs; split; intros HD m t HLt; [symmetry in Hpq, Hrs |];
rewrite (Hpq m t), (Hrs m t); apply HD; assumption.
Next Obligation.
split; intros HEq.
- intros n t; apply (HEq (S n)); auto with arith.
- intros _ m t _; apply HEq.
Next Obligation.
intros p q Hpq m t HLt; symmetry; apply Hpq, HLt.
Next Obligation.
intros p q r Hpq Hqr m t HLt; etransitivity; [apply Hpq, HLt | apply Hqr, HLt].
Next Obligation.
intros m t HLt; apply H; auto with arith.
Next Obligation.
intros m t HLt; inversion HLt.
Program Definition up_compl (σ : chain UPred) (σc : cchain σ) :=
mkUPred (fun n t => σ (S n) n t) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n m t1 t2 HLt HSub HCn.
eapply (chain_cauchy σ σc (S m) (S n)); auto with arith; [].
eapply uni_pred; eassumption.
Global Program Instance up_cmetric : cmetric UPred := mkCMetr up_compl.
Next Obligation.
intros n; exists n; intros i HLe k t HLt; simpl.
eapply (chain_cauchy σ σc (S k)); eauto with arith.
Definition up_ord (p q : UPred) := forall n t, p n t -> q n t.
Global Program Instance up_preotype : preoType UPred := mkPOType up_ord.
Next Obligation.
+ intros p n t; tauto.
+ intros p q r Hpq Hqr n t Hp; apply Hqr, Hpq, Hp.
Global Instance up_pcmetric : pcmType UPred.
+ intros p q Hpq r s Hrs; split; intros Hpr n t Hq;
apply Hrs, Hpr, Hpq, Hq.
+ intros σ ρ σc ρc HSub n t Hpc; simpl in *; apply HSub, Hpc.
Global Instance upred_equiv : Proper (equiv ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) pred.
add_morphism_tactic; intros R1 R2 EQR n t; split; intros HH; apply EQR; assumption.
Global Instance upred_pord : Proper (pord ==> le --> pord ==> impl) pred.
intros R1 R2 SubR n1 n2 Len t1 t2 Subt HR1; eapply SubR, uni_pred; eassumption.
Definition laterF (p : nat -> T -> Prop) n t :=
match n with
| O => True
| S n => p n t
Program Definition later_up (p : UPred) :=
mkUPred (laterF p) _.
Next Obligation.
intros [| m] [| n] t1 t2 HLe HSubt; simpl; try tauto; [now inversion HLe |].
intros HP; eapply uni_pred; [| eassumption | eassumption]; auto with arith.
Global Instance later_up_equiv : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) later_up.
intros P Q EQPQ [| n] t; simpl; [reflexivity | apply EQPQ].
Global Instance later_up_dist n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n) later_up.
intros P Q EQPQ [| k] t HLt; simpl; [reflexivity | apply EQPQ; auto with arith].
Lemma equiv_upred_simpl U (R : relation U) (f : U -> UPred) {RS : Symmetric R}
(HP : forall u1 u2 n t, R u1 u2 -> f u1 n t -> f u2 n t) :
Proper (R ==> equiv) f.
intros u1 u2 HRu; split; intros HF; (eapply HP; [| eassumption]);
[| symmetry]; assumption.
Lemma dist_upred_simpl U (R : relation U) (f : U -> UPred) n {RS : Symmetric R}
(HP : forall u1 u2 m t (HLt : m < n), R u1 u2 -> f u1 m t -> f u2 m t) :
Proper (R ==> dist n) f.
intros u1 u2 HRu m t HLt; split; intros HF;
(eapply HP; [eassumption | | eassumption]); [| symmetry]; assumption.
Global Instance const_resp P : Proper (pord (T := T) ==> impl) (const P).
Proof. add_morphism_tactic; unfold impl; unfold const; tauto. Qed.
End Definitions.
Global Arguments UPred T {pT}.
Notation "▹ p" := (later_up p) (at level 20) : upred_scope.
Section Products.
Context {R S} {pR : preoType R} {pS : preoType S}.
Program Definition prod_up (p : UPred R) (q : UPred S) : UPred (R * S) :=
mkUPred (fun n rs => p n (fst rs) /\ q n (snd rs)) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n m [r1 s1] [r2 s2] HLe [Subr Subs] [HP HQ]; simpl in HP, HQ.
simpl; split; [rewrite <- Subr | rewrite <- Subs]; rewrite HLe; assumption.
Global Instance prod_up_equiv : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) prod_up.
intros p1 p2 EQp q1 q2 EQq n [r s]; simpl.
rewrite EQp, EQq; tauto.
Global Instance prod_up_dist n : Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) prod_up.
intros p1 p2 EQp q1 q2 EQq m [r s] HLt; simpl.
split; intros [HP HQ]; (split; [apply EQp | apply EQq]); assumption.
Global Instance prod_up_pord : Proper (pord ==> pord ==> pord) prod_up.
intros p1 p2 Subp q1 q2 Subq n [r s]; simpl; intros [HP HQ].
split; [apply Subp | apply Subq]; assumption.
End Products.
Notation "p × q" := (prod_up p q) (at level 40, left associativity) : upred_scope.
Delimit Scope upred_scope with up.
Section Closures.
Context {T} `{pcmT : pcmType T} {R} `{poT : preoType R} (P : T -> Prop) (Q : T -> UPred R).
Local Obligation Tactic := intros.
Program Definition all_cl : UPred R :=
mkUPred (fun n r => forall t (HP : P t), Q t n r) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n m r1 r2 HLe HSubr HQ t' HP.
rewrite <- HSubr, HLe; apply HQ, HP.
Program Definition xist_cl : UPred R :=
mkUPred (fun n r => exists t, P t /\ Q t n r) _.
Next Obligation.
intros n m r1 r2 HLe HSubr [t' [HP HQ]].
exists t'; split; [assumption |].
rewrite HLe, <- HSubr; apply HQ.
End Closures.
Notation "∀ w ∈ P , Q" := (all_cl P (fun w => Q)) (at level 60, w at level 30, P, Q at next level) : upred_scope.
Notation "∃ w ∈ P , Q" := (xist_cl P (fun w => Q)) (at level 60, w at level 30, P, Q at next level) : upred_scope.
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