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Commit 677c3e3a authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Add iInv N as {x1 .. xn} "pat".

parent ab19e50e
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......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Lemma acquire_spec l R (Φ : val → iProp) :
iIntros "[Hl HΦ]". iDestruct "Hl" as {N γ} "(%&#?&#?)".
iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_focus (CAS _ _ _)%E.
iInv N as "Hinv". iDestruct "Hinv" as { [] } "[Hl HR]".
iInv N as { [] } "[Hl HR]".
- wp_cas_fail. iSplitL "Hl".
+ iNext. iExists true. by iSplit.
+ wp_if. by iApply "IH".
......@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ Lemma release_spec R l (Φ : val → iProp) :
(locked l R R Φ #()) WP release #l {{ Φ }}.
iIntros "(Hl&HR&HΦ)"; iDestruct "Hl" as {N γ} "(% & #? & #? & Hγ)".
rewrite /release. wp_let.
iInv N as "Hinv". iDestruct "Hinv" as {b} "[Hl _]".
rewrite /release. wp_let. iInv N as {b} "[Hl _]".
wp_store. iFrame "HΦ". iNext. iExists false. by iFrame "Hl HR Hγ".
End proof.
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Proof.
- wp_seq. iPvsIntro. iApply "HΦ"; rewrite /join_handle.
iSplit; first done. iExists γ. iFrame "Hγ"; by iSplit.
- wp_focus (f _). iApply wp_wand_l; iFrame "Hf"; iIntros {v} "Hv".
iInv N as "Hinv"; first wp_done; iDestruct "Hinv" as {v'} "[Hl _]".
iInv N as {v'} "[Hl _]"; first wp_done.
wp_store. iSplit; [iNext|done].
iExists (InjRV v); iFrame "Hl"; iRight; iExists v; iSplit; [done|by iLeft].
......@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ Lemma join_spec (Ψ : val → iProp) l (Φ : val → iProp) :
(join_handle l Ψ v, Ψ v -★ Φ v) WP join #l {{ Φ }}.
rewrite /join_handle; iIntros "[[% H] Hv]"; iDestruct "H" as {γ} "(#?&Hγ&#?)".
iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_focus (! _)%E.
iInv N as "Hinv"; iDestruct "Hinv" as {v} "[Hl Hinv]".
iLöb as "IH". wp_rec. wp_focus (! _)%E. iInv N as {v} "[Hl Hinv]".
wp_load. iDestruct "Hinv" as "[%|Hinv]"; subst.
- iSplitL "Hl"; [iNext; iExists _; iFrame "Hl"; by iLeft|].
wp_case. wp_seq. iApply ("IH" with "Hγ Hv").
......@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ Proof.
End invariants.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in
Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "as" constr(H) :=
eapply tac_inv_fsa with _ _ _ _ N H _ _;
[let P := match goal with |- FSASplit ?P _ _ _ _ => P end in
apply _ || fail "iInv: cannot viewshift in goal" P
......@@ -39,10 +38,25 @@ Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
|done || eauto with ndisj (* [eauto with ndisj] is slow *)
|iAssumption || fail "iInv: invariant" N "not found"
|env_cbv; reflexivity
|simpl (* get rid of FSAs *); iDestruct H as pat].
|simpl (* get rid of FSAs *)].
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore N as H; last iDestruct H as pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}"
constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) "}" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2 x3} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}"
constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2 x3 x4} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInvCore>" constr(N) "as" constr(H) :=
eapply tac_inv_fsa_timeless with _ _ _ _ N H _ _;
[let P := match goal with |- FSASplit ?P _ _ _ _ => P end in
apply _ || fail "iInv: cannot viewshift in goal" P
......@@ -52,4 +66,20 @@ Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
|let P := match goal with |- TimelessP ?P => P end in
apply _ || fail "iInv:" P "not timeless"
|env_cbv; reflexivity
|simpl (* get rid of FSAs *); iDestruct H as pat].
|simpl (* get rid of FSAs *)].
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore> N as H; last iDestruct H as pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1) "}"
constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore> N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) "}" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore> N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) "}" constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore> N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2 x3} pat.
Tactic Notation "iInv>" constr(N) "as" "{" simple_intropattern(x1)
simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) "}"
constr(pat) :=
let H := iFresh in iInvCore> N as H; last iDestruct H as {x1 x2 x3 x4} pat.
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