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Commit 6d0aa4f2 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Easier way to construct OFEs that are isomorphic to an existing OFE.

parent 8b9f59ab
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......@@ -37,25 +37,13 @@ Global Instance own_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@auth_own A).
Proof. by destruct 1. Qed.
Definition auth_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (auth A).
- intros x y; unfold dist, auth_dist, equiv, auth_equiv.
rewrite !equiv_dist; naive_solver.
- intros n; split.
+ by intros ?; split.
+ by intros ?? [??]; split; symmetry.
+ intros ??? [??] [??]; split; etrans; eauto.
- by intros ? [??] [??] [??]; split; apply dist_S.
Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin (λ x, (authoritative x, auth_own x))). Qed.
Canonical Structure authC := OfeT (auth A) auth_ofe_mixin.
Definition auth_compl `{Cofe A} : Compl authC := λ c,
Auth (compl (chain_map authoritative c)) (compl (chain_map auth_own c)).
Global Program Instance auth_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe authC :=
{| compl := auth_compl |}.
Next Obligation.
intros ? n c; split. apply (conv_compl n (chain_map authoritative c)).
apply (conv_compl n (chain_map auth_own c)).
Global Instance auth_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe authC.
apply (iso_cofe (λ y : _ * _, Auth (y.1) (y.2))
(λ x, (authoritative x, auth_own x))); by repeat intro.
Global Instance Auth_timeless a b :
......@@ -46,29 +46,16 @@ Proof. by inversion_clear 1. Qed.
Definition excl_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (excl A).
- intros x y; split; [by destruct 1; constructor; apply equiv_dist|].
intros Hxy; feed inversion (Hxy 1); subst; constructor; apply equiv_dist.
by intros n; feed inversion (Hxy n).
- intros n; split.
+ by intros []; constructor.
+ by destruct 1; constructor.
+ destruct 1; inversion_clear 1; constructor; etrans; eauto.
- by inversion_clear 1; constructor; apply dist_S.
apply (iso_ofe_mixin (maybe Excl)).
- by intros [a|] [b|]; split; inversion_clear 1; constructor.
- by intros n [a|] [b|]; split; inversion_clear 1; constructor.
Canonical Structure exclC : ofeT := OfeT (excl A) excl_ofe_mixin.
Program Definition excl_chain (c : chain exclC) (a : A) : chain A :=
{| chain_car n := match c n return _ with Excl y => y | _ => a end |}.
Next Obligation. intros c a n i ?; simpl. by destruct (chain_cauchy c n i). Qed.
Definition excl_compl `{Cofe A} : Compl exclC := λ c,
match c 0 with Excl a => Excl (compl (excl_chain c a)) | x => x end.
Global Program Instance excl_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe exclC :=
{| compl := excl_compl |}.
Next Obligation.
intros ? n c; rewrite /compl /excl_compl.
feed inversion (chain_cauchy c 0 n); auto with omega.
rewrite (conv_compl n (excl_chain c _)) /=. destruct (c n); naive_solver.
Global Instance excl_cofe `{Cofe A} : Cofe exclC.
apply (iso_cofe (from_option Excl ExclBot) (maybe Excl));
[by destruct 1; constructor..|by intros []; constructor].
Global Instance excl_discrete : Discrete A Discrete exclC.
......@@ -553,6 +553,26 @@ Section unit.
Proof. done. Qed.
End unit.
Lemma iso_ofe_mixin {A : ofeT} `{Equiv B, Dist B} (g : B A)
(g_equiv : y1 y2, y1 y2 g y1 g y2)
(g_dist : n y1 y2, y1 {n} y2 g y1 {n} g y2) : OfeMixin B.
- intros y1 y2. rewrite g_equiv. setoid_rewrite g_dist. apply equiv_dist.
- split.
+ intros y. by apply g_dist.
+ intros y1 y2. by rewrite !g_dist.
+ intros y1 y2 y3. rewrite !g_dist. intros ??; etrans; eauto.
- intros n y1 y2. rewrite !g_dist. apply dist_S.
Program Definition iso_cofe {A B : ofeT} `{Cofe A} (f : A B) (g : B A)
`(!NonExpansive g, !NonExpansive f) (fg : y, f (g y) y) : Cofe B :=
{| compl c := f (compl (chain_map g c)) |}.
Next Obligation.
intros A B ? f g ?? fg n c. by rewrite /= conv_compl /= fg.
(** Product *)
Section product.
Context {A B : ofeT}.
......@@ -1084,14 +1104,7 @@ Section sigma.
Global Instance proj1_sig_ne : NonExpansive (@proj1_sig _ P).
Proof. by intros n [a Ha] [b Hb] ?. Qed.
Definition sig_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (sig P).
- intros [a ?] [b ?]. rewrite /dist /sig_dist /equiv /sig_equiv /=.
apply equiv_dist.
- intros n. rewrite /dist /sig_dist.
split; [intros []| intros [] []| intros [] [] []]=> //= -> //.
- intros n [a ?] [b ?]. rewrite /dist /sig_dist /=. apply dist_S.
Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin proj1_sig). Qed.
Canonical Structure sigC : ofeT := OfeT (sig P) sig_ofe_mixin.
(* FIXME: WTF, it seems that within these braces {...} the ofe argument of LimitPreserving
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