@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ For further information, visit the Iris project website at \url{http://plv.mpi-s
\section{Iris from the Ground Up}
In \citetitle{iris-ground-up}~\cite{iris-ground-up}, we describe Iris~3.1 in a bottom-up way.
That paper is hence much more suited as an introduction to the model of Iris than this reference, which mostly contains definitions, not explanations or examples.
For a list of changes in Iris since then, please consult \href{https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/iris/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md}{our changelog}.
For a list of changes in Iris since then, please consult our changelog at \url{https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/iris/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md}.