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Commit f4bb2c39 authored by Robbert Krebbers's avatar Robbert Krebbers
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Block some annoying reductions that lead to too many unfoldings.

parent a98b4232
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......@@ -151,12 +151,14 @@ Instance coPset_elem_of : ElemOf positive coPset := λ p X, e_of p (`X).
Instance coPset_empty : Empty coPset := coPLeaf false I.
Definition coPset_all : coPset := coPLeaf true I.
Instance coPset_union : Union coPset := λ X Y,
(`X `Y) coPset_union_wf _ _ (proj2_sig X) (proj2_sig Y).
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 t2) coPset_union_wf _ _ Ht1 Ht2.
Instance coPset_intersection : Intersection coPset := λ X Y,
(`X `Y) coPset_intersection_wf _ _ (proj2_sig X) (proj2_sig Y).
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 t2) coPset_intersection_wf _ _ Ht1 Ht2.
Instance coPset_difference : Difference coPset := λ X Y,
(`X coPset_opp_raw (`Y))
coPset_intersection_wf _ _ (proj2_sig X) (coPset_opp_wf _).
let (t1,Ht1) := X in let (t2,Ht2) := Y in
(t1 coPset_opp_raw t2) coPset_intersection_wf _ _ Ht1 (coPset_opp_wf _).
Instance coPset_elem_of_dec (p : positive) (X : coPset) : Decision (p X) := _.
Instance coPset_collection : Collection positive coPset.
......@@ -164,11 +166,11 @@ Proof.
split; [split| |].
* by intros ??.
* intros p q. apply elem_of_coPset_singleton.
* intros X Y p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_union; simpl.
* intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_union; simpl.
by rewrite elem_of_coPset_union, orb_True.
* intros X Y p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_intersection; simpl.
* intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of,coPset_elem_of,coPset_intersection; simpl.
by rewrite elem_of_coPset_intersection, andb_True.
* intros X Y p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_difference; simpl.
* intros [t] [t'] p; unfold elem_of, coPset_elem_of, coPset_difference; simpl.
by rewrite elem_of_coPset_intersection,
elem_of_coPset_opp, andb_True, negb_True.
......@@ -208,8 +210,10 @@ Lemma coPset_l_wf t : coPset_wf (coPset_l_raw t).
Proof. induction t as [[]|]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma coPset_r_wf t : coPset_wf (coPset_r_raw t).
Proof. induction t as [[]|]; simpl; auto. Qed.
Definition coPset_l (X : coPset) : coPset := coPset_l_raw (`X) coPset_l_wf _.
Definition coPset_r (X : coPset) : coPset := coPset_r_raw (`X) coPset_r_wf _.
Definition coPset_l (X : coPset) : coPset :=
let (t,Ht) := X in coPset_l_raw t coPset_l_wf _.
Definition coPset_r (X : coPset) : coPset :=
let (t,Ht) := X in coPset_r_raw t coPset_r_wf _.
Lemma coPset_lr_disjoint X : coPset_l X coPset_r X = ∅.
......@@ -255,7 +259,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite ?andb_True; rewrite ?andb_True in IHl, IHr; intuition.
Definition to_coPset (X : Pset) : coPset :=
to_coPset_raw (pmap_car (mapset_car X)) to_coPset_raw_wf _ (pmap_prf _).
let (m) := X in let (t,Ht) := m in to_coPset_raw t to_coPset_raw_wf _ Ht.
Lemma elem_of_to_coPset X i : i to_coPset X i X.
destruct X as [[t Ht]]; change (e_of i (to_coPset_raw t) t !! i = Some ()).
......@@ -274,15 +274,15 @@ Instance Pmap_eq_dec `{∀ x y : A, Decision (x = y)}
Instance Pempty {A} : Empty (Pmap A) := PMap I.
Instance Plookup {A} : Lookup positive A (Pmap A) := λ i m, pmap_car m !! i.
Instance Ppartial_alter {A} : PartialAlter positive A (Pmap A) := λ f i m,
PMap (partial_alter f i (pmap_car m)) (Ppartial_alter_wf f i _ (pmap_prf m)).
let (t,Ht) := m in PMap (partial_alter f i t) (Ppartial_alter_wf f i _ Ht).
Instance Pfmap : FMap Pmap := λ A B f m,
PMap (f <$> pmap_car m) (Pfmap_wf f _ (pmap_prf m)).
let (t,Ht) := m in PMap (f <$> t) (Pfmap_wf f _ Ht).
Instance Pto_list {A} : FinMapToList positive A (Pmap A) := λ m,
Pto_list_raw 1 (pmap_car m) [].
let (t,Ht) := m in Pto_list_raw 1 t [].
Instance Pomap : OMap Pmap := λ A B f m,
PMap (omap f (pmap_car m)) (Pomap_wf f _ (pmap_prf m)).
let (t,Ht) := m in PMap (omap f t) (Pomap_wf f _ Ht).
Instance Pmerge : Merge Pmap := λ A B C f m1 m2,
PMap _ (Pmerge_wf f _ _ (pmap_prf m1) (pmap_prf m2)).
let (t1,Ht1) := m1 in let (t2,Ht2) := m2 in PMap _ (Pmerge_wf f _ _ Ht1 Ht2).
Instance Pmap_finmap : FinMap positive Pmap.
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