- May 27, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
- May 25, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
- Make the carrier argument of the constructors for the canonical structures cofeT and cmraT explicit. This way we make sure the carrier is properly exposed, instead of some alias of the carrier. - Make derived constructions (such as discreteC and discreteR) notations instead of definitions. This is yet again to make sure that the carrier is properly exposed. - Turn DRA into a canonical structure (it used to be a type class). This fixes some issues, notably it fixes some broken rewrites in algebra/sts and it makes canonical structures work properly with dec_agree.
- May 24, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Rationale: to make the code closer to what is on paper, I want the notations to look like quantifiers, i.e. have a binder built-in. I thus introduced the following notations: [★ map] k ↦ x ∈ m, P [★ set] x ∈ X, P The good thing - contrary to the notations that we had before that required an explicit lambda - is that type annotations of k and x are now not printed making goals much easier to read.
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
To do so, we have introduced the specialization patterns: =>[H1 .. Hn] and =>[-H1 .. Hn] That generate a goal in which the view shift is preserved. These specialization patterns can also be used for e.g. iApply. Note that this machinery is not tied to primitive view shifts, and works for various kinds of goal (as captured by the ToAssert type class, which describes how to transform the asserted goal based on the main goal). TODO: change the name of these specialization patterns to reflect this generality.
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Changes: - We no longer have a different syntax for specializing a term H : P -★ Q whose range P or domain Q is persistent. There is just one syntax, and the system automatically determines whether either P or Q is persistent. - While specializing a term, always modalities are automatically stripped. This gets rid of the specialization pattern !. - Make the syntax of specialization patterns more consistent. The syntax for generating a goal is [goal_spec] where goal_spec is one of the following: H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using hypotheses H1 .. Hn -H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using all hypotheses but H1 .. Hn # : generate a goal for the premise in which all hypotheses can be used. This is only allowed when specializing H : P -★ Q where either P or Q is persistent. % : generate a goal for a pure premise.
- May 22, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Initial commit by Amin Timany.
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
- May 21, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
- May 20, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
I have introduced the following definition to avoid many case analyses where both branches had nearly identical proofs. Definition uPred_always_if {M} (p : bool) (P : uPred M) : uPred M := (if p then □ P else P)%I.
Robbert Krebbers authored
- May 19, 2016
Ralf Jung authored
- May 13, 2016
- May 10, 2016
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
Robbert Krebbers authored
And make constants P for which we do not want of_val P to reduce Opaque.
Robbert Krebbers authored
through definitions.