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Commit 82267806 authored by Xiaojie Guo's avatar Xiaojie Guo Committed by Felipe Cerqueira
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Add TDMA policy and RTA for TDMA

parent 11fb68b6
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_CoqProject _CoqProject
Require Import rt.util.all rt.util.tactics_gr
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.basic.platform_tdma
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Module ResponseTimeAnalysisTDMA.
Import Job TaskArrival ScheduleOfTask ResponseTime Platform_TDMA end_time Schedulability
(* In this section, we establish that the computed value WCRT of the exact response-time analysis
yields an upper bound on the response time of a task under TDMA scheduling policy on an uniprocessor,
assuming that such value is no larger than the task period. *)
Section ResponseTimeBound.
(** System model *)
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: sporadic_task -> time.
Variable task_period: sporadic_task -> time.
Variable task_deadline: sporadic_task -> time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> sporadic_task.
(* Consider any arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
Hypothesis H_sporadic_tasks:
sporadic_task_model task_period job_arrival job_task arr_seq.
(* ...and any uniprocessor... *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival times nor after completion. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* Consider any TDMA slot assignment... *)
Variable task_time_slot: TDMA_slot sporadic_task.
(* ... and any slot order. *)
Variable slot_order: TDMA_slot_order sporadic_task.
(* Consider any task set ts. *)
Variable ts: {set sporadic_task}.
Hypothesis H_valid_task_parameters:
valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
(* Consider any task in task set. *)
Variable tsk:sporadic_task.
Hypothesis H_task_in_task_set: tsk \in ts.
(* For simplicity, let us use local names for some definitions and refer them to local variables. *)
(* Recall definition: whether a job can be scheduled at time t *)
Let is_scheduled_at j t:=
scheduled_at sched j t.
(* Recall definition: whether a task is in its own time slot at time t *)
Let in_time_slot_at j t:=
Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task j) task_time_slot t.
(* Recall the definition of response-time bound. *)
Let response_time_bounded_by :=
is_response_time_bound_of_task job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched.
(* Let (RT j) denote the computed response-time of job j according to the TDMA analysis.
Note that this computation assumes that there is only one pending job of each task.
Still, this assumption doesn't break the generality of the proof. There cannot be
multiple jobs of the same task because:
(a) assumption: the computed value WCRT is bounded by its task's period; and
(b) the lemma: "jobs_finished_before_WCRT" in file tdma_wcrt_analysis.v. *)
Hypothesis WCRT_le_period:
WCRT task_cost task_time_slot ts tsk <= task_period tsk.
Let RT j:= job_response_time_tdma_in_at_most_one_job_is_pending job_arrival job_cost
task_time_slot slot_order ts tsk j.
(* Next, recall the definition of deadline miss of tasks and jobs. *)
Let no_deadline_missed_by_task :=
task_misses_no_deadline job_arrival job_cost job_deadline job_task arr_seq sched.
Let no_deadline_missed_by_job :=
job_misses_no_deadline job_arrival job_cost job_deadline sched.
(* Then, we define a valid TDMA bound. *)
(* Bound is valid bound iff it is less than or equal to task's deadline *)
Definition is_valid_tdma_bound bound :=
(bound <= task_deadline tsk).
(* Now, let's assume that the schedule respects TDMA scheduling policy... *)
Hypothesis TDMA_policy:
Respects_TDMA_policy job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched ts task_time_slot slot_order.
(* ..., that task time slot is valid... *)
Hypothesis H_valid_time_slot:
is_valid_time_slot tsk task_time_slot.
(* ... and that any job in arrival sequence is a valid job. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_job_parameters:
forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j ->
valid_sporadic_job task_cost task_deadline job_cost job_deadline job_task j.
(* Assume that job cost is less than or equal to its task cost. *)
Hypothesis H_job_cost_le_task_cost:
forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_cost_le_task_cost task_cost job_cost job_task j.
(* Let BOUND be the computed WCRT of tsk. *)
Let BOUND := WCRT task_cost task_time_slot ts tsk.
(** Two basic lemmas *)
(* Having assumed that the computed BOUND <= task_period tsk, we first prove that
any job of task tsk must have completed by its period. *)
Lemma any_job_completed_before_period:
forall j,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_task j = tsk ->
completed_by job_cost sched j (job_arrival j + task_period (job_task j) ).
intros j [t ARR]. generalize dependent j.
induction t as [ t IHt ] using (well_founded_induction lt_wf).
case t eqn:GT;intros.
- have INJ: arrives_in arr_seq j by exists 0.
(apply completion_monotonic with (t0:=job_arrival j + WCRT task_cost task_time_slot ts tsk )
;trivial;try by rewrite leq_add2l H); apply job_completed_by_WCRT
with (task_deadline0:=task_deadline)
(job_task0:=job_task)(slot_order0:=slot_order);eauto 2.
intros. apply H_arrival_times_are_consistent in ARR. ssromega.
- have INJ: arrives_in arr_seq j by exists n.+1.
apply completion_monotonic
with (t0:=job_arrival j + WCRT task_cost task_time_slot ts tsk);auto.
by rewrite leq_add2l H. apply job_completed_by_WCRT
with (task_deadline0:=task_deadline)
have PERIOD: job_arrival j_other + task_period (job_task j_other)<= job_arrival j.
apply H_sporadic_tasks;auto. case (j==j_other)eqn: JJ;move/eqP in JJ;last auto.
have JO:job_arrival j_other = job_arrival j by f_equal. ssromega.
apply completion_monotonic with (t0:= job_arrival j_other +
task_period (job_task j_other)); auto.
have ARRJ: job_arrival j = n.+1 by auto.
apply (IHt (job_arrival j_other));auto. ssromega.
destruct H0 as [tj AAJO]. have CONSIST: job_arrival j_other =tj by auto.
by subst. by subst.
(* Based on the lemma above and the fact that jobs arrive sporadically, we can conclude that
all the previous jobs of task tsk must have completed before the analyzed job j. *)
Lemma all_previous_jobs_of_same_task_completed :
forall j j_other,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_task j = tsk ->
arrives_in arr_seq j_other ->
job_task j = job_task j_other ->
job_arrival j_other < job_arrival j ->
completed_by job_cost sched j_other (job_arrival j).
have PERIOD: job_arrival j_other + task_period (job_task j_other)<= job_arrival j.
apply H_sporadic_tasks;auto. case (j==j_other)eqn: JJ;move/eqP in JJ;last auto.
have JO:job_arrival j_other = job_arrival j by f_equal. ssromega.
apply completion_monotonic with (t:=job_arrival j_other + task_period (job_task j_other));auto.
apply any_job_completed_before_period;auto. by subst.
(** Main Theorem *)
(* Therefore, we proved that the reponse time of task tsk is bouned by the
BOUND i.e., the computed value WCRT according to TDMA scheduling policy on an uniprocessor.
( for more details, see
response_time_le_WCRT: .
completed_by_end_time: model/schedule/uni/end_time.v
completes_at_end_time: model/schedule/uni/end_time.v
) *)
Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_TDMA: response_time_bounded_by tsk BOUND.
intros j arr_seq_j JobTsk.
apply completion_monotonic with (t:=job_arrival j + RT j);first exact.
- rewrite leq_add2l /BOUND.
apply (response_time_le_WCRT)
with (task_cost0:=task_cost) (task_deadline0:=task_deadline)(sched0:=sched)
(slot_order0:=slot_order)(Job0:=Job)(tsk0:=tsk); try done;auto;try (intros;
by apply all_previous_jobs_of_same_task_completed).
- apply completed_by_end_time
with (sched0:=sched)(job_arrival0:=job_arrival)
(job_cost0:=job_cost); first exact.
apply completes_at_end_time
(tsk0:=tsk) (j0:=j); try auto;try (intros;
by apply all_previous_jobs_of_same_task_completed).
(** Sufficient Analysis *)
(* Finally, we show that the RTA is a sufficient schedulability analysis. *)
Section AnalysisIsSufficient.
(* Assume that BOUND is a valid tdma bound *)
Hypothesis H_is_valid_bound:
is_valid_tdma_bound BOUND.
(* We can prove the theorem: there is no deadline miss of task tsk *)
Theorem taskset_schedulable_by_tdma : no_deadline_missed_by_task tsk.
apply task_completes_before_deadline with (task_deadline0:=task_deadline) (R:=BOUND)
;try done.
move => j arr_seqJ.
- by apply H_valid_job_parameters.
- apply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_TDMA.
(* Based on the theorem above, we can prove that
any job of the arrival sequence are spawned by task tsk won't miss its deadline. *)
Theorem jobs_schedulable_by_tdma_rta :
forall j,
arrives_in arr_seq j /\ job_task j =tsk ->
no_deadline_missed_by_job j.
intros j [arr_seqJ Jtsk].
by apply taskset_schedulable_by_tdma.
End AnalysisIsSufficient.
End ResponseTimeBound.
End ResponseTimeAnalysisTDMA.
This diff is collapsed.
(* Require Import Extraction. *) (* Required for Coq 8.7 *)
Require Import rt.analysis.uni.basic.tdma_wcrt_analysis.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq bigop div.
Set Implicit Arguments.
CoInductive Task_T :Type:=
build_task: nat->nat->nat->nat ->
Definition get_slot(tsk:Task_T):=
match tsk with
| build_task x _ _ _ => x end.
Definition get_cost (tsk:Task_T):=
match tsk with
| build_task _ x _ _ => x end.
Definition get_D (tsk:Task_T):=
match tsk with
| build_task _ _ x _ => x end.
Definition get_P (tsk:Task_T):=
match tsk with
| build_task _ _ _ x => x end.
Definition task_eq (t1 t2: Task_T) :=
(get_slot t1 == get_slot t2)&&
(get_cost t1 == get_cost t2)&&
(get_D t1 == get_D t2)&&
(get_P t1 == get_P t2) .
Fixpoint In (a:Task_T) (l:list Task_T) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => False
| b :: m => a=b \/ In a m
Definition schedulable_tsk T tsk:=
let bound := WCRT_OneJobTDMA.WCRT_formula T (get_slot tsk) (get_cost tsk) in
if (bound <= get_D tsk)&& (bound <= get_P tsk) then true else false .
Fixpoint schedulability_test T (l: list Task_T):=
match l with
|nil => true
|x::s=> (schedulable_tsk T x) && (schedulability_test T s)
Theorem schedulability_test_valid T TL:
schedulability_test T TL
<-> (forall tsk, In tsk TL ->schedulable_tsk T tsk) .
induction TL;split;auto.
- intros STL tsk IN. rewrite /= in IN. move:IN=> [EQ |IN];
rewrite /= in STL; move/andP in STL.
+ rewrite EQ;apply STL.
+ apply IHTL. apply STL. assumption.
- intro ALL. apply/andP;split.
+ apply ALL. simpl;by left.
+ apply IHTL;intros tsk IN;apply ALL;simpl;by right.
Definition cycle l:=
(foldr plus 0 (map get_slot l)).
Definition schedulability_tdma (l: list Task_T):=
schedulability_test (cycle l) l.
Theorem schedulability_tdma_valid task_list:
schedulability_tdma task_list
<-> (forall tsk, In tsk task_list ->schedulable_tsk (cycle task_list) tsk) .
rewrite /schedulability_tdma. apply schedulability_test_valid.
(*Eval compute in cycle [:: build_task(2,3,4,4);(6,2,5,6)].
Eval compute in WCRT_OneJobTDMA.WCRT_formula 4 2 3.
Eval compute in schedulability_tdma [::(2,3,7,7);(1,2,6,6)]. *)
(*Extract Inductive unit => "unit" [ "()" ].
Extract Inductive bool =>"bool" [ "true" "false" ].
Extract Inductive nat => int [ "0" "Pervasives.succ" ]
"(fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))".
Extract Inductive list => "list" [ "[]" "(::)" ].
Extract Constant eqn => "(=)".
Extract Constant addn => "(+)".
Extract Constant subn => "fun n m -> Pervasives.max 0 (n-m)".
Extract Constant muln => "( * )".
Extract Inlined Constant leq => "(<=)".
Recursive Extraction schedulability_tdma.
Extraction "" schedulability_tdma. *)
\ No newline at end of file
Require Import rt.util.all rt.util.find_seq
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job
rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.policy_tdma.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.
Require Import rt.model.priority
Require Import rt.implementation.job rt.implementation.task
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq bigop div.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Module ConcreteSchedulerTDMA.
Import Job ArrivalSequence UniprocessorSchedule SporadicTaskset Schedulability Priority
ResponseTimeAnalysisTDMA PolicyTDMA ScheduleConstruction Platform_TDMA.
Import ConcreteJob ConcreteTask ConcreteArrivalSequence ConcreteScheduler BigOp.
Section ImplementationTDMA.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> Task.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Variable ts: {set Task}.
Variable time_slot: TDMA_slot Task.
Variable slot_order: TDMA_slot_order Task.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
Section JobSchedule.
Variable sched: schedule Job.
Variable t:time.
Let is_pending := pending job_arrival job_cost sched.
Definition pending_jobs:=
[seq j <- jobs_arrived_up_to arr_seq t | is_pending j t].
Let job_in_time_slot:=
fun job => Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task job) time_slot t.
Definition job_to_schedule :=
findP job_in_time_slot pending_jobs.
Section Lemmas.
Hypothesis arr_seq_is_a_set:
arrival_sequence_is_a_set arr_seq.
Lemma pending_jobs_uniq:
uniq pending_jobs.
apply filter_uniq
, arrivals_uniq with (job_arrival0:=job_arrival);auto.
Lemma respects_FIFO:
forall j j', j \in pending_jobs -> j' \in pending_jobs ->
find (fun job => job==j') pending_jobs
< find (fun job => job==j) pending_jobs ->
job_arrival j' <= job_arrival j.
rewrite /job_to_schedule /pending_jobs /jobs_arrived_up_to
/jobs_arrived_between. intros*.
repeat rewrite mem_filter.
move=> /andP [PENJ JIN] /andP [PENJ' J'IN] LEQ.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in JIN.
apply mem_bigcat_nat_exists in J'IN.
destruct JIN as [arrj [JIN _]].
destruct J'IN as [arrj' [J'IN _]].
have ARRJ: job_arrival j = arrj by eauto.
have ARRJ': job_arrival j' = arrj' by eauto.
have JLT: arrj' <= t by move:PENJ'=>/andP [HAD _]; eauto.
destruct (leqP arrj' arrj) as [G|G]. eauto.
apply mem_bigcat_nat with (m:=0) (n:=arrj.+1) in JIN;auto.
apply mem_bigcat_nat with (m:=arrj.+1) (n:=t.+1) in J'IN;auto.
have BIGJ: j \in [seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(0 <= i < arrj.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq i | is_pending j t]
by rewrite mem_filter;apply /andP.
have BIGJ': j' \in [seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(arrj.+1 <= i < t.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq i | is_pending j t]
by rewrite mem_filter;apply /andP.
rewrite ->big_cat_nat with (n:=arrj.+1) in LEQ;try ssromega.
rewrite filter_cat find_cat /=in LEQ.
rewrite find_cat /= in LEQ.
have F: (has (fun job : Job => job == j')
[seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(0 <= i < arrj.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq i
| is_pending j t]) = false .
apply find_uniq with (l2:=
[seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(arrj.+1 <= i < t.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq i
| is_pending j t]);auto.
rewrite -filter_cat -big_cat_nat;auto. apply pending_jobs_uniq.
have TT: (has (fun job : Job => job == j)
[seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(0 <= i < arrj.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq i
| is_pending j t]) = true. apply /hasP. by exists j.
have FI: find (fun job : Job => job == j)
[seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(0 <= t < arrj.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t
| is_pending j t] < size (
[seq j <- \big[cat/[::]]_(0 <= t < arrj.+1)
jobs_arriving_at arr_seq t
| is_pending j t]). by rewrite -has_find.
rewrite F TT in LEQ. ssromega.
Lemma pending_job_in_penging_list:
forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j ->
pending job_arrival job_cost sched j t ->
j \in pending_jobs.
intros* ARRJ PEN.
rewrite mem_filter. apply /andP. split.
apply PEN. rewrite /jobs_arrived_up_to.
apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals with (job_arrival0:=job_arrival).
apply H_arrival_times_are_consistent. auto.
rewrite /arrived_between. simpl.
rewrite /pending in PEN. move:PEN=>/andP [ARRED _].
rewrite /has_arrived in ARRED. auto.
Lemma pendinglist_jobs_in_arr_seq:
forall j, j \in pending_jobs ->
arrives_in arr_seq j.
intros* JIN.
rewrite mem_filter in JIN. move /andP in JIN.
destruct JIN as [PEN ARR]. rewrite /jobs_arrived_up_to in ARR.
by apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived with (t1:= 0)(t2:= t.+1).
End Lemmas.
End JobSchedule.
Section SchedulerTDMA.
Let empty_schedule : schedule Job := fun t => None.
Definition scheduler_tdma:=
build_schedule_from_prefixes job_to_schedule empty_schedule.
Lemma scheduler_depends_only_on_prefix:
forall sched1 sched2 t,
(forall t0, t0 < t -> sched1 t0 = sched2 t0) ->
job_to_schedule sched1 t = job_to_schedule sched2 t.
intros * ALL.
rewrite /job_to_schedule. f_equal.
apply eq_in_filter.
intros j ARR.
apply in_arrivals_implies_arrived_before
with (job_arrival0 := job_arrival) in ARR.
rewrite /arrived_before ltnS in ARR.
rewrite /pending /has_arrived ARR. repeat rewrite andTb; f_equal.
rewrite /completed_by; f_equal.
apply eq_big_nat. intros.
by rewrite /service_at /scheduled_at ALL.
Lemma scheduler_uses_construction_function:
forall t, scheduler_tdma t = job_to_schedule scheduler_tdma t.
intro t. apply prefix_dependent_schedule_construction.
apply scheduler_depends_only_on_prefix.
End SchedulerTDMA.
Let sched:=
Theorem scheduler_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
move => j t /eqP SCHED.
rewrite /sched scheduler_uses_construction_function /job_to_schedule in SCHED.
apply findP_in_seq in SCHED. move:SCHED => [IN PEN].
rewrite mem_filter in PEN.
by move: PEN => /andP [/andP [ARR _] _].
Theorem scheduler_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
intros j t.
induction t;
first by rewrite /service /service_during big_geq //.
rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //=.
rewrite leq_eqVlt in IHt; move: IHt => /orP [/eqP EQ | LT]; last first.
apply: leq_trans LT; rewrite -addn1.
by apply leq_add; last by apply leq_b1.
rewrite -[job_cost _]addn0; apply leq_add; first by rewrite -EQ.
rewrite leqn0 eqb0 /scheduled_at.
rewrite /sched scheduler_uses_construction_function //.
rewrite /job_to_schedule.
apply/eqP; intro FIND.
apply findP_in_seq in FIND. move:FIND => [IN PEN].
by rewrite mem_filter /pending /completed_by -EQ eq_refl andbF andFb in PEN.
End ImplementationTDMA.
End ConcreteSchedulerTDMA.
\ No newline at end of file
Require Import rt.util.all rt.util.find_seq
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job
rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.policy_tdma.
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.
Require Import rt.model.priority
Require Import rt.implementation.job rt.implementation.task
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq bigop div.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Module ResponseTimeAnalysisExemple.
Import Job ArrivalSequence UniprocessorSchedule SporadicTaskset Schedulability Priority
ResponseTimeAnalysisTDMA PolicyTDMA Platform_TDMA.
Import ConcreteJob ConcreteTask ConcreteArrivalSequence BigOp
ConcreteSchedulerTDMA WCRT_OneJobTDMA.
Section ExampleTDMA.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Let tsk1 := {| task_id := 1; task_cost := 1; task_period := 16; task_deadline := 15|}.
Let tsk2 := {| task_id := 2; task_cost := 1; task_period := 8; task_deadline := 5|}.
Let tsk3 := {| task_id := 3; task_cost := 1; task_period := 9; task_deadline := 6|}.
Let time_slot1 := 1.
Let time_slot2 := 4.
Let time_slot3 := 3.
Program Let ts := Build_set [:: tsk1; tsk2; tsk3] _.
Let slot_seq := [::(tsk1,time_slot1);(tsk2,time_slot2);(tsk3,time_slot3)].
Fact ts_has_valid_parameters:
valid_sporadic_taskset task_cost task_period task_deadline ts.
intros tsk tskIN.
repeat (move: tskIN => /orP [/eqP EQ | tskIN]; subst; compute); by done.
Let arr_seq := periodic_arrival_sequence ts.
Fact job_arrival_times_are_consistent:
arrival_times_are_consistent job_arrival arr_seq.
apply periodic_arrivals_are_consistent.
Definition time_slot task:=
if task \in (map fst slot_seq) then
let n:= find (fun tsk => tsk==task)(map fst slot_seq) in
nth n (map snd slot_seq) n else 0.
Fact valid_time_slots:
forall tsk, tsk \in ts ->
is_valid_time_slot tsk time_slot.
apply/allP. by cbn.
Definition slot_order task1 task2:=
task_id task1 >= task_id task2.
Let sched:=
scheduler_tdma job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq ts time_slot slot_order.
Let job_in_time_slot t j:=
Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task j) time_slot t.
Fact slot_order_total:
slot_order_is_total_over_task_set ts slot_order.
intros t1 t2 IN1 IN2. rewrite /slot_order.
case LEQ: (_ <= _);first by left.
right;move/negP /negP in LEQ;rewrite -ltnNge in LEQ;auto.
Fact slot_order_transitive:
slot_order_is_transitive slot_order.
rewrite /slot_order.
intros t1 t2 t3 IN1 IN2. ssromega.
Fact slot_order_antisymmetric:
slot_order_is_antisymmetric_over_task_set ts slot_order.
intros x y IN1 IN2. rewrite /slot_order. intros O1 O2.
have EQ: task_id x = task_id y by ssromega.
case (x==y)eqn:XY;move/eqP in XY;auto.
repeat (move:IN2=> /orP [/eqP TSK2 |IN2]); repeat (move:IN1=>/orP [/eqP TSK1|IN1];subst);compute ;try done.
Fact respects_TDMA_policy:
Respects_TDMA_policy job_arrival job_cost job_task arr_seq sched ts time_slot slot_order.
intros j t ARRJ.
- rewrite /sched_implies_in_slot /scheduled_at /sched scheduler_uses_construction_function /job_to_schedule.
move => /eqP FUN. unfold job_in_time_slot.
apply findP_in_seq in FUN.
by destruct FUN as [ TskInSlot _].
apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
- rewrite /backlogged_implies_not_in_slot_or_other_job_sched /backlogged /scheduled_at /sched scheduler_uses_construction_function /job_to_schedule.
move => /andP [PEN NOSCHED]. have NSJ:= NOSCHED.
apply findP_notSome_in_seq in NOSCHED.
destruct NOSCHED as [NOIN |EXIST].
+ by left.
+ case (Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task j) time_slot t) eqn:INSLOT;last by left.
right. destruct EXIST as [y SOMEY]. exists y. have FIND:=SOMEY. apply findP_in_seq in SOMEY.
move:SOMEY => [SLOTY YIN]. have ARRY: arrives_in arr_seq y
by apply pendinglist_jobs_in_arr_seq in YIN.
have SAMETSK: job_task j = job_task y.
have EQ:Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task y) time_slot t =
Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task j) time_slot t by rewrite INSLOT.
apply task_in_time_slot_uniq with (ts0:= ts) (t0:=t) (slot_order:=slot_order) (task_time_slot:=time_slot);auto.
intros;by apply slot_order_total.
by apply slot_order_antisymmetric.
by apply slot_order_transitive.
by apply periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset.
by apply valid_time_slots,periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset.
by apply periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset.
by apply valid_time_slots ,periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset.
* split;case (y==j)eqn:YJ;move/eqP in YJ;try by rewrite FIND YJ in NSJ;move/eqP in NSJ;auto.
apply pending_job_in_penging_list with (arr_seq0:=arr_seq) in PEN;auto
;last apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
apply findP_FIFO with (y0:=j) in FIND;auto. fold sched in FIND.
apply (respects_FIFO ) in FIND;auto.
apply periodic_arrivals_are_sporadic with (ts:=ts) in FIND;auto.
have PERIODY:task_period (job_task y)>0 by
apply ts_has_valid_parameters,periodic_arrivals_all_jobs_from_taskset. ssromega.
apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
apply periodic_arrivals_is_a_set,ts_has_valid_parameters.
by apply/eqP.
+ apply pending_job_in_penging_list;trivial.
* by apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
+ by apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
Fact job_cost_le_task_cost:
forall j : concrete_job_eqType,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_cost_le_task_cost task_cost job_cost job_task j.
intros JOB ARR.
apply periodic_arrivals_valid_job_parameters in ARR.
apply ARR. by apply ts_has_valid_parameters.
Let tdma_claimed_bound task:=
WCRT task_cost time_slot ts task.
Let tdma_valid_bound task := is_valid_tdma_bound task_deadline task (tdma_claimed_bound task).
Fact valid_tdma_bounds:
forall tsk, tsk \in ts ->
tdma_valid_bound tsk = true.
rewrite /tdma_valid_bound /tdma_claimed_bound /WCRT /TDMA_cycle.
rewrite bigopE. by compute.
Fact WCRT_le_period:
forall tsk, tsk \in ts ->
WCRT task_cost time_slot ts tsk <= task_period tsk.
rewrite /tdma_valid_bound /tdma_claimed_bound /WCRT /TDMA_cycle.
rewrite bigopE. by compute.
Let no_deadline_missed_by :=
task_misses_no_deadline job_arrival job_cost job_deadline job_task arr_seq sched.
Theorem ts_is_schedulable_by_tdma :
forall tsk, tsk \in ts ->
no_deadline_missed_by tsk.
intros tsk tskIN.
have VALID_JOB := periodic_arrivals_valid_job_parameters ts ts_has_valid_parameters.
apply taskset_schedulable_by_tdma with (task_deadline:=task_deadline)(task_period:=task_period)
(task_time_slot:=time_slot) (slot_order:= slot_order)
- apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
- apply periodic_arrivals_are_sporadic.
- apply scheduler_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
- apply scheduler_completed_jobs_dont_execute.
apply job_arrival_times_are_consistent.
- assumption.
- by apply WCRT_le_period.
- by apply respects_TDMA_policy.
- by apply valid_time_slots.
- assumption.
- by apply job_cost_le_task_cost.
- apply valid_tdma_bounds;auto.
End ExampleTDMA.
End ResponseTimeAnalysisExemple.
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.time
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div.
Module PolicyTDMA.
Import Time.
(** In this section, we define the TDMA policy.*)
Section TDMA.
(* The TDMA policy is based on two properties.
(1) Each task has a fixed, reserved time slot for execution;
(2) These time slots are ordered in sequence to form a TDMA cycle, which repeats along the timeline.
An example of TDMA schedule is illustrated in the following.
| s1 | s2 |s3| s1 | s2 |s3|...
0 t
Variable Task: eqType.
(* With each task, we associate the duration of the corresponding TDMA slot. *)
Definition TDMA_slot:= Task -> duration.
(* Moreover, within each TDMA cycle, task slots are ordered according to some relation. *)
Definition TDMA_slot_order:= rel Task.
(** In this section, we define the properties of TDMA and prove some basic lemmas. *)
Section PropertiesTDMA.
Context {Task:eqType}.
(* Consider any task set ts... *)
Variable ts: {set Task}.
(* ...and any slot order (i.e, slot_order slot1 slot2 means that slot1 comes before slot2 in a TDMA cycle). *)
Variable slot_order: TDMA_slot_order Task.
(* First, we define the properties of a valid time slot order. *)
Section Relation.
(* Time slot order must transitive... *)
Definition slot_order_is_transitive:= transitive slot_order.
(* ..., totally ordered over the task set... *)
Definition slot_order_is_total_over_task_set :=
total_over_list slot_order ts.
(* ... and antisymmetric over task set. *)
Definition slot_order_is_antisymmetric_over_task_set :=
antisymmetric_over_list slot_order ts.
End Relation.
(* Next, we define some properties of task time slots *)
Section TimeSlot.
(* Consider any task in task set ts*)
Variable task: Task.
Hypothesis H_task_in_ts: task \in ts.
(* Consider any TDMA slot assignment for these tasks *)
Variable task_time_slot: TDMA_slot Task.
(* A valid time slot must be positive *)
Definition is_valid_time_slot:=
task_time_slot task > 0.
(* We define the TDMA cycle as the sum of all the tasks' time slots *)
Definition TDMA_cycle:=
\sum_(tsk <- ts) task_time_slot tsk.
(* We define the function returning the slot offset for each task:
i.e., the distance between the start of the TDMA cycle and
the start of the task time slot *)
Definition Task_slot_offset:=
\sum_(prev_task <- ts | slot_order prev_task task && (prev_task != task)) task_time_slot prev_task.
(* The following function tests whether a task is in its time slot at instant t *)
Definition Task_in_time_slot (t:time):=
((t + TDMA_cycle - (Task_slot_offset)%% TDMA_cycle) %% TDMA_cycle)
< (task_time_slot task).
Section BasicLemmas.
(* Assume task_time_slot is valid time slot*)
Hypothesis time_slot_positive:
(* Obviously, the TDMA cycle is greater or equal than any task time slot which is
in TDMA cycle *)
Lemma TDMA_cycle_ge_each_time_slot:
TDMA_cycle >= task_time_slot task.
rewrite /TDMA_cycle (big_rem task) //.
apply:leq_trans; last by exact: leq_addr.
by apply leqnn.
(* Thus, a TDMA cycle is always positive *)
Lemma TDMA_cycle_positive:
TDMA_cycle > 0.
move:time_slot_positive. move/leq_trans;apply;apply TDMA_cycle_ge_each_time_slot.
(* Slot offset is less then cycle *)
Lemma Offset_lt_cycle:
Task_slot_offset < TDMA_cycle.
rewrite /Task_slot_offset /TDMA_cycle big_mkcond.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n:=\sum_(prev_task <- ts )if prev_task!=task then task_time_slot prev_task else 0).
- apply leq_sum. intros* T. case (slot_order i task);auto.
- rewrite -big_mkcond. rewrite-> bigD1_seq with (j:=task);auto.
rewrite -subn_gt0 -addnBA. rewrite subnn addn0 //.
trivial. apply (set_uniq ts).
(* For a task, the sum of its slot offset and its time slot is
less then or equal to cycle. *)
Lemma Offset_add_slot_leq_cycle:
Task_slot_offset + task_time_slot task <= TDMA_cycle.
rewrite /Task_slot_offset /TDMA_cycle.
rewrite addnC (bigD1_seq task) //=. rewrite leq_add2l.
rewrite big_mkcond.
replace (\sum_(i <- ts | i != task) task_time_slot i)
with (\sum_(i <- ts ) if i != task then task_time_slot i else 0).
apply leq_sum. intros*T. case (slot_order i task);auto.
by rewrite -big_mkcond. apply (set_uniq ts).
End BasicLemmas.
End TimeSlot.
(* In this section, we prove that no two tasks share the same time slot at any time. *)
Section InTimeSlotUniq.
(* Consider any TDMA slot assignment for these tasks *)
Variable task_time_slot: TDMA_slot Task.
(* Assume that slot order is total... *)
Hypothesis slot_order_total:
(*..., antisymmetric... *)
Hypothesis slot_order_antisymmetric:
(*... and transitive. *)
Hypothesis slot_order_transitive:
(* Then, we can prove that the difference value between two offsets is
at least a slot *)
Lemma relation_offset:
forall tsk1 tsk2, tsk1 \in ts -> tsk2 \in ts ->
slot_order tsk1 tsk2 -> tsk1 != tsk2 ->
Task_slot_offset tsk2 task_time_slot >= Task_slot_offset tsk1 task_time_slot + task_time_slot tsk1 .
intros* IN1 IN2 ORDER NEQ.
rewrite /Task_slot_offset big_mkcond addnC.
replace (\sum_(tsk <- ts | slot_order tsk tsk2 && (tsk != tsk2)) task_time_slot tsk)
with (task_time_slot tsk1 + \sum_(tsk <- ts )if slot_order tsk tsk2 && (tsk != tsk1) && (tsk!=tsk2) then task_time_slot tsk else O).
rewrite leq_add2l. apply leq_sum_seq. intros* IN T.
case (slot_order i tsk1)eqn:SI2;auto. case (i==tsk1)eqn:IT2;auto;simpl.
case (i==tsk2)eqn:IT1;simpl;auto.
- by move/eqP in IT1;rewrite IT1 in SI2;apply slot_order_antisymmetric in ORDER;auto;apply ORDER in SI2;move/eqP in NEQ.
- by rewrite (slot_order_transitive _ _ _ SI2 ORDER).
- symmetry. rewrite big_mkcond /=. rewrite->bigD1_seq with (j:=tsk1);auto;last by apply (set_uniq ts).
move/eqP /eqP in ORDER. move/eqP in NEQ. rewrite ORDER //=. apply /eqP.
have TS2: (tsk1 != tsk2) = true . apply /eqP;auto. rewrite TS2.
rewrite eqn_add2l. rewrite big_mkcond. apply/eqP. apply eq_bigr;auto.
intros* T. case(i!=tsk1);case (slot_order i tsk2);case (i!=tsk2) ;auto.
(* Then, we proved that no two tasks share the same time slot at any time. *)
Lemma task_in_time_slot_uniq:
forall tsk1 tsk2 t, tsk1 \in ts -> task_time_slot tsk1 > 0 ->
tsk2 \in ts -> task_time_slot tsk2 > 0 ->
Task_in_time_slot tsk1 task_time_slot t ->
Task_in_time_slot tsk2 task_time_slot t ->
tsk1 = tsk2.
intros* IN1 SLOT1 IN2 SLOT2.
rewrite /Task_in_time_slot.
set cycle:=TDMA_cycle task_time_slot.
set O1:= Task_slot_offset tsk1 task_time_slot.
set O2:= Task_slot_offset tsk2 task_time_slot.
have CO1: O1 < cycle by apply Offset_lt_cycle.
have CO2: O2 < cycle by apply Offset_lt_cycle.
have C: cycle > 0 by apply (TDMA_cycle_positive tsk1).
have GO1:O1 %% cycle = O1 by apply modn_small,Offset_lt_cycle. rewrite GO1.
have GO2:O2 %% cycle = O2 by apply modn_small,Offset_lt_cycle. rewrite GO2.
have SO1:O1 + task_time_slot tsk1 <= cycle by apply (Offset_add_slot_leq_cycle tsk1).
have SO2:O2 + task_time_slot tsk2 <= cycle by apply (Offset_add_slot_leq_cycle tsk2).
repeat rewrite mod_elim;auto.
case (O1 <= t%%cycle)eqn:O1T;case (O2 <= t %%cycle)eqn:O2T;intros G1 G2;try ssromega.
apply ltn_subLR in G1;apply ltn_subLR in G2. case (tsk1==tsk2) eqn:NEQ;move/eqP in NEQ;auto.
destruct (slot_order_total tsk1 tsk2) as [order |order];auto;apply relation_offset in order;
fold O1 O2 in order;try ssromega;auto. by move/eqP in NEQ. apply /eqP;auto.
End InTimeSlotUniq.
End PropertiesTDMA.
End PolicyTDMA.
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.task
rt.model.arrival.basic.job rt.model.priority
Require Import rt.model.policy_tdma.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Module Platform_TDMA.
Import Job UniprocessorSchedule div.
Export PolicyTDMA.
(* In this section, we define properties of the processor platform for TDMA. *)
Section Properties.
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> sporadic_task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* ..., any uniprocessor... *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* ... and any sporadic task set. *)
Variable ts: {set sporadic_task}.
(* Consider any TDMA slot assignment... *)
Variable time_slot: TDMA_slot sporadic_task.
(* ... and any slot order. *)
Variable slot_order: TDMA_slot_order sporadic_task.
(* In order to characterize a TDMA policy, we first define whether a job is executing its TDMA slot at time t. *)
Let job_in_time_slot (job:Job) (t:instant):=
Task_in_time_slot ts slot_order (job_task job) time_slot t.
(* We say that a TDMA policy is respected by the schedule iff
1. when a job is scheduled at time t, then the corresponding task
is also in its own time slot... *)
Definition sched_implies_in_slot j t:=
(scheduled_at sched j t -> job_in_time_slot j t).
(* 2. when a job is backlogged at time t,the corresponding task
isn't in its own time slot or another previous job of the same task is scheduled *)
Definition backlogged_implies_not_in_slot_or_other_job_sched j t:=
(backlogged job_arrival job_cost sched j t ->
~ job_in_time_slot j t \/
(exists j_other, arrives_in arr_seq j_other/\
job_arrival j_other < job_arrival j/\
job_task j = job_task j_other/\
scheduled_at sched j_other t)).
Definition Respects_TDMA_policy:=
forall (j:Job) (t:time),
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
sched_implies_in_slot j t /\ backlogged_implies_not_in_slot_or_other_job_sched j t.
End Properties.
End Platform_TDMA.
Require Import Arith Nat.
Require Import rt.util.all rt.util.tactics_gr.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.task
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Module end_time.
Import UniprocessorSchedule Job ResponseTime.
Section Task.
Context {task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: task -> time.
Variable task_period: task -> time.
Variable task_deadline: task -> time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job -> time.
Variable job_cost: Job -> time.
Variable job_deadline: Job -> time.
Variable job_task: Job -> task.
(* instant option, to be used in end_time_option *)
Inductive diagnosis_option : Set :=
| OK : instant -> diagnosis_option
| Failure : instant -> diagnosis_option.
Section Job_end_time_Def.
(* Jobs will be scheduled on an uniprocessor *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Consider any job *)
Variable job:Job.
(* Recall the definition of scheduled_at for testing wether this job can
be scheduled at time t *)
Let job_scheduled_at t:= scheduled_at sched job t = true.
(* We define the function calculating the job's end time.
It takes three arguments:
t : job arrival [instant]
c : job cost [duration]
wf: an extra parameter that allows to realize a well-founded fixpoint
with the type [nat]. It is supposed big enough to return the actual end time.
Otherwise (i.e., it reaches 0), the function returns Failure t *)
Fixpoint end_time_option (t:instant) (c:duration) (wf:nat):=
match c with
| 0 => OK t
| S c'=> match wf with
| 0 => Failure t
| S wf'=> if scheduled_at sched job t then end_time_option (S t) c' wf'
else end_time_option (S t) c wf'
(* We define an end time predicate with three arguments:
the job arrival [instant], the job cost [duration] and
the job end time [instant]. Its three constructors
correspond to the cases:
- cost = 0 and job has ended
- cost > 0 and job cannot be scheduled at instant t
- cost > 0 and job can be scheduled at instant t
Inductive end_time_predicate : instant-> duration->instant->Prop:=
|C0_: forall t, end_time_predicate t 0 t
|S_C_not_sched: forall t c e,
~job_scheduled_at t->
end_time_predicate (S t) (S c) e->
end_time_predicate t (S c) e
|S_C_sched: forall t c e,
job_scheduled_at t->
end_time_predicate (S t) c e->
end_time_predicate t (S c) e.
(* The predicate completes_at specifies the instant a job ends
according to its arrival and cost *)
Definition completes_at (t:instant):=
end_time_predicate (job_arrival job) (job_cost job) t.
End Job_end_time_Def.
Section Lemmas.
(* Consider any job *)
Variable job:Job.
(* ... and and uniprocessor schedule this job*)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* ... where jobs do not execute before their arrival times nor after completion *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute job_arrival sched.
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
Hypothesis H_valid_job:
valid_realtime_job job_cost job_deadline job.
(* Recall the function end_time_option*)
Let job_end_time_function:= end_time_option sched job.
(* Recall the end time predicate*)
Let job_end_time_p:= end_time_predicate sched job.
(* Recall the definition of completes_at*)
Let job_completes_at := completes_at sched job.
(* Recall the definition of scheduled_at for testing wether this job can
be scheduled at time t.*)
Let job_scheduled_at t:= scheduled_at sched job t = true.
(* Then, the job_end_time_function (if it terminates successfully) returns
the same result as the job_end_time_p predicate *)
(* function -> predicate *)
Theorem end_time_function_predicat_equivalence:
forall e wf t c,
job_end_time_function t c wf = OK e ->
job_end_time_p t c e.
induction wf as [| wf' IHwf']; intros t c; simpl.
- destruct c; intros H; inverts H.
apply C0_.
- intros IHSwf. cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as Hcases; destruct c.
+ inversion IHSwf. apply C0_.
+ apply IHwf' in IHSwf. apply S_C_sched with (c:=c)(e:=e).
apply Hcases. apply IHSwf.
+ inversion IHSwf. apply C0_.
+ apply IHwf' in IHSwf. apply S_C_not_sched with (c:=c)(e:=e).
* rewrite Hcases. done.
* apply IHSwf.
(* The end time given by the predicate job_end_time_p is the same as
the result returned by the function job_end_time_function (provided
wf is large enough) *)
Theorem end_time_predicat_function_equivalence:
forall t c e ,
job_end_time_p t c e ->
exists wf, job_end_time_function t c wf = OK e.
induction H as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre [wf Hwf] |t c e Hcase2 Hpre [wf Hwf]].
- exists 1. done.
- exists (1+wf).
cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as Csa.
+ false.
+ simpl. rewrite Csa. apply Hwf.
- exists (1+wf). simpl.
rewrite Hcase2. apply Hwf.
(* If we consider a time t where the job is not scheduled, then
the end_time_predicate returns the same end time starting from t or t+1 *)
Lemma end_time_predicate_not_sched:
forall t c e,
~(job_scheduled_at t) ->
end_time_predicate sched job t c.+1 e ->
end_time_predicate sched job t.+1 c.+1 e.
intros* Hcase1 Hpre.
induction t as [| t' IHt'];
inversion Hpre; try apply H2; false.
(* If we consider a time t where the job is scheduled, then the end_time_predicate
returns the same end time starting from t with a cost c+1 than from t+1 with a cost c*)
Lemma end_time_predicate_sched:
forall t c e,
job_scheduled_at t ->
end_time_predicate sched job t c.+1 e ->
end_time_predicate sched job t.+1 c e.
intros* Hcase2 Hpre.
induction t as [| t' IHt'];
inversion Hpre; try apply H2; false.
(* Assume that the job end time is job_end *)
Variable job_end: instant.
(* Recall the definition of completed_by defined in
model/schedule/uni/schedule.v *)
Let job_completed_by:=
completed_by job_cost sched.
(* Recall the definition of service_during defined in
model/schedule/uni/schedule.v *)
Let job_service_during:=
service_during sched job.
(* then the job arrival is less than or equal to job end time *)
Lemma arrival_le_end:
forall t c e, job_end_time_p t c e -> t <= e.
intros* G.
induction G as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre]; ssromega.
(* the sum of job arrival and job cost is less than or equal to
job end time*)
Lemma arrival_add_cost_le_end:
forall t c e,
job_end_time_p t c e ->
intros* h1.
induction h1 as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre]; ssromega.
(* The servive received between the job arrival
and the job end is equal to the job cost*)
Lemma service_eq_cost_at_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) job_end = job_cost job.
intros job_cmplted.
induction job_cmplted as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre];
unfold job_service_during, service_during in *.
- by rewrite big_geq.
- apply arrival_le_end in Hpre.
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at.
cases (scheduled_at sched job t) as cases; try easy; false.
- apply arrival_le_end in Hpre.
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at.
rewrite Hcase2 //.
(* A job is completed by job end time*)
Lemma completed_by_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_completed_by job job_end.
intro job_cmplted.
unfold job_completed_by, completed_by, service, service_during.
rewrite (ignore_service_before_arrival job_arrival sched ) //.
- apply service_eq_cost_at_end_time in job_cmplted.
by apply /eqP.
- by apply arrival_le_end in job_cmplted.
(* The job end time is positive *)
Corollary end_time_positive:
job_completes_at job_end -> job_end > 0.
intro h1.
assert (H_slot: job_cost job > 0) by (apply H_valid_job).
apply completed_by_end_time in h1.
unfold job_completed_by, completed_by, service, service_during in h1.
destruct job_end; trivial.
rewrite big_geq // in h1.
(* The service received between job arrival and the previous instant
of job end time is exactly job cost-1*)
Lemma job_uncompletes_at_end_time_sub_1:
job_completes_at job_end ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) (job_end .-1) = (job_cost job) .-1.
intros job_cmplted.
induction job_cmplted as [t|t c e Hcase1 Hpre |t c e Hcase2 Hpre];
unfold job_service_during, service_during in*.
- apply big_geq, leq_pred.
- apply arrival_add_cost_le_end, leq_sub2r with (p:=1) in Hpre.
rewrite subn1 addnS //= addSn subn1 in Hpre.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (m:=t) in Hpre; try (apply leq_addr).
rewrite big_ltn // IHHpre /service_at /service_during.
cases (scheduled_at sched job t). false. done.
- destruct c.
+ inversion Hpre. apply big_geq. ssromega.
+ apply arrival_add_cost_le_end, leq_sub2r with (p:=1) in Hpre.
rewrite subn1 addnS //= addSn subn1 in Hpre.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (m:=t) in Hpre; try (apply leq_addr).
rewrite big_ltn // /service_at / service_during IHHpre Hcase2 //.
(* At any instant from the job arrival and before the job end time,
job cannot be finished; the service received is always less than job cost*)
Lemma job_uncompleted_before_end_time:
job_completes_at job_end ->
forall t', job_arrival job <= t' /\ t'<= job_end.-1 ->
job_service_during (job_arrival job) t' < job_cost job.
intros job_cmplted t' [ht1 ht2].
assert (H_slot: job_cost job > 0) by (apply H_valid_job).
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n:= (job_cost job).-1); last ssromega.
rewrite -job_uncompletes_at_end_time_sub_1 // /job_service_during /service_during.
assert (H_lt: exists delta, t' + delta = job_end.-1).
- move/leP:ht2 => ht2.
apply Nat.le_exists_sub in ht2.
destruct ht2 as [p [ht21 ht22]]. exists p. ssromega.
- destruct H_lt as [delta ht']. rewrite -ht'.
replace (\sum_(job_arrival job <= t < t' + delta) service_at sched job t)
with (addn_monoid(\big[addn_monoid/0]_(job_arrival job <= i < t') service_at sched job i)
(\big[addn_monoid/0]_(t' <= i < t'+delta) service_at sched job i)); simpl; try ssromega.
symmetry. apply big_cat_nat; ssromega.
End Lemmas.
End Task.
End end_time.
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@ Module Time. ...@@ -2,5 +2,7 @@ Module Time.
(* Time is defined as a natural number. *) (* Time is defined as a natural number. *)
Definition time := nat. Definition time := nat.
Definition duration := time.
Definition instant := time.
End Time. End Time.
\ No newline at end of file
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq bigop div.
Require Import rt.util.all.
Section find_seq.
Context {T:eqType}.
Variable P: T-> bool.
Fixpoint findP l:=
match l with
| nil => None
| x::s => if P x then Some x else findP s
Lemma findP_FIFO:
forall (l:seq T) x y,
P y = true -> y \in l -> x <> y ->
findP l = Some x ->
find (fun j => j==x) l < find (fun j => j==y) l.
intros* PY YIN NEQ FIND.
induction l.
- auto.
- case (a==x)eqn:AX;case (a==y)eqn:AY;simpl; rewrite AX AY;auto.
+ move/eqP in AX;move/eqP in AY;rewrite AX in AY;auto.
+ simpl in FIND;move/eqP in AY;rewrite AY PY in FIND;clarify;
by move/eqP in AX.
+ rewrite in_cons in YIN. move:YIN=> /orP [/eqP EQ | YIN]. move/eqP in AY;auto.
simpl in FIND. case (P a) eqn:PA;clarify. move/eqP in AX;auto. apply IHl;auto.
Lemma find_uniql:
forall (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) ->
x \in l2 ->
~ x \in l1.
intros. intro XIN.
induction l1. auto.
case (a==x)eqn:AX;move/eqP in AX;simpl in H;
move:H=>/andP [NIN U];move/negP in NIN;auto.
rewrite AX in NIN. have XIN12: x \in (l1++l2).
rewrite mem_cat. apply/orP. by right.
apply IHl1;auto. rewrite in_cons in XIN.
move:XIN=>/orP [/eqP EQ | XL1];auto.
Lemma find_uniq:
forall (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) ->
x \in l2 ->
has (fun x': T=> x'==x) l1 = false.
apply /negP /negP /hasPn.
intros. apply find_uniql with (x:=x) in H;auto.
case (x0==x)eqn:XX;move/eqP in XX;last trivial.
rewrite -XX in H0. by subst.
Lemma findP_in_seq:
forall (l:seq T) x,
findP l = Some x ->
P x /\ x \in l.
intros* FIND.
- generalize dependent x. induction l.
+ by rewrite /=.
+ simpl. case (P a) eqn:CASE. intros x SOME.
case : SOME => AX. subst. auto.
- generalize dependent x. induction l.
+ by rewrite /=.
+ simpl. case (P a) eqn:CASE. intros x SOME.
case : SOME => AX. subst. rewrite in_cons.
apply/orP. left. trivial.
intros x FIND. rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. right. auto.
Lemma findP_notSome_in_seq:
forall (l:seq T) x,
findP l != Some x ->
x \in l->
~ P x \/ exists y, findP l = Some y.
intros* NFIND IN.
generalize dependent x. induction l;intros x G IN.
- auto.
- simpl in G. case (P a) eqn:CASE.
+ right;exists a;simpl;by rewrite CASE.
+ case (a==x) eqn:AX.
* left. move/eqP in AX. by rewrite -AX CASE.
* apply IHl in G. destruct G as [NP|EXIST].
-- by left.
-- right. simpl. by rewrite CASE.
rewrite in_cons in IN. move/orP in IN.
destruct IN as [XA | XINL].
++ move/eqP in XA. move/eqP in AX. auto.
++ trivial.
End find_seq.
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