- Feb 25, 2022
Pierre Roux authored
It was a parameter but that wasn't of any use, it was just making everything more noisy.
- Feb 17, 2022
- Feb 16, 2022
From changelog of Coq version 8.15: Changed: [apply with] does not rename arguments unless using compatibility flag Apply With Renaming (#13837, fixes #13759, by Gaëtan Gilbert). So, this commit replaces all occurrences of [apply L with (NAME0 := V)] to [apply L with (NAME := V)]
... instead of `service_in`, to mirror the way the primitive `scheduled_on` is used to realize `scheduled_in`.
There are quite a few places where hypotheses about the task of a job are simply stated as equality (even though a proper predicate exists). This patch replaces the equalities with the predicate.
- Feb 14, 2022
Pierre Roux authored
This way, an addition in external libraries cannot shadow a definition in Prosa.
- Feb 09, 2022
Provide an RTA for FIFO scheduling on ideal uniprocessors based on an instantiation of abstract RTA. The provided RTA is works for tasks described by arbitrary arrival curves and is independent of the workload's preemption model (since FIFO schedules are necessarily non-preemptive).
- Nov 29, 2021
Kimaya Bedarkar authored
- Nov 24, 2021
- Nov 02, 2021
I think that this experiment was not successful. These lemmas can be easily replaced by ssreflect tactics. Also, they encourage to write proofs that are harder to maintain.
- Oct 11, 2021
...to match the description in the aRTA paper.
The lemma [instantiated_busy_interval_equivalent_edf_busy_interval] actually does not depend on EDF.
- Oct 07, 2021
- Sep 30, 2021
Sergey Bozhko authored
Currently, aRTA required [F] to be solution of equation [A + F = task_rtct + IBF A (A + F)], this commit relaxes this assumption to [A + F >= task_rtct + IBF A (A + F)]
- Sep 29, 2021
Added helper lemmas relating `valid_schedule` to job execution hps with hint. Removed useless hps in aRTA.
- Sep 15, 2021
Sergey Bozhko authored
- Sep 08, 2021
Note that many files have changed; however, this is due to the fact that some of the lemmas in nat.v have been renamed or removed.
- Mar 11, 2021
This commit connects the two ways with which one can specify that a schedule is an EDF schedule in PROSA: the `EDF_schedule` predicate and the `respects_policy_at_preemption_point` with the EDF priority policy predicate. We connect these two definitions by showing that they're equivalent. We then restate the optimality proof of EDF schedules using the proven equivalence.
- Dec 11, 2020
The names for job's and task's run-to-completion threshold functions are so long that it often gets in the way of writing theorems and proofs. As a compromise between verbosity and convenience it was decided to rename [task_run_to_completion_threshold] to [task_rtct] and [job_run_to_completion_threshold] to [job_rtct].
- Sep 23, 2020
Sergey Bozhko authored
Note that the prior definition of [sequential_tasks] did not differentiate between a job coming from the arrival sequence and any other job. However, all computable properties (such as [job_respects_task_rtc, valid_preemption_model, arrivals_have_valid_job_costs, all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met]) are stated exclusively for jobs from the arrival sequence. In order to make the definition of [sequential_tasks] compatible with computable properties, we add preconditions [arrives_in arr_seq j1] and [arrives_in arr_seq j2].
- Sep 09, 2020
- Aug 06, 2020
Björn Brandenburg authored
Before mathcomp 1.11.0 (which requires Coq 8.12), case analysis doesn't automatically rewrite destructed `minn` premises, so "try" this manually until we drop support for mathcomp 1.11.0.
- Aug 05, 2020
Marco Maida authored
Marco Maida authored
- Apr 01, 2020
Marco Maida authored
- Mar 27, 2020
Sergey Bozhko authored
- Dec 20, 2019
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
- Dec 19, 2019
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
In anticipation of future reorganization efforts by Sophie, there's no point in keeping the two kinds of definitions separate.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored