- Oct 11, 2019
Add the `htmlpretty` target to the Makefile to generate prettier documentation, based on the CoqdocJS project. https://www.ps.uni-saarland.de/~ttebbi/coqdocjs/ https://github.com/tebbi/coqdocjs Many thanks to Tobias Tebbi for creating CoqdocJS.
- Sep 24, 2019
- Sep 23, 2019
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
- Sep 17, 2019
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
Sergey Bozhko authored
- Aug 30, 2019
Björn Brandenburg authored
Rationale: reserve the behavior folder for trace-based semantics. These lemmas really constitute an analysis of the basic consequences arising from the chosen semantics and hence logically belong to the "analysis" part of Prosa.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Also removes an unnecessary module in rt.util.epsilon.
- Aug 23, 2019
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Make it a statement about scheduled jobs, to match the neighboring definitions.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Add a [job_ready] parameter to the job model, akin to [pending], that defines whether a job can be scheduled at a given time in a given schedule. Then use this new general notion of readiness to define [backlogged]. A pending job may not be ready, whereas (under any reasonable definition) a ready job ought to be pending, so this definition is more precise and captures effects such as jitter and self-suspensions.
Björn Brandenburg authored
- Aug 21, 2019
Björn Brandenburg authored
- Aug 20, 2019
When we were writing the paper on Abstract RTA, we noticed that the response-time recurrence for EDF does not match the known bound. This merge request tightens the analysis in Prosa to match the known bound.
- Aug 13, 2019
Björn Brandenburg authored
This patch adds the classic EDF optimality argument: by swapping allocations, any schedule in which no job misses a deadline can be transformed into an EDF schedule in which also no job misses a deadline.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Given an interval [a, b), a function f: nat -> T, a predicate P, and a total, reflexive, transitive relation R, [search_arg f P R a b] will find the x in [a, b) that is an extremum w.r.t. R among all elements x in [a, b) for which (f x) satisfies P. For example, this can be used to search in a schedule for a scheduled job released before some reference time with the earliest deadline.
Björn Brandenburg authored
This patch adds functions for transforming a given schedule either by replacing the allocation at a given point, or by swapping the allocations at two points, together with a bunch of supporting lemmas and service invariants.
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Björn Brandenburg authored
Points before or after an interval are not in the interval...
Björn Brandenburg authored
n + a - b + b - a = n if n >= b
Björn Brandenburg authored
...to match leq_ltn_trans in ssrnat
Björn Brandenburg authored
To allow reasoning about an entire class of types of schedules / processor modules, it's useful to have named definitions for various invariants that processor models ensure. Let's collect these centrally where we introduce processor models and schedules.
Add model definitions for work-conserving and priority-based preemptive schedules.