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Commit 57806e76 authored by Marco Maida's avatar Marco Maida Committed by mmaida
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Work-conservation transformation and proof.

Added the proof of correctness of the work-conservation transformation for an ideal uniprocessor schedule.
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1 merge request!85Work-conservation transformation and proof.
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......@@ -374,6 +374,18 @@ Section RelationToScheduled.
rewrite /service_during big_nat_eq0 => IS_ZERO.
by apply (IS_ZERO t); apply /andP; split => //.
(** Conversely, if a job is not scheduled during an interval, then
it does not receive any service in that interval *)
Lemma not_scheduled_during_implies_zero_service:
forall t1 t2,
(forall t, t1 <= t < t2 -> ~~ scheduled_at sched j t) ->
service_during sched j t1 t2 = 0.
intros t1 t2 NSCHED.
apply big_nat_eq0; move=> t NEQ.
by apply no_service_not_scheduled, NSCHED.
(** If a job is scheduled at some point in an interval, it receives
positive cumulative service during the interval... *)
......@@ -578,3 +590,56 @@ Section RelationToScheduled.
End RelationToScheduled.
Section ServiceInTwoSchedules.
(** Consider any job type and any processor model. *)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** Consider any two given schedules... *)
Variable sched1 sched2: schedule PState.
(** Given an interval in which the schedules provide the same service
to a job at each instant, we can prove that the cumulative service
received during the interval has to be the same. *)
Section ServiceDuringEquivalentInterval.
(** Consider two time instants... *)
Variable t1 t2 : instant.
(** ...and a given job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(** Assume that, in any instant between [t1] and [t2] the service
provided to [j] from the two schedules is the same. *)
Hypothesis H_sched1_sched2_same_service_at:
forall t, t1 <= t < t2 ->
service_at sched1 j t = service_at sched2 j t.
(** It follows that the service provided during [t1] and [t2]
is also the same. *)
Lemma same_service_during:
service_during sched1 j t1 t2 = service_during sched2 j t1 t2.
rewrite /service_during.
apply eq_big_nat.
by apply H_sched1_sched2_same_service_at.
End ServiceDuringEquivalentInterval.
(** We can leverage the previous lemma to conclude that two schedules
that match in a given interval will also have the same cumulative
service across the interval. *)
Corollary equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during:
forall t1 t2,
(forall t, t1 <= t < t2 -> sched1 t = sched2 t) ->
forall j, service_during sched1 j t1 t2 = service_during sched2 j t1 t2.
move=> t1 t2 SCHED_EQ j.
apply same_service_during => t' RANGE.
by rewrite /service_at SCHED_EQ.
End ServiceInTwoSchedules.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.work_conserving.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.wc_trans.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.transform.swaps.
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.schedulability.
Require Export prosa.util.list.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(** * Correctness of the work-conservation transformation *)
(** This file contains the main argument of the work-conservation proof,
starting with an analysis of the individual functions that drive
the work-conservation transformation of a given reference schedule
and ending with the proofs of individual properties of the obtained
work-conserving schedule. *)
(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules and
the basic (i.e., Liu & Layland) readiness model under which any
pending job is ready. *)
Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic.
(** In order to discuss the correctness of the work-conservation transformation at a high level,
we first need a set of lemmas about the inner parts of the procedure. *)
Section AuxiliaryLemmasWorkConservingTransformation.
(** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
(** ...and an arbitrary arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** We introduce the notion of work-conservation at a
given time [t]. The definition is based on the concept of readiness
of a job, and states that the presence of a ready job implies that
the processor is not idle. *)
Definition is_work_conserving_at sched t :=
(exists j, arrives_in arr_seq j /\ job_ready sched j t) ->
exists j, sched t = Some j.
(** First, we prove some useful properties about the most fundamental
operation of the work-conservation transformation: swapping two processor
states [t1] and [fsc], with [fsc] being a valid swap candidate of [t1]. *)
Section JobsMustBeReadyFindSwapCandidate.
(** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** which jobs must be ready to execute. *)
Hypothesis H_jobs_must_be_ready: jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched.
(** Consider an arbitrary time instant [t1]. *)
Variable t1: instant.
(** Let us define [fsc] as the result of the search for a swap candidate
starting from [t1]... *)
Let fsc := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1.
(** ...and [sched'] as the schedule resulting from the swap. *)
Let sched' := swapped sched t1 fsc.
(** First, we show that, in any case, the result of the search will yield an
instant that is in the future (or, in case of failure, equal to [t1]). *)
Lemma swap_candidate_is_in_future:
t1 <= fsc.
rewrite /fsc /find_swap_candidate.
destruct search_arg as [n|] eqn:search_result; last by done.
apply search_arg_in_range in search_result.
by move:search_result => /andP [LEQ LMAX].
(** Also, we show that the search will not yield jobs that arrive later than the
given reference time. *)
Lemma fsc_respects_has_arrived:
forall j t,
sched (find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t) == Some j ->
has_arrived j t.
move=> j t.
rewrite /find_swap_candidate.
destruct search_arg eqn:RES; last first.
{ move: (H_jobs_must_be_ready j t).
rewrite /scheduled_at scheduled_in_def => READY SCHED_J.
apply READY in SCHED_J.
by apply (ready_implies_arrived sched). }
{ move=> /eqP SCHED_J.
move: RES => /search_arg_pred.
rewrite SCHED_J //. }
(** Next, we extend the previous lemma by stating that no job in the transformed
schedule is scheduled before its arrival. *)
Lemma swap_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute:
jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched'.
move=> j t SCHED_AT.
move: (swap_job_scheduled_cases _ _ _ _ _ SCHED_AT)=> [OTHER |[AT_T1 | AT_T2]].
{ have READY: job_ready sched j t by apply H_jobs_must_be_ready; rewrite -OTHER //.
by apply (ready_implies_arrived sched). }
{ set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1 in AT_T1.
move: AT_T1 => [EQ_T1 SCHED_AT'].
apply fsc_respects_has_arrived.
move: SCHED_AT.
rewrite EQ_T1 /SCHED_AT' /sched' -/t2.
rewrite EQ_T1 in SCHED_AT'.
rewrite SCHED_AT' /scheduled_at.
by rewrite scheduled_in_def. }
{ set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1 in AT_T2.
move: AT_T2 => [EQ_T2 SCHED_AT'].
have ORDER: t1<=t2 by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
have READY: job_ready sched j t1 by apply H_jobs_must_be_ready; rewrite -SCHED_AT' //.
rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending /completed_by in READY.
move: READY => /andP [ARR _].
rewrite EQ_T2.
rewrite /has_arrived in ARR.
apply leq_trans with (n := t1) => //. }
(** Finally we show that, in the transformed schedule, jobs are scheduled
only if they are ready. *)
Lemma fsc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
move=> j t SCHED_AT.
rewrite /sched'.
set t2 := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t1.
rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
apply /andP; split; first by apply swap_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute.
rewrite /completed_by; rewrite -ltnNge.
apply swapped_completed_jobs_dont_execute => //.
- by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
- by apply ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
- by apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
- by eapply completed_jobs_are_not_ready.
End JobsMustBeReadyFindSwapCandidate.
(** In the following section, we put our attention on the point-wise
transformation performed at each point in time prior to the horizon. *)
Section MakeWCAtFacts.
(** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** ...and take an arbitrary point in time... *)
Variable t: instant.
(** ...we define [sched'] as the resulting schedule after one point-wise transformation. *)
Let sched' := make_wc_at arr_seq sched t.
(** We start by proving that the point-wise transformation can only lead
to higher service for a job at a given time. This is true because we
swap only idle processor states with ones in which a job is scheduled. *)
Lemma mwa_service_bound:
forall j t, service sched j t <= service sched' j t.
intros j t'.
rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
destruct (sched t) eqn:PSTATE => //.
set t2:= (find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t).
move: (swap_candidate_is_in_future sched t) => ORDER.
destruct (leqP t' t) as [BOUND1|BOUND1];
first by rewrite (service_before_swap_invariant _ t t2) => //.
destruct (ltnP t2 t') as [BOUND2 | BOUND2];
first by rewrite (service_after_swap_invariant _ t t2) => //.
destruct (scheduled_at sched j t) eqn:SCHED_AT_T1;
first by move:SCHED_AT_T1; rewrite scheduled_at_def PSTATE => /eqP.
move: SCHED_AT_T1 => /negbT NOT_AT_t1.
destruct (scheduled_at sched j t2) eqn:SCHED_AT_T2;
last by move: SCHED_AT_T2 => /negbT NOT_AT_t2; rewrite (service_of_others_invariant _ t t2).
rewrite /swapped /service -service_at_other_times_invariant; last by left.
rewrite service_in_replaced; last by apply /andP; split => //.
rewrite (not_scheduled_implies_no_service _ _ _ NOT_AT_t1) subn0.
by apply leq_addr.
(** Next, we show that any ready job in the transformed schedule must be ready also in
the original one, since the transformation can only lead to higher service. *)
Lemma mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule:
forall j t, job_ready sched' j t -> job_ready sched j t.
intros j t'.
rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
move=> /andP [ARR COMP_BY].
rewrite ARR Bool.andb_true_l //.
move: COMP_BY; apply contra.
rewrite /completed_by.
have LEQ: (service sched j t') <= (service sched' j t') by apply mwa_service_bound.
move=> LEQ'; move:LEQ; move: LEQ'.
by apply leq_trans.
(** Since the search for a swap candidate is performed until the latest deadline
among all the jobs arrived before the reference time, we need to show that the computed
deadline is indeed the latest. *)
Lemma max_dl_is_greatest_dl:
forall j t,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_arrival j <= t ->
job_deadline j <= max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arr_seq t.
move=> j t' ARR_IN ARR.
rewrite /max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before.
apply in_max0_le; apply map_f.
rewrite /arrivals_up_to.
apply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals;
by move:H_arr_seq_valid => [CONS UNIQ].
(** Next, we want to show that, if a job arriving from the arrival
sequence is ready at some instant, then the point-wise transformation
is guaranteed to find a job to swap with. We will proceed by doing a case
analysis, and show that it is impossible that a swap candidate is not found. *)
Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs.
(** We need to assume that, in the original schedule, all the deadlines of
the jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met, in order to be sure that
a ready job will be eventually scheduled. *)
Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
(** We define [max_dl] as the maximum deadline for all jobs arrived before [t]. *)
Let max_dl := max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arr_seq t.
(** Next, we define [search_result] as the result of the search for a swap candidate.
In order to take the first result, it is sufficient to define the ordering function
as a constant false. *)
Definition order (_ _ : nat) := false.
Definition search_result := search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t) order t max_dl.
(** First, we consider the case in which the procedure finds a job to swap with. *)
Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultFound.
(** Assuming that the processor is idle at time t... *)
Hypothesis H_sched_t_idle: is_idle sched t.
(** ...let [t_swap] be a time instant found by the search procedure. *)
Variable t_swap: instant.
Hypothesis search_result_found: search_result = Some t_swap.
(** We show that, since the search only yields relevant processor states, a job is found. *)
Lemma make_wc_at_case_result_found:
exists j: Job,
swapped sched t t_swap t = Some j.
apply search_arg_pred in search_result_found.
move:search_result_found; rewrite /relevant_pstate.
destruct (sched t_swap) as [j_swap|] eqn:SCHED; last by done.
move=>ARR. rewrite /swapped /replace_at.
destruct (t_swap == t) eqn:SAME_SWAP.
+ move:SAME_SWAP => /eqP SAME_SWAP; subst t_swap.
move:H_sched_t_idle => /eqP SCHED_NONE.
by rewrite SCHED_NONE in SCHED; discriminate.
+ exists j_swap.
by rewrite eq_refl; apply SCHED.
End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultFound.
(** Conversely, we prove that assuming that the search yields no
result brings to a contradiction. *)
Section MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultNone.
(** Consider a job that arrives in the arrival sequence, and assume that
it is ready at time [t] in the transformed schedule. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_arrives_in: arrives_in arr_seq j.
Hypothesis H_job_ready_sched': job_ready sched' j t.
(** Moreover, assume the search for a swap candidate yields nothing. *)
Hypothesis H_search_result_none: search_result = None.
(** First, note that, since nothing was found, it means there is no relevant
processor state between [t] and [max_dl]. *)
Lemma no_relevant_state_in_range:
forall t',
t <= t' < max_dl ->
~~ (relevant_pstate t) (sched t').
by apply (search_arg_none _ _ (fun _ _ => false)).
(** Since [j] is ready at time [t], then it must be incomplete. *)
Lemma service_of_j_is_less_than_cost: service sched j t < job_cost j.
have READY_ORIG: job_ready sched j t
by apply (mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule _ _); apply H_job_ready_sched'.
rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.
rewrite /completed_by in NOT_COMPL_ORIG.
by rewrite leqNgt; apply NOT_COMPL_ORIG.
(** And since [j] is incomplete and meets its deadline, the deadline of [j]
is in the future. *)
Lemma t_is_less_than_deadline_of_j: t <= job_deadline j.
move: (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in)=> MEETS_DL_j.
move_neq_up LEQ_t1.
unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in MEETS_DL_j; move_neq_down MEETS_DL_j.
eapply leq_ltn_trans; last apply service_of_j_is_less_than_cost.
by apply service_monotonic, ltnW.
(** On the other hand, since we know that there is no relevant state between [t] and [max_dl],
then it must be the case that [j] is never scheduled in this period, and hence gets no
service. *)
Lemma equal_service_t_max_dl: service sched j t = service sched j max_dl.
move:(H_job_ready_sched') => /andP [ARR NOT_COMPL_sched'].
rewrite -(service_cat sched j t max_dl);
last by apply (leq_trans t_is_less_than_deadline_of_j), max_dl_is_greatest_dl.
have ZERO_SERVICE: service_during sched j t max_dl = 0.
{ apply not_scheduled_during_implies_zero_service.
apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
move=> t_at RANGE.
move:(no_relevant_state_in_range t_at RANGE) => NOT_REL.
rewrite scheduled_at_def.
apply/negP; move => /eqP EQ.
by move: NOT_REL => /negP T; apply: T; rewrite EQ.
by rewrite ZERO_SERVICE; rewrite addn0.
(** Combining the previous lemmas, we can deduce that [j] misses its deadline. *)
Lemma j_misses_deadline: service sched j (job_deadline j) < job_cost j.
move:(H_job_ready_sched') => /andP [ARR NOT_COMPL_sched'].
have J_LESS := service_of_j_is_less_than_cost.
rewrite equal_service_t_max_dl in J_LESS.
specialize (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in).
unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
eapply leq_ltn_trans.
- by apply service_monotonic, (max_dl_is_greatest_dl _ _ H_arrives_in ARR).
- by apply J_LESS.
(** The fact that [j] misses its deadline contradicts the fact that all deadlines
of jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met. We have a contradiction. *)
Lemma make_wc_at_case_result_none: False.
move: (H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met j H_arrives_in) => NEQ.
unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in NEQ.
move_neq_down NEQ.
by apply j_misses_deadline.
End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs_CaseResultNone.
(** Next, we show that [make_wc_at] always manages to establish the work-conservation property
at the given time. Using the above case analysis, we can conclude that the presence of a
ready job always leads to a valid swap. *)
Lemma mwa_finds_ready_jobs:
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
is_work_conserving_at sched' t.
destruct (sched t) as [j'|] eqn:SCHED_WC_t;
first by rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at SCHED_WC_t; exists j'.
move: P_PREFIX => [j [ARR_IN READY]].
rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
rewrite SCHED_WC_t /find_swap_candidate.
destruct search_arg as [t_swap| ] eqn:SEARCH_RES.
- by apply make_wc_at_case_result_found; move:SCHED_WC_t => /eqP.
- by exfalso; apply (make_wc_at_case_result_none j); eauto.
End MakeWCAtFindsReadyJobs.
(** Next we prove that, given a schedule that respects the work-conservation property until [t-1],
applying the point-wise transformation at time [t] will extend the property until [t]. *)
Lemma mwa_establishes_wc:
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
(forall t_l, t_l < t -> is_work_conserving_at sched t_l) ->
forall t_l, t_l <= t -> is_work_conserving_at sched' t_l.
set fsc := find_swap_candidate arr_seq sched t.
have LEQ_fsc: t <= fsc by apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
destruct (ltnP t' t) as [tLT | tGE].
{ have SAME: sched' t' = sched t'.
{ rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
destruct (sched t); first by done.
by rewrite (swap_before_invariant sched t fsc) //. }
rewrite SAME.
apply P_PREFIX; eauto.
exists j; split; auto.
by eapply mwa_ready_job_also_ready_in_original_schedule, READY.
{ have EQ: t' = t.
{ by apply /eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply /andP; split. }
subst t'; clear T_MIN tGE.
apply mwa_finds_ready_jobs => //.
by exists j; split; eauto.
(** We now show that the point-wise transformation does not introduce any new job
that does not come from the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma mwa_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq ->
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.
rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
destruct (sched t) as [j_orig|] eqn:SCHED_orig; first by done.
by apply swapped_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
(** We also show that the point-wise transformation does not schedule jobs in instants
in which they are not ready. *)
Lemma mwa_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched ->
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
move=> READY.
rewrite /sched' /make_wc_at.
destruct (sched t) as [j_orig|] eqn:SCHED_orig; first by done.
by apply fsc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
(** Finally, we show that the point-wise transformation does not introduce deadline misses. *)
Lemma mwa_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met:
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched ->
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched'.
move=> ALL j ARR.
specialize (ALL j ARR).
unfold job_meets_deadline, completed_by in *.
by apply (leq_trans ALL (mwa_service_bound _ _)).
End MakeWCAtFacts.
(** In the following section, we proceed by proving some useful properties respected by
the partial schedule obtained by applying the work-conservation transformation up to
an arbitrary horizon. *)
Section PrefixFacts.
(** Consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** We start by proving that the transformation performed with two different horizons
will yield two schedules that are identical until the earlier horizon. *)
Section PrefixInclusion.
(** Consider two horizons... *)
Variable h1 h2: instant.
(** ...and assume w.l.o.g. that they are ordered... *)
Hypothesis H_horizon_order: h1 <= h2.
(** ...we define two schedules, resulting from the transformation
performed, respectively, until the first and the second horizon. *)
Let sched1 := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h1.
Let sched2 := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h2.
(** Then, we show that the two schedules are guaranteed to be equal until the
earlier horizon. *)
Lemma wc_transform_prefix_inclusion:
forall t, t < h1 -> sched1 t = sched2 t.
move=> t before_horizon.
rewrite /sched1 /sched2.
induction h2; first by move: (ltn_leq_trans before_horizon H_horizon_order).
move: H_horizon_order. rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP ->|LT]; first by done.
move: LT. rewrite ltnS => H_horizon_order_lt.
rewrite [RHS]/wc_transform_prefix /prefix_map -/prefix_map IHi //.
rewrite {1}/make_wc_at.
destruct (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) i i) as [j|] eqn:SCHED; first by done.
rewrite -(swap_before_invariant _ i (find_swap_candidate arr_seq (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched i) i));
last by apply ltn_leq_trans with (n := h1).
rewrite //.
apply swap_candidate_is_in_future.
End PrefixInclusion.
(** Next, we show that repeating the point-wise transformation up to a given horizon
does not introduce any deadline miss. *)
Section JobsMeetDeadlinePrefix.
(** Assuming that all deadlines of jobs coming from the arrival sequence are met... *)
Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
(** ...let us define [sched'] as the schedule resulting from the
full work-conservation transformation. Note that, if the schedule is sampled at time
[t], the transformation is performed until [t+1]. *)
Let sched' := wc_transform arr_seq sched.
(** Consider a job from the arrival sequence. *)
Variable j: Job.
Hypothesis H_arrives_in: arrives_in arr_seq j.
(** We show that, in the transformed schedule, the service of the job
is always greater or equal than in the original one, at any given time. *)
Lemma wc_prefix_service_bound:
forall t, service sched j t <= service sched' j t.
move=> t.
rewrite /sched' /wc_transform.
set serv := service (fun t0 : instant => wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t0.+1 t0) j t.
set servp := service (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1) j t.
have ->: serv = servp.
{ rewrite /serv /servp /service /service_during.
apply eq_big_nat => t' /andP [_ LT_t].
rewrite /service_at.
rewrite (wc_transform_prefix_inclusion t'.+1 t.+1)=> //.
by auto. }
rewrite /servp /wc_transform_prefix.
clear serv servp.
apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
intros. apply leq_trans with (service sched0 j t)=> //.
by intros; apply mwa_service_bound.
(** Finally, it follows directly that the transformed schedule cannot introduce
a deadline miss for any job from the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma wc_prefix_job_meets_deadline:
job_meets_deadline sched' j.
rewrite /job_meets_deadline /completed_by /sched'.
apply leq_trans with (service sched j (job_deadline j));
last by apply wc_prefix_service_bound.
by apply H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
End JobsMeetDeadlinePrefix.
(** Next, consider a given time, used as horizon for the transformation... *)
Variable h: instant.
(** ...and let us call [sched'] the schedule resulting from the transformation
performed until [h]. *)
Let sched' := wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched h.
(** We prove that [sched'] will never introduce jobs not coming from the
arrival sequence. *)
Lemma wc_prefix_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq ->
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.
move=> FROM_ARR.
rewrite /sched' /wc_transform_prefix.
apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
move => schedX t ARR.
by apply mwa_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
(** Similarly, we can show that [sched'] will only schedule jobs if they are
ready. *)
Lemma wc_prefix_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched ->
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched'.
move=> READY.
rewrite /sched' /wc_transform_prefix.
apply prefix_map_property_invariance; last by done.
move=> schedX t ARR.
by apply mwa_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
End PrefixFacts.
End AuxiliaryLemmasWorkConservingTransformation.
(** Finally, we can leverage all the previous results to prove statements about the full
work-conservation transformation. *)
Section WorkConservingTransformation.
(** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
(** arbitrary valid arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** ...and an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** which jobs come from the arrival sequence, and must be ready to execute... *)
Hypothesis H_sched_valid: valid_schedule sched arr_seq.
(** ...and in which no job misses a deadline. *)
Hypothesis H_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
(** Let us call [sched_wc] the schedule obtained after applying the work-conservation transformation. *)
Let sched_wc := wc_transform arr_seq sched.
(** First, we show that any scheduled job still comes from the arrival sequence. *)
Lemma wc_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_wc arr_seq.
rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform.
move=> j t.
move: H_sched_valid => [ARR READY].
rewrite /scheduled_at -/(scheduled_at _ j t).
by apply (wc_prefix_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence arr_seq sched t.+1 ARR).
(** Similarly, jobs are only scheduled if they are ready. *)
Lemma wc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute:
jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched_wc.
move=> j t.
move: H_sched_valid => [ARR READY].
rewrite /scheduled_at /sched_wc /wc_transform -/(scheduled_at _ j t) => SCHED_AT.
have READY': job_ready (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1) j t
by apply wc_prefix_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute => //.
move: READY'.
rewrite /job_ready /basic.basic_ready_instance
/pending /completed_by /service.
rewrite (equal_prefix_implies_same_service_during sched_wc (wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched t.+1)) //.
move=> t' /andP [_ BOUND_t'].
rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform.
by apply wc_transform_prefix_inclusion => //; rewrite ltnS; apply ltnW.
(** Also, no deadline misses are introduced. *)
Lemma wc_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met:
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched_wc.
move=> j ARR_IN.
rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform_prefix.
by apply wc_prefix_job_meets_deadline.
(** Finally, we can show that the transformation leads to a schedule in which
the processor is not idle if a job is ready. *)
Lemma wc_is_work_conserving_at:
forall j t,
job_ready sched_wc j t ->
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
exists j', sched_wc t = Some j'.
move=> j t READY ARR_IN.
rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform /wc_transform_prefix.
apply (prefix_map_pointwise_property (all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq)
(is_work_conserving_at arr_seq)
(make_wc_at arr_seq)); rewrite //.
{ by apply mwa_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met. }
{ by intros; apply mwa_establishes_wc. }
{ exists j.
split; first by apply ARR_IN.
have EQ: job_ready sched_wc j t = job_ready (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t)) j t.
rewrite /sched_wc /wc_transform /job_ready
/basic_ready_instance /pending /completed_by
/service /service_during /service_at /wc_transform_prefix.
destruct has_arrived; last by rewrite Bool.andb_false_l.
have EQ_SUM: \sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_in j (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t0) t0)
= \sum_(0 <= t0 < t) service_in j (prefix_map sched (make_wc_at arr_seq) (succn t) t0).
{ apply eq_big_nat => t' /andP [_ LT_t].
rewrite -/(wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched _ _).
rewrite -/(wc_transform_prefix arr_seq sched _ _).
rewrite (wc_transform_prefix_inclusion arr_seq sched t'.+1 t.+1)=> //.
by auto. }
by rewrite EQ_SUM. }
move: READY. by rewrite EQ. }
(** We can easily extend the previous lemma to obtain the definition
of a work-conserving schedule. *)
Lemma wc_is_work_conserving:
work_conserving arr_seq sched_wc.
move=> j t ARR_IN.
rewrite /backlogged => /andP [READY _].
move: (wc_is_work_conserving_at j t READY ARR_IN) => [j' SCHED_wc].
by exists j'; rewrite scheduled_at_def; apply /eqP.
(** Ultimately, we can show that the work-conservation transformation maintains
all the properties of validity, does not introduce new deadline misses, and
establishes the work-conservation property. *)
Theorem wc_transform_correctness:
valid_schedule sched_wc arr_seq /\
all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched_wc /\
work_conserving arr_seq sched_wc.
repeat split.
- apply wc_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence.
- apply wc_jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute.
- apply wc_all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met.
- apply wc_is_work_conserving.
End WorkConservingTransformation.
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.prefix.
Require Export prosa.util.search_arg.
Require Export prosa.util.list.
(** Throughout this file, we assume ideal uniprocessor schedules. *)
Require Export prosa.model.processor.ideal.
(** In this file we define the transformation from any ideal uniprocessor schedule
into a work-conserving one. The procedure is to patch the idle allocations
with future job allocations. Note that a job cannot be allocated before
its arrival, therefore there could still exist idle instants between any two
job allocations. *)
Section WCTransformation.
(** Consider any type of jobs with arrival times, costs, and deadlines... *)
Context {Job : JobType}.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
Context `{JobDeadline Job}.
(** ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
Let PState := ideal.processor_state Job.
(** ...and any valid job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid : valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** We say that a state is relevant (for the purpose of the
transformation) if it is not idle and if the job scheduled in it
has arrived prior to some given reference time. *)
Definition relevant_pstate reference_time pstate :=
match pstate with
| None => false
| Some j => job_arrival j <= reference_time
(** In order to patch an idle allocation, we look in the future for another allocation
that could be moved there. The limit of the search is the maximum deadline of
every job arrived before the given moment. *)
Definition max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before arrived_before :=
let deadlines := map job_deadline (arrivals_up_to arr_seq arrived_before)
in max0 deadlines.
(** Next, we define a central element of the work-conserving transformation
procedure: given an idle allocation at [t], find a job allocation in the future
to swap with. *)
Definition find_swap_candidate sched t :=
let order _ _ := false (* always take the first result *)
let max_dl := max_deadline_for_jobs_arrived_before t
let search_result := search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t) order t max_dl
if search_result is Some t_swap
then t_swap
else t. (* if nothing is found, swap with yourself *)
(** The point-wise transformation procedure: given a schedule and a
time [t1], ensure that the schedule is work-conserving at time
[t1]. *)
Definition make_wc_at sched t1 :=
match sched t1 with
| Some j => sched (* leave working instants alone *)
| None =>
t2 := find_swap_candidate sched t1
in swapped sched t1 t2
(** To transform a finite prefix of a given reference schedule, apply
[make_wc_at] to every point up to the given finite horizon. *)
Definition wc_transform_prefix sched horizon :=
prefix_map sched make_wc_at horizon.
(** Finally, a fully work-conserving schedule (i.e., one that is
work-conserving at any time) is obtained by first computing a
work-conserving prefix up to and including the requested time [t],
and by then looking at the last point of the prefix. *)
Definition wc_transform sched t :=
wc_prefix := wc_transform_prefix sched t.+1
in wc_prefix t.
End WCTransformation.
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