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with 338 additions and 113 deletions
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ stages:
- opam install -y -v -j ${NJOBS} coq-prosa
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.10.0-coq-8.11
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.12.0-coq-8.13
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:${CI_JOB_NAME}
......@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ stages:
stage: build
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.10.0-coq-8.11
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.12.0-coq-8.13
- ./ --without-classic
- make -j ${NJOBS}
stage: build
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.10.0-coq-8.11
image: mathcomp/mathcomp:1.12.0-coq-8.13
- ./ --only-classic
- make -j ${NJOBS}
......@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ stages:
extends: .build
extends: .build
- .build-for-process
......@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ spell-check:
- scripts/ `find . -iname '*.v' ! -path './classic/*'`
- .build-dev
# it's ok to fail with an unreleased version of ssreflect
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This repository contains the main Coq specification & proof development of the [
## Documentation
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Up-to-date documentation for all branches of the main Prosa repository is available on the Prosa homepage:
- <>
......@@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model:
valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That is,
[task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s
cost, (2) for any job of task [tsk] job_run_to_completion_threshold
is bounded by task_run_to_completion_threshold. *)
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That
is, [task_rtct tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s cost, (2) for
any job of task [tsk] [job_rtct] is bounded by [task_rtct]. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold:
valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
......@@ -100,15 +99,15 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
(** Consider any value [R] that upper-bounds the solution of each response-time recurrence,
i.e., for any relative arrival time A in the search space, there exists a corresponding
solution [F] such that [F + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk) <= R]. *)
solution [F] such that [F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= R]. *)
Variable R: nat.
Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum:
forall A,
is_in_search_space A ->
exists F,
A + F = task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk
A + F = task_rtct tsk
+ interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F) /\
F + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk) <= R.
F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= R.
(** In this section we show a detailed proof of the main theorem
that establishes that R is a response-time bound of task [tsk]. *)
......@@ -153,10 +152,10 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
(** (d) [A_sp + F_sp] is a solution of the response time recurrence... *)
Hypothesis H_Asp_Fsp_fixpoint :
A_sp + F_sp = task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk + interference_bound_function tsk A_sp (A_sp + F_sp).
A_sp + F_sp = task_rtct tsk + interference_bound_function tsk A_sp (A_sp + F_sp).
(** (e) and finally, [F_sp + (task_last - ε)] is no greater than R. *)
Hypothesis H_R_gt_Fsp : F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk) <= R.
Hypothesis H_R_gt_Fsp : F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= R.
(** In this section, we consider the case where the solution is so large
that the value of [t1 + A_sp + F_sp] goes beyond the busy interval.
......@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
{ by rewrite !addnA leq_add2r leq_add2l. }
rewrite /A subnKC; last by done.
rewrite leq_add2l.
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk));
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk));
first rewrite leq_addr.
......@@ -226,39 +225,44 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
Hypothesis H_F_le_Fsp : F <= F_sp.
(** (c) and [A + F] is a solution for the response-time recurrence for [A]. *)
Hypothesis H_A_F_fixpoint:
A + F = task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk + interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F).
A + F = task_rtct tsk + interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F).
(** Next, we assume that job [j] is not completed by time [job_arrival j + R]. *)
Hypothesis H_j_not_completed : ~~ completed_by sched j (job_arrival j + R).
(** Some additional reasoning is required since the term [task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk]
does not necessarily bound the term [job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j]. That is, a job can
(** Some additional reasoning is required since the term [task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk]
does not necessarily bound the term [job_cost j - job_rtct j]. That is, a job can
have a small run-to-completion threshold, thereby becoming non-preemptive much earlier than guaranteed
according to task run-to-completion threshold, while simultaneously executing the last non-preemptive
segment that is longer than [task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk] (e.g., this is possible
segment that is longer than [task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk] (e.g., this is possible
in the case of floating non-preemptive sections).
In this case we cannot directly apply lemma "j_receives_at_least_run_to_completion_threshold". Therefore
we introduce two temporal notions of the last non-preemptive region of job j and an execution
optimism. We use these notions inside this proof, so we define them only locally. *)
(** Let the last non-preemptive region of job [j] (last) be the difference between the cost of the job
and the [j]'s run-to-completion threshold (i.e. [job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j]).
We know that after j has reached its run-to-completion threshold, it will additionally be executed
[job_last j] units of time. *)
Let job_last := job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j.
(** And let execution optimism (optimism) be the difference between the [tsk]'s
run-to-completion threshold and the [j]'s run-to-completion threshold (i.e.
[task_run_to_completion_threshold - job_run_to_completion_threshold]).
Intuitively, optimism is how much earlier job j has received its
run-to-completion threshold than it could at worst. *)
Let optimism := task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk - job_run_to_completion_threshold j.
(** Let the last non-preemptive region of job [j] (last) be
the difference between the cost of the job and the [j]'s
run-to-completion threshold (i.e. [job_cost j - job_rtct j]).
We know that after j has reached its
run-to-completion threshold, it will additionally be
executed [job_last j] units of time. *)
Let job_last := job_cost j - job_rtct j.
(** And let execution optimism (optimism) be the difference
between the [tsk]'s run-to-completion threshold and the
[j]'s run-to-completion threshold (i.e. [task_rtct -
job_rtct]). Intuitively, optimism is how much earlier
job j has received its run-to-completion threshold than
it could at worst. *)
Let optimism := task_rtct tsk - job_rtct j.
(** From lemma "j_receives_at_least_run_to_completion_threshold" with parameters [progress_of_job :=
job_run_to_completion_threshold j] and [delta := (A + F) - optimism)] we know that service of [j]
by time [t1 + (A + F) - optimism] is no less than [job_run_to_completion_threshold j]. Hence, job [j]
is completed by time [t1 + (A + F) - optimism + last]. *)
(** From lemma "j_receives_at_least_run_to_completion_threshold"
with parameters [progress_of_job := job_rtct j] and [delta :=
(A + F) - optimism)] we know that service of [j] by time
[t1 + (A + F) - optimism] is no less than [job_rtct
j]. Hence, job [j] is completed by time [t1 + (A + F) -
optimism + last]. *)
Lemma j_is_completed_by_t1_A_F_optimist_last :
completed_by sched j (t1 + (A + F - optimism) + job_last).
......@@ -267,7 +271,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
have ESERV :=
_ _ H1 H2 H3 PState H5 _ _ arr_seq sched tsk interference interfering_workload
_ j _ _ _ t1 t2 _ (job_run_to_completion_threshold j) _ ((A + F) - optimism).
_ j _ _ _ t1 t2 _ (job_rtct j) _ ((A + F) - optimism).
feed_n 7 ESERV; eauto 2.
specialize (ESERV H3 H4).
feed_n 2 ESERV.
......@@ -289,7 +293,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
apply completion_monotonic with (t1 + (A + F)); try done.
rewrite addnA subnKC // leq_add2l.
apply leq_trans with F_sp; first by done.
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk)).
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk)).
eapply job_completes_after_reaching_run_to_completion_threshold with (arr_seq0 := arr_seq); eauto 2.
......@@ -343,16 +347,16 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
apply completion_monotonic with (t1 + (A + F)); last by done.
rewrite !addnA subnKC // leq_add2l.
apply leq_trans with F_sp; first by done.
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk)).
by apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk)).
(** As two trivial corollaries, we show that
[tsk]'s run-to-completion threshold is at most [F_sp]... *)
Corollary tsk_run_to_completion_threshold_le_Fsp :
task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk <= F_sp.
task_rtct tsk <= F_sp.
have HH : task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk <= F.
have HH : task_rtct tsk <= F.
{ move: H_A_F_fixpoint => EQ.
have L1 := relative_arrival_le_interference_bound.
......@@ -364,12 +368,12 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
Corollary optimism_le_F :
optimism <= F.
have HH : task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk <= F.
have HH : task_rtct tsk <= F.
{ move: H_A_F_fixpoint => EQ.
have L1 := relative_arrival_le_interference_bound.
by apply leq_trans with (task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk); first rewrite /optimism leq_subr.
by apply leq_trans with (task_rtct tsk); first rewrite /optimism leq_subr.
End AuxiliaryInequalities.
......@@ -381,8 +385,8 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
[≤ job_arrival j + (F - optimism) + job_last]
[≤ job_arrival j + (F_sp - optimism) + job_last]
[≤ job_arrival j + F_sp + (job_last - optimism)]
[≤ job_arrival j + F_sp + job_cost j - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk]
[≤ job_arrival j + F_sp + task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk]
[≤ job_arrival j + F_sp + job_cost j - task_rtct tsk]
[≤ job_arrival j + F_sp + task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk]
[≤ job_arrival j + R]. *)
Lemma t1_A_F_optimist_last_le_arrival_R :
t1 + (A + F - optimism) + job_last <= job_arrival j + R.
......@@ -398,7 +402,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
{ move: H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold => [PRT1 PRT2].
rewrite -addnA leq_add2l.
apply leq_trans with (F_sp - optimism + job_last ); first by rewrite leq_add2r leq_sub2r.
apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk)); last by done.
apply leq_trans with (F_sp + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk)); last by done.
rewrite /optimism subnBA; last by apply PRT2.
rewrite -subh1 //.
rewrite /job_last.
......@@ -430,7 +434,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
have HelpAuto: forall m n, n <= n + m; first by intros; rewrite leq_addr.
move: H_busy_interval => [[/andP [GT LT] _] _].
have L1 := solution_for_A_exists
tsk L (fun tsk A R => task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk
tsk L (fun tsk A R => task_rtct tsk
+ interference_bound_function tsk A R) A_sp F_sp.
specialize (L1 H0).
feed_n 2 L1; try done.
......@@ -474,7 +478,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
(** We can use [j_receives_at_least_run_to_completion_threshold] to prove that the service
received by j by time [t1 + (A_sp + F_sp)] is no less than run-to-completion threshold. *)
Lemma service_of_job_ge_run_to_completion_threshold:
service sched j (t1 + (A_sp + F_sp)) >= job_run_to_completion_threshold j.
service sched j (t1 + (A_sp + F_sp)) >= job_rtct j.
move: (H_busy_interval) => [[NEQ [QT1 NTQ]] QT2].
move: (NEQ) => /andP [GT LT].
......@@ -496,7 +500,7 @@ Section Abstract_RTA.
have ESERV :=
_ _ H1 H2 H3 PState H5 _ _ arr_seq sched tsk
interference interfering_workload _ j _ _ _ t1 t2 _ (job_run_to_completion_threshold j) _ (A_sp + F_sp).
interference interfering_workload _ j _ _ _ t1 t2 _ (job_rtct j) _ (A_sp + F_sp).
feed_n 7 ESERV; eauto 2.
specialize (ESERV H3 H4).
feed_n 2 ESERV; eauto using job_run_to_completion_threshold_le_job_cost.
......@@ -57,10 +57,9 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model:
valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That is,
[task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s
cost, (2) for any job of task [tsk] [job_run_to_completion_threshold]
is bounded by [task_run_to_completion_threshold]. *)
(** ...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That
is, [task_rtct tsk] is (1) no bigger than [tsk]'s cost, (2) for
any job of task [tsk] [job_rtct] is bounded by [task_rtct]. *)
Hypothesis H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold:
valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
......@@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
(** Unlike the previous theorem [uniprocessor_response_time_bound], we assume
that (1) tasks are sequential, moreover (2) functions interference and
interfering_workload are consistent with the hypothesis of sequential tasks. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks : sequential_tasks sched.
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks : sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
Hypothesis H_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks:
......@@ -205,9 +204,9 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space_seq A ->
exists (F : duration),
A + F = (task_rbf (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk))
A + F = (task_rbf (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk))
+ task_interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F) /\
F + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk) <= R.
F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= R.
(** In this section we prove a few simple lemmas about the completion of jobs from the task
considering the busy interval of the job under consideration. *)
......@@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
{ exfalso.
apply negbT in ARRNEQ; rewrite -ltnNge in ARRNEQ.
move: (H_sequential_tasks j j' t) => CONTR.
feed_n 3 CONTR; try done.
feed_n 5 CONTR; try done.
{ by rewrite /same_task eq_sym H_job_of_tsk. }
{ by move: H_sched => /eqP SCHEDt; rewrite scheduled_at_def. }
move: H_job_j_is_not_completed => /negP T; apply: T.
......@@ -649,9 +648,9 @@ Section Sequential_Abstract_RTA.
forall (A : duration),
is_in_search_space A ->
exists (F : duration),
A + F = task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk +
A + F = task_rtct tsk +
(task_rbf (A + ε) - task_cost tsk + task_interference_bound_function tsk A (A + F)) /\
F + (task_cost tsk - task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk) <= R.
F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) <= R.
move: H_valid_run_to_completion_threshold => [PRT1 PRT2].
intros A INSP.
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation.
(** Assume we have sequential tasks, i.e., jobs of the
same task execute in the order of their arrival. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks : sequential_tasks sched.
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks : sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
(** Consider a JLFP-policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation,
and assume that this relation is reflexive and transitive. *)
......@@ -218,7 +218,8 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation.
is equal to the sum of the cumulative priority inversion of job [j] and the cumulative interference
incurred by task [tsk] due to other tasks. *)
Lemma cumulative_task_interference_split:
forall j t1 t2 upp_t,
forall j t1 t2 upp_t,
arrives_in arr_seq j ->
job_task j = tsk ->
j \in arrivals_before arr_seq upp_t ->
~~ job_completed_by j t2 ->
......@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation.
cumulative_interference_from_hep_jobs_from_other_tasks j t1 t2.
rewrite /cumulative_task_interference /cumul_task_interference.
intros j t1 R upp TSK ARR NCOMPL.
intros j t1 R upp ARRin TSK ARR NCOMPL.
rewrite -big_split //= big_nat_cond [X in _ = X]big_nat_cond.
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split.
all: rewrite /interference /is_priority_inversion /priority_inversion.is_priority_inversion.
......@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ Section JLFPInstantiation.
apply completion_monotonic with t; [ by apply ltnW | ].
apply/negP; intros NCOMPL; move: NCOMPL => /negP NCOMPL.
move: NEQ => /negP NEQ; apply: NEQ; apply H_JLFP_respects_sequential_tasks; eauto 2.
by eapply scheduler_executes_job_with_earliest_arrival; eauto 2.
by eapply scheduler_executes_job_with_earliest_arrival; eauto 2.
+ have NEQ: s != j.
{ apply/negP; intros EQ2; move: EQ2 => /eqP EQ2.
by move: TSKEQ => /eqP TSKEQ; apply: TSKEQ; rewrite EQ2. }
......@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ Section AbstractRTARunToCompletionThreshold.
Hypothesis H_valid_preemption_model:
valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
(** Then, job [j] must complete in [job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j] time
(** Then, job [j] must complete in [job_cost j - job_rtct j] time
units after it reaches run-to-completion threshold. *)
Lemma job_completes_after_reaching_run_to_completion_threshold:
forall t,
job_run_to_completion_threshold j <= service sched j t ->
completed_by sched j (t + (job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j)).
job_rtct j <= service sched j t ->
completed_by sched j (t + (job_cost j - job_rtct j)).
move => t ES.
set (job_cost j - job_run_to_completion_threshold j) as job_last.
set (job_cost j - job_rtct j) as job_last.
have LSNP := @job_nonpreemptive_after_run_to_completion_threshold
Job H2 H3 _ _ arr_seq sched _ j _ t.
apply negbNE; apply/negP; intros CONTR.
......@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ Section AbstractRTARunToCompletionThreshold.
eapply service_at_most_cost with (j0 := j) (t0 := t + job_last.+1) in H_completed_jobs_dont_execute; auto.
move: H_completed_jobs_dont_execute; rewrite leqNgt; move => /negP T; apply: T.
rewrite /service -(service_during_cat _ _ _ t); last by (apply/andP; split; last rewrite leq_addr).
apply leq_trans with (job_run_to_completion_threshold j + service_during sched j t (t + job_last.+1));
apply leq_trans with (job_rtct j + service_during sched j t (t + job_last.+1));
last by rewrite leq_add2r.
apply leq_trans with (job_run_to_completion_threshold j + job_last.+1); last by rewrite leq_add2l /service_during -addn1.
apply leq_trans with (job_rtct j + job_last.+1); last by rewrite leq_add2l /service_during -addn1.
by rewrite addnS ltnS subnKC //; eapply job_run_to_completion_threshold_le_job_cost; eauto.
......@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ Section BusyIntervalJLFP.
Context `{JobArrival Job}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals. *)
(** Consider any kind of processor state model. *)
Context {PState : Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arrival_times_are_consistent : consistent_arrival_times arr_seq.
(** Next, consider any ideal uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence. *)
Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** ... and a schedule of this arrival sequence. *)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(** Assume a given JLFP policy. *)
Context `{JLFP_policy Job}.
......@@ -89,4 +93,4 @@ Section BusyIntervalJLFP.
End DecidableQuietTime.
End BusyIntervalJLFP.
\ No newline at end of file
End BusyIntervalJLFP.
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect seq ssrnat ssrbool eqtype.
Require Import prosa.behavior.service.
(** This module contains basic definitions and properties of job
completion sequences. *)
(** * Notion of a Completion Sequence *)
(** We begin by defining a job completion sequence. *)
Section CompletionSequence.
(** Consider any kind of jobs with a cost
and any kind of processor state. *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} {PState : Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(** Consider any schedule. *)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(** For each instant [t], the completion sequence returns all
arrived jobs that have completed at [t]. *)
Definition completion_sequence : arrival_sequence Job :=
fun t => [seq j <- arrivals_up_to arr_seq t | completes_at sched j t].
End CompletionSequence.
......@@ -93,6 +93,19 @@ Section Arrived.
now apply ready_implies_arrived.
(** Similarly, since backlogged jobs are by definition pending, any
backlogged job must be incomplete. *)
Lemma backlogged_implies_incomplete:
forall j t,
backlogged sched j t -> ~~ completed_by sched j t.
move=> j t BACK.
have suff: pending sched j t.
- by move /andP => [_ INCOMP].
- apply; move: BACK => /andP [READY _].
by apply any_ready_job_is_pending.
End Arrived.
(** In this section, we establish useful facts about arrival sequence prefixes. *)
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.service.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.arrivals.
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.schedule_prefix.
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.job_properties.
(** * Completion *)
(** In this file, we establish basic facts about job completions. *)
Section CompletionFacts.
(** Consider any job type,...*)
Context {Job: JobType}.
Context `{JobCost Job}.
......@@ -18,10 +19,10 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
(** ...and a given schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(** Let j be any job that is to be scheduled. *)
(** Let [j] be any job that is to be scheduled. *)
Variable j: Job.
(** We prove that after job j completes, it remains completed. *)
(** We prove that after job [j] completes, it remains completed. *)
Lemma completion_monotonic:
forall t t',
t <= t' ->
......@@ -33,6 +34,19 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
by apply service_monotonic.
(** We prove that if [j] is not completed by [t'], then it's also not
completed by any earlier instant. *)
Lemma incompletion_monotonic:
forall t t',
t <= t' ->
~~ completed_by sched j t' ->
~~ completed_by sched j t.
move => t t' LE.
apply contra.
by apply completion_monotonic.
(** We observe that being incomplete is the same as not having received
sufficient service yet... *)
Lemma less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete:
......@@ -52,6 +66,19 @@ Section CompletionFacts.
move=> t. by split; rewrite /remaining_cost -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete subn_gt0 //.
(** Trivially, it follows that an incomplete job has a positive cost. *)
Corollary incomplete_implies_positive_cost:
forall t,
~~ completed_by sched j t ->
job_cost_positive j.
move=> t INCOMP.
apply: (ltn_leq_trans _);
last by apply leq_subr.
apply incomplete_is_positive_remaining_cost.
exact INCOMP.
(** Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs:
completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.completion.
(** In this file, we observe basic properties of the behavioral job
model w.r.t. deadlines. *)
Section DeadlineFacts.
(** Consider any given type of jobs with costs and deadlines... *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job}.
......@@ -13,8 +13,51 @@ Section DeadlineFacts.
Context {PState: eqType}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** We begin with schedules / processor models in which scheduled jobs
always receive service. *)
(** First, we derive two properties from the fact that a job is incomplete at
some point in time. *)
Section Incompletion.
(** Consider any given schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(** Trivially, a job that both meets its deadline and is incomplete at a
time [t] must have a deadline later than [t]. *)
Lemma incomplete_implies_later_deadline:
forall j t,
job_meets_deadline sched j ->
~~ completed_by sched j t ->
t < job_deadline j.
move=> j t MET INCOMP.
apply contraT; rewrite -leqNgt => PAST_DL.
have DL_MISS: ~~ completed_by sched j (job_deadline j)
by apply incompletion_monotonic with (t' := t) => //.
by move: DL_MISS => /negP.
(** Furthermore, a job that both meets its deadline and is incomplete at a
time [t] must be scheduled at some point between [t] and its
deadline. *)
Lemma incomplete_implies_scheduled_later:
forall j t,
job_meets_deadline sched j ->
~~ completed_by sched j t ->
exists t', t <= t' < job_deadline j /\ scheduled_at sched j t'.
move=> j t MET INCOMP.
apply: cumulative_service_implies_scheduled.
rewrite -(ltn_add2l (service sched j t)) addn0.
rewrite service_cat;
last by (apply ltnW; apply incomplete_implies_later_deadline).
apply ltn_leq_trans with (n := job_cost j);
first by rewrite less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.
by apply MET.
End Incompletion.
(** Next, we look at schedules / processor models in which scheduled jobs
always receive service. *)
Section IdealProgressSchedules.
(** Consider a given reference schedule... *)
......@@ -26,26 +69,19 @@ Section DeadlineFacts.
(** ...and scheduled jobs always receive service. *)
Hypothesis H_scheduled_implies_serviced: ideal_progress_proc_model PState.
(** We observe that, if a job is known to meet its deadline, then
its deadline must be later than any point at which it is
scheduled. That is, if a job that meets its deadline is
scheduled at time t, we may conclude that its deadline is at a
time later than t. *)
(** We observe that if a job meets its deadline and is scheduled at time
[t], then then its deadline is at a time later than t. *)
Lemma scheduled_at_implies_later_deadline:
forall j t,
job_meets_deadline sched j ->
scheduled_at sched j t ->
t < job_deadline j.
move=> j t.
rewrite /job_meets_deadline => COMP SCHED.
case: (boolP (t < job_deadline j)) => //.
rewrite -leqNgt => AFTER_DL.
apply completion_monotonic with (t' := t) in COMP => //.
apply scheduled_implies_not_completed in SCHED => //.
move/negP in SCHED. contradiction.
move=> j t MET SCHED_AT.
apply (incomplete_implies_later_deadline sched) => //.
by apply scheduled_implies_not_completed.
End IdealProgressSchedules.
(** In the following section, we observe that it is sufficient to
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.deadlines.
Require Export prosa.analysis.definitions.schedulability.
Require Export prosa.model.priority.edf.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.edf.
Require Export prosa.model.schedule.priority_driven.
(** * Equivalence of EDF Definitions *)
(** Recall that we have defined "EDF schedules" in two ways.
The generic way to define an EDF schedule is by using the EDF priority
policy defined in [model.priority.edf] and the general notion of
priority-compliant schedules defined in [model.schedule.priority_driven].
Another, more straight-forward way to define an EDF schedule is the standalone
definition given in [model.schedule.edf], which is less general but simpler
and used in the EDF optimality proof.
In this file, we show that both definitions are equivalent assuming:
(1) ideal uniprocessor schedules, ... *)
Require Import prosa.model.processor.ideal.
(** ... (2) the classic Liu & Layland model of readiness without jitter and
without self-suspensions, where pending jobs are always ready, and ... *)
Require Import prosa.model.readiness.basic.
(** ... (3) that jobs are fully preemptive. *)
Require Import prosa.model.preemption.fully_preemptive.
Section Equivalence.
(** For any given type of jobs, each characterized by an arrival time,
an execution cost, and an absolute deadline, ... *)
Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.
(** ...consider a given valid job arrival sequence ... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.
(** ...and a corresponding schedule. *)
Variable sched : schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).
(** Suppose jobs don't execute after their completion, ... *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.
(** ...all jobs come from the arrival sequence [arr_seq], ...*)
Hypothesis H_from_arr_seq: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.
(** ...and jobs from [arr_seq] don't miss their deadlines. *)
Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.
(** We first show that a schedule that satisfies the standalone
[EDF_schedule] predicate is also compliant with the generic notion of EDF
policy defined in Prosa, namely the [respects_policy_at_preemption_point]
predicate. *)
Lemma EDF_schedule_implies_respects_policy_at_preemption_point :
EDF_schedule sched ->
respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched.
have suff: exists t' : nat, t <= t' < job_deadline j' /\ scheduled_at sched j' t'.
{ move=> [t' [/andP [LE _] SCHED']].
apply: (EDF t); [done | exact LE | exact SCHED' |].
by apply: (backlogged_implies_arrived sched j' t). }
apply; apply: incomplete_implies_scheduled_later;
first by apply: H_no_deadline_misses => //.
by apply: (backlogged_implies_incomplete sched j' t).
(** Conversely, the reverse direction also holds: a schedule that satisfies
the [respects_policy_at_preemption_point] predicate is also an EDF
schedule in the sense of [EDF_schedule]. *)
Lemma respects_policy_at_preemption_point_implies_EDF_schedule :
respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched ->
EDF_schedule sched.
move=> H_priority_driven t j_hp SCHED t' j LEQ SCHED' EARLIER_ARR.
case (boolP (j == j_hp)); first by move /eqP => EQ; subst.
move /neqP => NEQ.
exploit (H_priority_driven j j_hp t) => //.
{ by apply (H_from_arr_seq _ _ SCHED'). }
{ by rewrite /preemption_time; destruct (sched t). }
{ apply /andP; split => //.
- apply /andP; split => //.
apply (incompletion_monotonic _ j _ _ LEQ).
apply scheduled_implies_not_completed => //.
by apply ideal_proc_model_ensures_ideal_progress.
- apply /negP; move => SCHED''.
by exploit (ideal_proc_model_is_a_uniprocessor_model j j_hp sched t). }
(** From the two preceding lemmas, it follows immediately that the two EDF
definitions are indeed equivalent, which we note with the following
corollary. *)
Corollary EDF_schedule_equiv:
EDF_schedule sched <-> respects_policy_at_preemption_point arr_seq sched.
- by apply EDF_schedule_implies_respects_policy_at_preemption_point.
- by apply respects_policy_at_preemption_point_implies_EDF_schedule.
End Equivalence.
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Section PeriodicLemmas.
now apply leq_trunc_div.
+ specialize (div_floor_add_g (job_arrival j1 - O_max) HP) => AB.
feed_n 1 AB; first by apply valid_periods_imply_pos_hp => //.
apply ltn_subLR in AB.
rewrite ltn_subLR // in AB.
now rewrite -/(HP); ssrlia.
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ Section RequestBoundFunctions.
[max_arrival tsk] is (1) an arrival bound of [tsk], and (2) it is a monotonic function
that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_arrival_curve tsk (max_arrivals tsk).
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve : valid_arrival_curve (max_arrivals tsk).
Hypothesis H_is_arrival_curve : respects_max_arrivals arr_seq tsk (max_arrivals tsk).
(** Let's define some local names for clarity. *)
......@@ -15,28 +15,33 @@ Section ExecutionOrder.
Context {PState: Type}.
Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.
(** Assume a schedule ... *)
Variable sched: schedule PState.
(** in which the sequential tasks hypothesis holds. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks: sequential_tasks sched.
(** Consider any arrival sequence ... *)
Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.
(** ... and any schedule of this arrival sequence ... *)
Variable sched : schedule PState.
(** ... in which the sequential tasks hypothesis holds. *)
Hypothesis H_sequential_tasks: sequential_tasks arr_seq sched.
(** A simple corollary of this hypothesis is that the scheduler
executes a job with the earliest arrival time. *)
Corollary scheduler_executes_job_with_earliest_arrival:
forall j1 j2 t,
arrives_in arr_seq j1 ->
arrives_in arr_seq j2 ->
same_task j1 j2 ->
~~ completed_by sched j2 t ->
scheduled_at sched j1 t ->
job_arrival j1 <= job_arrival j2.
intros ? ? t TSK NCOMPL SCHED.
intros ? ? t ARR1 ARR2 TSK NCOMPL SCHED.
rewrite /same_task eq_sym in TSK.
have SEQ := H_sequential_tasks j2 j1 t TSK.
have SEQ := H_sequential_tasks j2 j1 t ARR2 ARR1 TSK.
rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP; intros ARR.
move: NCOMPL => /negP NCOMPL; apply: NCOMPL.
by apply SEQ.
by apply SEQ.
End ExecutionOrder.
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Section IdealModelLemmas.
{ unfold workload_of_jobs, service_of_jobs in EQ; unfold completed_by, service.completed_by.
rewrite /service -(service_during_cat _ _ _ t1); last by apply/andP; split.
rewrite cumulative_service_before_job_arrival_zero // add0n.
rewrite <- sum_majorant_eqn with (F1 := fun j => service_during sched j t1 t_compl)
rewrite <- sum_majorant_eqn with (E1 := fun j => service_during sched j t1 t_compl)
(xs := arrivals_between t1 t2) (P := P); try done.
intros; apply cumulative_service_le_job_cost; auto using ideal_proc_model_provides_unit_service.
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
intros *.
rewrite /task_arrivals_between /task_arrivals_at /arrivals_between.
now apply cat_filter_eq_filter_cat.
now apply bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat.
(** The number of jobs of a task [tsk] in the interval <<[t1, t2)>> is the same
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Section TaskArrivals.
intros *.
rewrite /task_arrivals_between /task_arrivals_at /arrivals_between.
now rewrite size_big_nat cat_filter_eq_filter_cat.
now rewrite size_big_nat bigcat_nat_filter_eq_filter_bigcat_nat.
End TaskArrivals.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Section TaskRTCThresholdFloatingNonPreemptiveRegions.
Hypothesis H_valid_job_cost:
arrivals_have_valid_job_costs arr_seq.
(** Then, we prove that [task_run_to_completion_threshold] function
(** Then, we prove that [task_rtct] function
defines a valid task's run to completion threshold. *)
Lemma floating_preemptive_valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold:
forall tsk, valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
......@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ Section RunToCompletionThreshold.
service. *)
Lemma job_run_to_completion_threshold_positive:
job_cost_positive j ->
0 < job_run_to_completion_threshold j.
0 < job_rtct j.
intros COST; unfold job_run_to_completion_threshold, ε.
intros COST; unfold job_rtct, ε.
have N1 := job_last_nonpreemptive_segment_positive COST.
have N2 := job_last_nonpreemptive_segment_le_job_cost.
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Section RunToCompletionThreshold.
(** Next we show that the run-to-completion threshold is at most
the cost of a job. *)
Lemma job_run_to_completion_threshold_le_job_cost:
job_run_to_completion_threshold j <= job_cost j.
job_rtct j <= job_cost j.
Proof. by apply leq_subr. Qed.
......@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ Section RunToCompletionThreshold.
during execution of the last segment. *)
Lemma job_cannot_be_preempted_within_last_segment:
forall (ρ : duration),
job_run_to_completion_threshold j <= ρ < job_cost j ->
job_rtct j <= ρ < job_cost j ->
~~ job_preemptable j ρ.
move => ρ /andP [GE LT].
apply/negP; intros C.
have POS : 0 < job_cost j; first by ssrlia.
rewrite /job_run_to_completion_threshold subnBA in GE; last by apply job_last_nonpreemptive_segment_positive.
rewrite /job_rtct subnBA in GE; last by apply job_last_nonpreemptive_segment_positive.
rewrite -subh1 in GE; [rewrite addn1 in GE | by apply job_last_nonpreemptive_segment_le_job_cost].
rewrite job_cost_is_last_element_of_preemption_points in LT, GE.
rewrite last_seq_minus_last_distance_seq in GE; last by apply preemption_points_nondecreasing.
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ Section RunToCompletionThreshold.
Lemma job_nonpreemptive_after_run_to_completion_threshold:
forall t t',
t <= t' ->
job_run_to_completion_threshold j <= service sched j t ->
job_rtct j <= service sched j t ->
~~ completed_by sched j t' ->
scheduled_at sched j t'.
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Section TaskRTCThresholdLimitedPreemptions.
(** Then, we prove that [task_run_to_completion_threshold] function
(** Then, we prove that [task_rtct] function
defines a valid task's run to completion threshold. *)
Lemma limited_valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold:
valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold arr_seq tsk.
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Section TaskRTCThresholdLimitedPreemptions.
split; first by rewrite /task_rtc_bounded_by_cost leq_subr.
intros ? ARR__j TSK__j. move: (H_valid_fixed_preemption_points_model) => [LJ LT].
move: (LJ) (LT) => [ZERO__job [COST__job SORT__job]] [ZERO__task [COST__task [SORT__task [T4 [T5 T6]]]]].
rewrite /job_run_to_completion_threshold /task_run_to_completion_threshold /limited_preemptions
rewrite /job_rtct /task_rtct /limited_preemptions
/job_last_nonpreemptive_segment /task_last_nonpr_segment /lengths_of_segments.
case: (posnP (job_cost j)) => [Z|POS]; first by rewrite Z; compute.
have J_RTCT__pos : 0 < job_last_nonpreemptive_segment j