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  1. Aug 08, 2016
  2. Aug 05, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Rename the wp_focus tactic into wp_bind. · 149d1ec6
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      This better reflects the name of the bind rule.
      I renamed an internal tactic that was previously called wp_bind into
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      More introduction patterns. · 4d8c4ac8
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      Also make those for introduction and elimination more symmetric:
        !%   pure introduction         %        pure elimination
        !#   always introduction       #        always elimination
        !>   later introduction        > pat    timeless later elimination
        !==> view shift introduction   ==> pat  view shift elimination
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Iris 3.0: invariants and weakest preconditions encoded in the logic. · 1f589858
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      This commit features:
      - A simpler model. The recursive domain equation no longer involves a triple
        containing invariants, physical state and ghost state, but just ghost state.
        Invariants and physical state are encoded using (higher-order) ghost state.
      - (Primitive) view shifts are formalized in the logic and all properties about
        it are proven in the logic instead of the model. Instead, the core logic
        features only a notion of raw view shifts which internalizing performing frame
        preserving updates.
      - A better behaved notion of mask changing view shifts. In particular, we no
        longer have side-conditions on transitivity of view shifts, and we have a
        rule for introduction of mask changing view shifts |={E1,E2}=> P with
        E2 ⊆ E1 which allows to postpone performing a view shift.
      - The weakest precondition connective is formalized in the logic using Banach's
        fixpoint. All properties about the connective are proven in the logic instead
        of directly in the model.
      - Adequacy is proven in the logic and uses a primitive form of adequacy for
        uPred that only involves raw views shifts and laters.
      Some remarks:
      - I have removed binary view shifts. I did not see a way to describe all rules
        of the new mask changing view shifts using those.
      - There is no longer the need for the notion of "frame shifting assertions" and
        these are thus removed. The rules for Hoare triples are thus also stated in
        terms of primitive view shifts.
      - Maybe rename primitive view shift into something more sensible
      - Figure out a way to deal with closed proofs (see the commented out stuff in
        tests/heap_lang and tests/barrier_client).
  3. Aug 04, 2016
  4. Jul 27, 2016
  5. Jul 19, 2016
  6. Jul 13, 2016
  7. Jun 30, 2016
  8. Jun 16, 2016
  9. Jun 01, 2016
  10. May 31, 2016
  11. May 30, 2016
  12. May 24, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Change notations of big_ops for upred. · 93792f5c
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      Rationale: to make the code closer to what is on paper, I want the notations
      to look like quantifiers, i.e. have a binder built-in. I thus introduced the
      following notations:
        [★ map] k ↦ x ∈ m, P
        [★ set] x ∈ X, P
      The good thing - contrary to the notations that we had before that required an
      explicit lambda - is that type annotations of k and x are now not printed
      making goals much easier to read.
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Merge iAssert and iPvsAssert. · e965b669
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      To do so, we have introduced the specialization patterns:
        =>[H1 .. Hn] and =>[-H1 .. Hn]
      That generate a goal in which the view shift is preserved. These specialization
      patterns can also be used for e.g. iApply.
      Note that this machinery is not tied to primitive view shifts, and works for
      various kinds of goal (as captured by the ToAssert type class, which describes
      how to transform the asserted goal based on the main goal).
      TODO: change the name of these specialization patterns to reflect this
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Make specialization patterns for persistent premises more uniform. · 65bfa071
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      - We no longer have a different syntax for specializing a term H : P -★ Q whose
        range P or domain Q is persistent. There is just one syntax, and the system
        automatically determines whether either P or Q is persistent.
      - While specializing a term, always modalities are automatically stripped. This
        gets rid of the specialization pattern !.
      - Make the syntax of specialization patterns more consistent. The syntax for
        generating a goal is [goal_spec] where goal_spec is one of the following:
          H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using hypotheses H1 .. Hn
         -H1 .. Hn : generate a goal using all hypotheses but H1 .. Hn
                 # : generate a goal for the premise in which all hypotheses can be
                     used. This is only allowed when specializing H : P -★ Q where
                     either P or Q is persistent.
                 % : generate a goal for a pure premise.
  13. May 06, 2016
  14. May 02, 2016
  15. Apr 26, 2016
  16. Apr 20, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Improve iFrame tactic · 43d45c6b
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      - It can now also frame under later.
      - Better treatment of evars, it now won't end up in loops whenever the goal
        involves sub-formulas ?P and it trying to apply all framing rules eagerly.
      - It no longer delta expands while framing.
      - Better clean up of True sub-formulas after a successful frame. For example,
        framing "P" in "▷ ▷ P ★ Q" yields just "Q" instead of "▷ True ★ Q" or so.
  17. Apr 19, 2016
  18. Apr 12, 2016
  19. Apr 11, 2016
  20. Apr 09, 2016
  21. Apr 08, 2016
    • Robbert Krebbers's avatar
      Remove wp_X> tactics and improve wp_finish. · eab6c6c4
      Robbert Krebbers authored
      Since strip_later is doing a good job stripping laters in the conclusion,
      these tactics are thus no longer needed. Also, wp_finish now properly
      converts the result in a primitive viewshift in case it is not a weakestpre.
  22. Mar 20, 2016
  23. Mar 15, 2016
  24. Mar 11, 2016
  25. Mar 10, 2016